
【Harmful animals in my hometown - mites】

author:Sit back and listen to the sound of wind and rain

Many people have been plagued by acne or acne problems when they are young, right? The initiators are mites, which parasitize the skin of the human body, nibble on the stratum corneum tissue and lymph fluid of the host's skin, and dig with claws and front paws, gradually forming a winding tunnel parallel to the skin. Mechanical irritation of mites and the action of excreta and secretions produced in life can cause itching, and due to severe itching and scratching, it can cause secondary infection, abscesses, folliculitis or furunculosis.

【Harmful animals in my hometown - mites】

However, mites are small and basically difficult to see with the naked eye, and they are generally around 0.5 mm, some as small as 0.1 mm, and most species are less than 1 mm. So you need to put mites under a microscope to see, but they are not bacteria and do not need to be seen with a high-power microscope.

Mites belong to a class of arthropods Phylum Arachnids, and there are more than 50,000 species of mites that have been found in the world, second only to insect species. Among them, there are more than a dozen kinds of mites that are closely related to human health, the most common include dust mites, mealymouth mites, demodex mites, scabies mites, etc. Surveys show that about 97% of adults will be infected with mites, of which dust mites are the mainstay. The carcasses, secretions and excrement of mites are all allergens, which will cause people to have allergic dermatitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis and other diseases, which seriously endanger human health.

【Harmful animals in my hometown - mites】

Taking scabies mites as an example, its life history is divided into five periods: eggs, larvae, pre-nymphs, post-nymphs and adults. Females lay eggs in tunnels dug on the surface of human skin, the eggs are round or oval, pale yellow, and thin shells; after 3-5 days the eggs hatch into larvae, the larvae still live in the original tunnel or dig another tunnel; after 3-4 days molt as pre-nymphs, the pre-nymph genitalia have not yet appeared; then molt after about 2 days as posterior nymphs; and the post-nymphs molt for adults after 3-4 days. Scabies mites take 8-17 days to complete a life history.

【Harmful animals in my hometown - mites】

Mites are contact, cross infection, mites just infected, parasitism in easy contact, temperature, humidity is more suitable for its growth and reproduction and sebaceous glands are more abundant places, such as nose, forehead, face. Therefore, the best prevention method is to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the living environment, such as keeping the indoor air dry and ventilated; minimizing dust; timely and regular cleaning of dusty dead corners in the living environment; frequent sunning bedding. In addition, to do a good job of skin cleaning, if you find that there is a mite infection, you should choose the mite removal daily chemical products of regular manufacturers verified by authoritative scientific research institutions, such as mite removal products containing "plant suppressors".

【Harmful animals in my hometown - mites】

"If you want to be beautiful, first remove mites", suppressing mites is also a good recipe for becoming beautiful!