
In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

author:Popular Science China
In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

(Expert: Lu Xuanxiaoyi, Doctor of Planetary Physics, member of Chinese Astronomical Society, main research directions for planetary physics and lunar science, science popularization of China micro-platform original debut)

In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

After experiencing the failure of the first docking, the US SpaceX "Dragon" cargo spacecraft, which carried out the tenth "delivery mission", was firmly grasped by the 17.6-meter-long robotic arm on the International Space Station at 18:44 Beijing time on February 23, 2017, and finally docked with the International Space Station with its help. The "Hug The Courier Brother" maneuver was accomplished by the remote operating system (SSRMS) on the International Space Station, known as the "Canadian Arm". The Dragon spacecraft sent about 2,500 kilograms of scientific experimental equipment and supplies to the International Space Station. The experimental devices and equipment carried by the spacecraft will be used to support dozens of scientific research from biotechnology and human health to earth sciences and climate models, of which crystal growth experiments, superbug research, space-based lightning sensors, spacecraft autonomous navigation and other projects have attracted the most attention.

In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

The American Space Exploration Technology Company "Dragon" cargo spacecraft Picture from the network

The American Dragon spacecraft was followed by the International Space Station by Russia's Progress MC-05 cargo spacecraft. At 16:00 Beijing time on the 24th, the "Progress" spacecraft and the "dock" module of the International Space Station successfully docked through rapid docking technology, sending about 2500 kilograms of materials to the 6 astronauts in the station. These include: the new Falcon spacesuit (which will automatically adjust the internal temperature during extravehicular operations, saving astronauts the pain of "distracting" the temperature), compressed air, water and abundant food, 360-degree cameras, machines for making yogurt, and experimental devices to study how viruses infect bacteria during long spaceflights. It is worth mentioning that the last flight of the spacecraft was the "Soyuz-U" carrier rocket. The rocket has been in service for 44 years since its first flight in 1973, with a total of more than 800 launches. After this old Ji Futuo, the future heavy responsibility of delivering supplies to the International Space Station will be taken by its little brother "Soyuz 2.1a" carrier rocket. In addition to launching cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station, the rocket will also be used to launch commercial satellites.

In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

Russian "Progress MC-05" cargo spacecraft Picture from the network

The "Cygnus" spacecraft will also come to "knock on the mountain gate"

Recently, the International Space Station can really be described as "receiving express delivery and receiving hand pain". On March 20, the American Orbital Science Corporation (ATK) Cygnus spacecraft will also come to "knock on the mountain door". The shape of the Cygnus cargo spacecraft resembles a "can with big ears", and such a peculiar shape cannot help but be reminiscent of the "Stork" cargo spacecraft that Japan successfully docked with the International Space Station in December 2016. The "cosmic express" of various countries has traveled so intensively to the International Space Station, which has triggered countless reverie of us on Earth.

In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

The American orbital science company "Cygnus" spacecraft image from the network

In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

Japanese unmanned cargo spacecraft "Stork" 6 Picture from the Internet

In the future space station construction, the "China express model" will help development

The new US President Trump proposed a new space policy platform at the beginning of his presidency. The policy pays more attention to manned spaceflight, technological development, and commercialization. The guiding lines of "transferring access and operations to the commercial sector in low orbit" and "discussing private and public partnerships on the operation and funding of the International Space Station" suggest that in the future the United States will introduce more commercial elements to participate in the operation of the International Space Station. At this time, the two major private space agencies in the United States are invariably showing off their "muscles", which can be described as obvious intentions. That is, in the context of favorable policies, we will display our respective space transportation capabilities and transport vehicle reliability, lay the foundation for further obtaining NASA financial support and orders, and realize "the situation of cooperation between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises on the same stage." Coincidentally, Russia has also set its sights on the commercial space sector and has materialized the formation of the "S7 Air and Space Transport Systems Company", which is based on Russian Siberian Airlines.

The future operation of the International Space Station is likely to rely more on commercial operations. This is not only due to the fact that the operation of such a huge artificial celestial body requires a lot of manpower and material resources, but also because of the rapid development of space technology and the "transparency" of technology. In addition to these factors, countries have stepped up the verification and improvement of space technology, including docking, which is also one of the reasons for the "busy collection of express delivery" on the International Space Station. Shortening the launch interval and using reusable delivery systems have become characteristics of the development of the commercial space field in the new era.

Soon, China will also launch a cargo spacecraft, Tianzhou-1, to refuel Tiangong-2 in orbit and conduct multiple docking experiments. China will also introduce commercial elements in space sectors such as satellite launches. It is believed that the "China Express Model", which is known for its speed and low quality and low price, will help the development of China's space technology in the construction of future space stations.

In addition to the "Dragon" spaceship, these "Space Express" deliveries are also busy!

China Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft Picture from the Internet

Edit: Ki Ali