
Observation of chicken feathers and cloaca

author:Yinongle raises chickens

1. Observation of feathers

Chicken feathers are shiny, and the chicken feathers are thin and dense, commonly known as "tong hair". At the same time, the tail feathers are intact and long enough, and they stand up like Kong Ming fans.

Observe the color and luster of the feathers to see whether they are plump and tidy, whether there are too many feathers broken and shedding, whether there is local or whole body hair removal or no hair, and whether the feathers near the anus are contaminated with feces.

Observation of chicken feathers and cloaca

Observe the wing feathers to understand the stages of feather development. Observe the tail feathers to see if they have been pecked.

Observe the development of feathers and the coverage of feathers to see if there are any pecking feathers. If you see any signs of mutual pecking, immediately reduce the intensity of the light as much as possible.

There are many reasons for the loss of feathers. The main common ones are: lack of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and roughage in the feed; Basic health and problems with the intestines, so the absorption capacity of the intestines decreases; Mycotoxins in feed or bedding; Diseases (such as some kind of skin mite) infect the feather sac, making it difficult for new feathers to grow; Neck moulting, where only the feathers on the neck disappear, in young chickens, this may be related to premature birth. For older hens, which may be affected by stress caused by disturbance, cold, feed or changes in nesting, be careful to ask the feed supplier if more protein can be added temporarily. Sometimes, the hen's contact with other equipment (e.g., chicken coops, drinking fountains, etc.) also wears out the feathers, and the rooster stomping on the egg makes the hen's feathers wear out (in the breeding flock) and can also reduce the feathers.

2. Observation of the cloaca

In laying hens during the egg-laying period, the normal cloaca appearance should be: moist, soft and well-developed peripheral feathers. There are no signs of pecking anus or a rupture of the cloaca opening.

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