
Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

author:Evolved little beasts

1. The origin of the roller coaster

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

If you trace the origins of the roller coaster, it should be the popular wooden ramp skating in Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries, people climb up the heights of the wooden ramp, take a simple sleigh down the slope covered with ice. It is generally believed that the French have promoted this game since then, but because the climate in France is not cold enough, they add wheels on the sleigh. However, the roller coasters in amusement parks today may have originated on American railroads. At the beginning of the 19th century, a new way of playing coal trucks was developed, these railways run by gravity, transporting coal mines in the morning and becoming entertainment for tourists in the afternoon.

2. Does not sleep enough will make people fat?

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

People with long-term sleep deprivation have difficulty losing weight through diet and exercise, and they are also prone to weight gain; and adequate sleep for 7 to 9 hours can make weight loss more effective. When we are sleep-deprived, our physical strength is in a state of serious lack, but the body can not make up for it through sleep and rest, so it will naturally choose to "eat" to replenish energy, and tend to those high-calorie and high-fat junk food to quickly replenish energy. In addition, when feeling tired, the body in a stressed state will produce "cortisol" to fight stress, which will make the sugar in the blood can not be well used, which in turn leads to fat storage and muscle consumption.

3. Growing poppies, illegal!

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

Once contaminated with drugs, often causing the family to be destroyed, and related to drugs, it will inevitably be punished by the law, even planting is not enough! According to Article 351 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the crime of illegally cultivating narcotic plants: Illegal cultivation of opium poppy, marijuana and other narcotic plants shall be compulsorily eradicated. In aggravating circumstances, he shall also be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also be fined.

4. The origin of Women's Day

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

On March 8, 1917 (February 23 in the Russian calendar), in memory of the nearly 2 million Russian women who lost their lives in World War I, the women workers in Petrograd held a general strike, kicking off the "February Revolution". Four days later, Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate and the Provisional Government declared women entitled to suffrage. From 9 to 15 September 1921, the Second International Communist Women's Congress adopted a resolution designating March 8 as International Women's Day. Later, due to the ideological confrontation of the Cold War, Women's Day was a legal holiday in Eastern European countries, China, Vietnam and other socialist countries, but not in Western Europe, the United States, Japan and many non-socialist countries.

5. Tips on packing lunch boxes

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

In today's advocacy of not having leftovers, when not wasting every grain, many people will choose to pack leftovers. At present, most of the packaging boxes provided by restaurants are polypropylene, and the lunch boxes are printed with the number "5" and surrounded by triangles with arrows. This type of box is resistant to high temperatures and can be heated directly in the microwave (to be covered when heated). If the number on the lunch box is "6", it is polystyrene, which is not suitable for packing hot food, nor can it be heated in the microwave oven, so as not to release harmful chemicals to the human body due to excessive temperature.

6. Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather?!

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

The main role of the sticky feathers at the tail end of the arrow is to correct the flight attitude of the arrow. When the arrow is fired, the middle end of the arrow will produce a bending deformation (swinging like a fish), and the arrow feather can increase the swing resistance of the tail at this time, and then neutralize the swing caused by this deformation, so that the arrow can return to a straight line faster.

7. Cement Terminator: Sugar

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

Sprinkling sugary drinks on dry cement, or sprinkling sugar directly, can cause serious accidents. Because adding sugar will slow down the rate at which the cement dries out. If the amount is added, the cement will be wasted, and the specific performance is that the cement will become a pool of waste mud, even if it finally dries, it will lose its compressive strength. Therefore, sugar will also be called cement terminator.

8. What should I do if my gum accidentally sticks to my clothes?

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

You can use ice cubes to cool it down and easily remove it after the gum has hardened and solidified. If you accidentally stick to your hair like Zhao Yushan, don't pull hard, otherwise you will pull a large handful of hair. At this time, just apply the shampoo around the gum and hair, and after a while, you can wipe it off with a dry cloth.

9. How hard is the tooth enamel of humans

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

Human tooth enamel is very hard, reaching a hardness of 7 to 8 (diamond hardness 10), similar to crystal hardness. But tooth enamel remains vulnerable, due to its natural enemies acidic substances, such as carbonated drinks, vinegar and food.

10. How to use the watch to point in the direction

Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

Have the watch's hour hand face the direction of the sun, and the bisector between the hour hand and the twelve o'clock points in a true north-south direction (when the latitude of the direct sun is north of your latitude, it points true north). When the sun's direct point is located south of your latitude, it is pointing due south). The hours are half pointed to the sun, 12 refers to the north, for example, it is now 3 pm, that is, 15 o'clock, then the watch 7.5 points to the sun, and the 12 o'clock direction is due north.

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Daily Cold Knowledge: Why should the tail of the arrow be inserted into the feather

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