
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

author:Great Song Style
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

On the left is The Commander of the Central China Dispatch Army of the Japanese Army, General Ishigen Matsui, one of the culprits of the Nanjing Massacre, and it is not wrong to say that he is the culprit, but it is somewhat of a bit of a back-and-forth. In fact, Matsui Ishigen suffered from lung disease and recovered in Suzhou after the Songhu Battle, and was commanded by others. As for who this other person is, I will talk about it later. On the fourth day after the fall of Nanjing, Matsui Ishigen traveled from Suzhou to Nanjing to participate in the so-called Japanese Nanjing entry ceremony.

In just four days after the fall of Nanjing, from December 13 to December 17, 1937, the Japanese army carried out an extremely brutal sweep (massacre) to protect the so-called safety of the city.

At the Tokyo trial after World War II, prosecutors accused Matsui Ishigen of responsibility for the massacre. Matsui argues that he was in Suzhou at the time, while the other argues that he sent more than a dozen gendarmes to maintain order. The prosecutor refuted it, saying that tens of thousands of Japanese troops had committed crimes in the city of Nanjing, and that more than a dozen gendarmes were just pretending. Moreover, there is evidence that the gendarmes themselves participated in the burning and looting of Nanjing. Therefore, Matsui Ishigen's defense was not accepted. Eventually Matsui was sent to the gallows.

In the upper right is the commander of the Japanese Tenth Army, Yanagawa Heisuke, whose main crime was that the Fierce Battle of Songhu was in full swing and was in a state of stalemate, he led the Tenth Army to land at Hangzhou Bay and cut the back road of the Chinese army, and the Chinese army was in danger of being wrapped in dumplings, because it had to retreat in its entirety, and then turned into a rout. In addition, the three divisions under it were the main perpetrators of the Nanjing Massacre. This person may have known the depth of his sins, and before Japan's defeat, he fell ill and died, escaping the gallows, but was added as a war criminal.

Lower right is Prince Hatohiko Asaka, commander of the Japanese Shanghai Dispatch Army, who is the uncle of the Japanese imperial family and Emperor Showa. Because Matsui Ishigen fell ill, he was the actual commander of the Nanjing Raiders. It was he who signed the secret order to "kill all the captives". It can be said that it is the real culprit of the Nanjing Massacre.

However, after the war, the US military decided not to move the Japanese imperial family out of the need to appease the Japanese people. In order to appease China, Matsui Ishigen, who had a lesser responsibility, was sentenced to the crime of failing to supervise and allowing the Japanese army to burn

hanging. Asakamiya hatohiko was only interrogated and could not be dismissed. He lived until 1981, where he died at the age of 94. What is the reason for this?

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

In the upper left is Gu Shoufu, commander of the Japanese 6th Division, one of the most notorious perpetrators of the Nanjing Massacre.

During the Defense of Nanjing, it was mainly responsible for attacking the first line of the Zhonghua Gate. After the capture of Nanjing, the 6th Division was stationed near the Zhonghua Gate and the massacre was very serious. Moreover, he issued an order to the Sixth Division: "Lift military discipline for three days, do whatever you want!" This is actually condoning the slaughter of his subordinates. In addition, as a senior general of the Japanese army, Gu Shoufu personally participated in the rape of Chinese women. Therefore, after the war, he was extradited by China to Nanjing and shot as a war criminal. Although Gu Shoufu kills people without blinking, but the death is ugly. Neither committed suicide by caesarean section, nor did he fall like other Japanese war criminals sentenced to death, shouting "Your Majesty the Emperor!" Instead, he was paralyzed and dragged to the execution ground by the Chinese gendarmes like a dead dog.

In the center right is the commander of the Japanese 2nd Fleet, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, who during the defense of Nanjing, blocked the back roads of the Chinese defenders with a fleet at the Yangtze River, and was importantly responsible for the fall of Nanjing and the Nanjing Massacre. He even lived to 1970, dying at the age of 87. Alas, he didn't have a good ending.

Lower right is the commander of the Japanese 16th Division, Nakajima Imasago, who is known for his ruthlessness and is an out-and-out devil. During the Nanjing Massacre, the most massacred was his 16th Division. There's a little episode. During the raid on Nanjing, the headquarters of the 16th Division was stationed at the central artillery school that had just been captured. In the meantime, the Chinese army resisted bravely, and Nakajima was actually wounded by the mortars of the Chinese army. After Nakajima was injured, his heart twisted even more, and he coldly squeezed a sentence out of his teeth: "Teach Chinese a lesson." After the destruction of the city of Nanjing, at his behest, the 16th Division slaughtered in a frenzied manner. However, after the war, the man also died of fear before the Extradition Trial in China because he knew that he had committed a serious crime. He deserved it, otherwise he would not have escaped the gallows.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Pictured above is Masaki Ito, commander of the Japanese 101st Division. There is nothing special about this person. A year after the occupation of Nanjing, in the Battle of Wuhan, he was wounded by chinese artillery shelling and almost died. After returning to China for recuperation, after resuming his post, the 101st Division was crippled by the Chinese army and cancelled its number. Shame on you and throw them home.

