
DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

author:Wah Sing Entertainment Channel

The moment we met you, our wings hooked, entangled with each other, and fell in an instant.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?


A moment of reunion

A thousand words are entangled into a look

On the romantic streets of Paris, he and she reached out at the same time, targeting the same record. The same taste makes their encounter full of fateful fatalism, and the friction of small contradictions also makes love quietly sprout.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

He is a violinist full of artistic atmosphere, playing the violin to full of Ya Pi, gentleman mature man Lu Song easily won the heart of Wen Poppy by relying on the romantic feelings in his bones, and from then on the moth put out the fire, willing as a rapture!

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

She is the goddess of sexual coldness Wen Poppy, she has studied art since she was a child, she has also carved literature and art into her bones, and her versatility and casual romance have also deeply attracted Lu Song, making him fall into love and unable to extricate himself.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?


Gorgeous cinematic graphics

Spy on the appearance of love under the color storyboard

"Like a Shadow" is the most gorgeous film in 2019 so far, and Huo Dao's extremely colorful and impactful picture combines with the poppy elements that run through the entire film, which beautifully visualizes the seductive love of Lu Song and Wen Poppy and presents it in front of the big screen.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?
DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

Bold color matching, strong color contrast, accurate composition, high-grade Huo's aesthetics, and literary and artistic expression make every frame of the picture as eye-catching as wallpaper.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?
DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?


Derier Tyjue X is like a shadow

A wedding ring, a mark

Pleasing to the eye, with Chen Xiao and Cuckoo's very artistic shape, this pair of super high-value "stealing hearts" CP, every minute wants fans to shout about getting married in situ!

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

When Lu Song directed the cuckoo to himself with red roses on the ground, and then proposed to the cuckoo with a Derier Tijue wedding ring, this wedding ring recorded their happiest moments.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

The wonderful moments in love may fade from memory with time, but the wedding ring with the ring finger will leave a lifetime mark, dopamine may disappear, but the wedding ring will awaken the initial heartbeat for you, so that we cherish the time together more.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

Derier, a wedding ring, a mark, the best moments of keeping a lover with a wedding ring, everything you have experienced, deserves to be collected.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?


Derier's wedding ring

Meet love, brave love

Love is like a shadow, it can't be grasped and can't be separated, like a shadow, and we are still willing: for it, thousands of times.

At the end of the film, when Wen Baby sits alone on the cliff of Elephant Trunk Mountain, Lu Song approaches step by step with a violin until it disappears, and the interlacing of time and space reflects the regret of reality. Perhaps, if they insist on being braver, this will not be the end?

Do you also have someone in your mind that you can't love? When you meet love, do you regret not being brave?

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

Derier, as the only designated wedding ring custom brand in "Like a Shadow", encourages everyone to meet love, brave love, and don't let the fate be left with regrets.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

On the road to happiness, we inevitably experience all kinds of sweetness, uneasiness and entanglement, perhaps not always so beautiful, but all emotions are exclusive memories that cannot be copied between lovers.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

Derier Uses a wedding ring to record the lover's "dare to love" moment, and each frame printed on the ring wall forms a love picture scroll exclusive to the lover. From meeting and knowing each other, from meeting love to brave love, all the stories, we use our hearts to collect for lovers.

DERIER TIJUE X "Shadow With Heart" | Meet Love Have you ever regretted that you were not brave?

A wedding ring, a mark, records the bits and pieces that belong only to you. Derier tailors your own wedding band to make love start in your heart and be loyal to you.