
Fuzhou staged goldfish "football game"

author:China News Network
Fuzhou staged goldfish "football game"

Goldfish "kick" soccer balls in the tank. Photo by Wang Dongming

Fuzhou staged goldfish "football game"
Fuzhou staged goldfish "football game"

Goldfish "kick" the ball to attract people's attention. Photo by Wang Dongming

Fuzhou staged goldfish "football game"

On September 4, a special football event was staged in the Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center. In the fish tank that has been built into a "football field", more than a dozen goldfish are chasing you to "kick" football, attracting many people to stop and watch. On the same day, the 7th China (Fuzhou) Goldfish Cultural Festival opened in Fuzhou, where dozens of goldfish such as black crown pearls, five-flowered liujin, wangtian sphere, red lion head, red and white butterfly tail, and purple and white orchid shou and red and white lanshou of the Fushou series were exhibited here.

Source: China News Network