The picture below shows Sadao Ushijima, commander of the Japanese 18th Division. This man is often confused with Ushijima Man, who commanded the Battle of Okinawa. This person was also not special, and was later marginalized by the Japanese army and served as a garrison.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

This one is not very clear. The picture above should be Yoshisuke Yoshizumi, commander of the Japanese 9th Division. This person was also unspecified, and was later marginalized by the Japanese army and put into the reserve.

Below is the infamous Muto Akira, then deputy chief of staff of the Japanese Central China Front. His main crime was that Muto Akira, as deputy chief of staff of the Central China Front, was responsible for the arrangement of the Japanese camp in the Nanjing area. Muto Akira announced that there were not enough camps outside Nanjing, and that Japanese officers and soldiers could choose their camps at will in nanjing. Under this order, it was like opening the cage of the beast, and the Japanese army rushed to the streets and alleys of Nanjing, killing men when they saw them, raping women when they saw them, and robbing property when they saw them, which played a role in fueling the Nanjing Massacre.

After the war, he was sentenced to death by hanging as a Class A war criminal.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

These two were Japanese wing commanders. The wing was a formation unit under the Japanese brigade, roughly equivalent to the regiment of the Chinese army.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

There is nothing to say in the picture above, the beast group photo.

The picture below is a bit mysterious. On the left is The Commander of the 6th Division, Tani Shoufu, and on the right is The Commander of the 114th Division, Shigeharu Suematsu.

The divisions of the Japanese army were divided into permanent divisions, and there were 17 at the outbreak of the War of Resistance. The standing division has 2 brigades, each with 2 regiments. The number of the permanent division is generally below 20. From soldiers to weapons and equipment, priority is given to support, and the combat effectiveness is relatively strong.

As the war expanded, a number of special divisions were added, and the number of soldiers and equipment was relatively poor. The number is mostly above 100. Xue Yue almost completely annihilated the 106th Division of the Japanese Army's special division at the Wanjialing Victory. Therefore, the commander of a special division of the dwarf first rank such as Shigeharu Suematsu was easily marginalized in the Japanese military circles. But because of the misfortune, the Nanjing Massacre did not particularly hold him accountable.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Above, the commander of the Japanese 16th Division, Nakajima Imasago, and his subordinate 30th Brigade Commander, Sasaki Toichi.

Sasaki to Ichi had the habit of keeping a diary, and his diary in the battle later became an important evidence of the Nanjing Massacre. For example, the diary of December 13, 1937:


At 2 p.m., the sweep was over, and we had security behind us. Therefore, the troops concentrated and advanced in the direction of the Peace Gate.

Since then, a succession of captives have come to surrender, and their number is as high as thousands. The agitated soldiers ignored the dissuasion of their superior officers and killed the captives one by one. Thinking back to the blood of many comrades-in-arms and the hardships of the past ten days, not to mention the soldiers, I myself would like to say, "Kill them all."

At present, there is no grain of white rice left. Although it can be found in the city, it is impossible for our army to carry food for the prisoners..."

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

This bunch of beasts!!

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Introduction of the general of the Nationalist army who began to defend the city.

Pictured above is Tang Shengzhi, commander of the Nanjing garrison. Tang was a warlord in Hunan who had anti-Chiang Kai-shek experience and had been marginalized before the outbreak of the War of Resistance. However, he had the courage to take on the responsibility of guarding Nanjing, although some people said that he speculated, but this opportunity was not so good.

After the Battle of Songhu, the Chinese army was seriously injured and could not recover for a short time. Nanjing was guarded by remnants and recruits who had retreated from Songhu, and their morale and combat effectiveness were not good. Nanjing is also the Jedi of the City of Backwaters, and it is unstoppable. However, because it is the capital and the site of the tomb of the Founding Father, it has to be defended politically. The fierce defense of Nanjing unfolded in this ominous atmosphere at both ends of the first rat.

Tang Shengzhi's joke is that in order to create an atmosphere of a backwater war, he ordered no ships on the south bank of the Yangtze River. But he secretly left himself a small steamer, leaving the army and the people alone to flee for their lives in a critical moment. This is the reason why his conscience cannot be passed through all his life, and he can never make a comeback again.

Pictured below is the deputy commander Luo Zhuoying, who achieved remarkable results in the later Battle of Changsha and the Expeditionary Force's battle against Japan.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Here's a bit of a saying. The 88th Division under Sun Yuanliang, the commander of the 72nd Army, was the only few German ace divisions in the Nationalist Army. In the Battle of Songhu, the merits and sacrifices were great. The famous Sihang Warehouse 800 strong men came from the 88th Division.

After the destruction of Nanjing, Sun first hid in a brothel and then escaped from Nanjing with the help of foreign friends. His son is the famous Taiwanese movie star Qin Han.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Wang Jingjiu, the commander of the 71st Army at the top, is also a man with a story.

Wang Jingjiu was a native of Feng County, Jiangsu Province, a graduate of the first phase of the Whampoa Military Academy, commanded the German Mechanic Division, was deeply trusted by Chiang Kai-shek, and was a young general who had been given the title of Marquis of Baixiang early. This resume is easy to make people feel the feeling of "Gong Jin was that year", and at that time, there were really many young ladies who were very eager to get married. Unfortunately, this General Wang is actually an authentic "rough embryo", born with five holes in the sky, his appearance is not proud, his behavior is vulgar, full of dirty words, he is rude, he likes to squat on the ground to eat, and he likes to squat on a chair when holding meetings. Several young ladies who wanted to marry saw that the general would either lose his face as soon as they met, and would rather enter Dai Kasa's concentration camp than marry, or shouted a refund after marrying, and fled into the wilderness. Even his subordinates were known for their military disorganization, such as his most proud commander, Leng Xin, who was on the news for digging his nostrils during the Japanese surrender ceremony.

It was Wang Jingjiu's troops who wounded the commander of the Japanese 101st Division in the Battle of Wuhan, almost causing him to be wounded


Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

This Gui Yongqing in the middle is worth saying. The Central Military Academy Teaching Corps under his command was the unit with the highest quality, the best equipment, and the strongest combat effectiveness of the Chinese army at that time. Unfortunately, there are only three regiments.

In the defense of Nanjing, Purple Mountain, which was taught to defend the headquarters, was the place where the Japanese suffered the greatest casualties. So much so that the Japanese army buried 2,000 prisoners alive in Purple Mountain after the war to vent their anger. Extremely tragic.

The following wang Yaowu, commander of the 51st Division of the 74th Army, later became a famous anti-Japanese general. The 74th Army, later known as Hu Ben, fought the famous Zhang Gufeng Blockade Battle and made a significant contribution to the great victory of Wanjialing. During the Liberation War, Wang Yaowu

He was captured alive by the People's Liberation Army in the Battle of Jinan.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

The picture above is the final battle in the city of Nanjing. The Japanese army, which used the walls of the cold weapon era to resist the war beasts of the hot weapon era, can be described as the extreme of helplessness, the extreme of heroism, and the extreme of fierceness. The Japanese planes in the sky swept and the heavy artillery bombardment under the city, and the Chinese soldiers on the city wall were almost completely unprotected and allowed to be slaughtered. Flesh and blood and bricks and stones fly together, and our father and brother fight with flesh and blood to survive and fight for freedom. The first line of defenders on the city wall, almost no one survived. ShangYi!!

Rao Guohua, commander of the 145th Division of the Sichuan Army in the lower left, ran out of ammunition in the battle of Guangde defending Nanjing, and in order to avoid being captured and humiliated, he also drew his gun and killed himself in order to avoid being captured and humiliated. The National Government posthumously awarded the admiralship.

Gao Zhisong, commander of the 264th Brigade of the 88th Division, and Zhu Chi, commander of the 262nd Brigade, guarded the last gateway to Nanjing, Yuhuatai. Withstanding the fiercest attacks of Japanese aircraft, tanks, and heavy artillery, the crowds of the two brigades were all shattered. The Japanese finally occupied Yuhuatai and went up to find that there were no living people. The final loud noise was that Brigadier Zhu Chi pulled a cluster grenade and the Japanese army died together. The tragedy is indescribable.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

In the upper left is Xiao Shanling, the mayor of Nanjing and the deputy commander of the capital's gendarmerie, who really fought until the last moment. After the destruction of the city of Nanjing, he commanded the gendarmes and the remnants of the troops to cover the retreat of the people to the riverside, and when the casualties of the troops were exhausted and the return to heaven was weak, he drew his gun and committed suicide, and after his death, his body actually stood in the river water without falling, which can be described as a heroic soul.

The deeds of Brigadier Zhu Chi in the upper right have been introduced.

The picture below shows Yi Anhua, commander of the 259th Brigade of the 87th Division, who died at Guanghua Gate. The Battle of Guanghuamen was a heroic resistance to the Battle of Purple Mountain in the Battle of Nanjing. The Japanese suffered so many casualties that the prince came to oversee the battle. After the war, the Japanese army organized a ceremony to comfort the souls at Guanghua Gate, which shows the heavy casualties of the Japanese army at Guanghua Gate.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

The picture above is also three martyrs.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

On November 13, 1937, the invading Japanese army landed at Baimaokou in Taicang.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

The Japanese army occupied Wuxi, and the city gate still hung the slogan "No prostitution, no gambling, no opium smoke", and the peaceful life was broken by the devil.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Due to the excessive casualties at Gwanghwamun, the Japanese imperial family was alarmed to come and supervise the battle. The battle for the defense of Nanjing was a glorious battle, and it was definitely not a surrender without a fight. The defeat at the hands of national strength and weapons is definitely not a failure of responsibility and morale.

Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
Some rare historical pictures of the Nanjing Defense War during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Finally, a japanese surrender is issued to suppress the evil spirits.