
On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

Author: Sasha

This article is Sasha's original and will not be reprinted by any media

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

On this day in history, follow Sasha to learn history for half a minute every day. On November 6, 1600, the daimyo Ishida Sansei, Governor Konishi, and Ankokuji Keijo, who were defeated at the Battle of Sekigahara, were beheaded for public display. The Battle of Sekigahara was the last battle of Japan's Sengoku period!

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

In 1598, the Japanese overlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi died, and his heir, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, was only 5 years old and could not control the overall situation of the country.

Before Hideyoshi's death, a system of assistance from the five elders (Tokugawa Ieyasu, Maeda Toshiyasu, Mori Keigen, Hayakawa Takakei, and Ukita Hideya) and Gobō (Ishida Sansei, Nagashiro Masayasu, Masuda Nagamori, Asano Nagamasa, and Maeda Genie) soon failed.

The original political balance of the Japanese Sengoku was broken, and the five elders were also pregnant with ghosts.

The strongest, Tokugawa Ieyasu, began to jump to the occasion and try to replace it. Originally, Maeda Toshiya, the second most powerful of the five elders, could balance Tokugawa, but he suddenly fell ill and died the following year.

His successor, Toshinaga Maeda, was so far from his father that he was unable to confront Tokugawa Ieyasu and remained neutral.

The anti-Tokugawa alliance was at a disadvantage, but they were reluctant to sit still.

Ishida Sansei, one of the Five Nobles, began to openly confront Tokugawa Ieyasu, with the participation of Nagashi Masayasu of the Five Nobles and Mori Keimoto of the Five Elders.

The final result of the battle between the two sides was the Battle of Sekigahara.

However, Tokugawa Ieyasu is not easy to deal with. He is strong and politically skilled.

Ieyasu beat and suppressed, first surrendering the young Maeda Toshinaga and keeping him neutral.

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

Uesugi Keisatsu, one of the five elders, was powerful, but unfortunately his territory was remote, and he was held back by the Tokugawa faction's Yuki Hideyasu and Date Masamune, and played no role.

The remaining Ukita Hideya and Mori Keigen were staunchly anti-Tokugawa factions and needed to be dealt with slowly.

Among them, Ukita Hideya is the adopted son of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, capable and powerful. Unfortunately, he was only in his 20s after all, too young, and his military and political ability was much worse than Tokugawa's.

Maori Huiyuan is powerful and famous, but his talent is quite mediocre.

His deployment was also uneven, and many were Tokugawa supporters.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is a reshuffle of the Japanese warlords.

Tokugawa, in order to replace Toyotomi Hideyoshi in controlling Japan, was determined to eliminate dissidents.

In order to maintain their territory and strength, these dissidents could only unite against Tokugawa.

Tokugawa Ieyasu first sent 70,000 troops to fight Uesugi Keisatsu, one of the Five Elders, marking the beginning of the war.

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

The anti-Tokugawa Alliance believed that if Uesugi Keikatsu fell, Ieyasu would turn around and attack others, and each of them would break through, and they must unite to face the battle.

As a result, the anti-Tokugawa Alliance organized nearly 100,000 troops to fight.

The Tokugawa family also poured out and brought out more than 100,000 troops.

One of the five elders, Ukita Hideya, was the first to send troops, and the others followed suit.

Under the pretext of protecting Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Maori Keigen took up Osaka Castle as commander of the anti-Tokugawa Army.

At first, the anti-Tokugawa Alliance was successful and victorious.

Their 40,000-strong army broke through Fushimi Castle, destroyed 2,000 enemies, and killed Torii Mototada, an old minister of the Tokugawa clan.

Both sides were elite warriors of the war, but the Tokugawa family was even better.

Tokugawa Ieyasu's military and political skills were first-class, internally united, and more powerful.

He ordered about 20,000 men to contain the distant enemy Uesugi Keisatsu, while the rest of the main force fought south on their own.

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

The two sides fought fiercely, and the anti-Tokugawa alliance was a patchwork of rabble-rousers, and the daimyōs were pregnant with ghosts and could only win and not lose.

During this period, the anti-Tokugawa army besieged Anotsu, the central city of Ise Province, and was unable to conquer it for a long time, and the general Nakagawa Kiyoemon was killed.

As a result, the morale of the anti-Tokugawa alliance was greatly affected, and the Tokugawa family was considered to be militarily powerful and difficult to deal with.

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

The two sides eventually fought a strategic decisive battle in Sekigahara.

The anti-Tokugawa Alliance was full of more than 80,000 people, and the Tokugawa family also sent more than 80,000 people to meet the battle.

The two sides fought fiercely until noon, and they were on an equal footing.

At the critical moment, Tokugawa instigated more than 10,000 people of Kohayakawa Toshikawa to turn against him.

Other wall-headed grasses of the anti-Tokugawa Alliance, such as Naoho Akaza, Yutaka Ogawa, Mototsune Tsuneyoshi Uzumaki, and Yasuji Uzaka, rebelled.

From this, the big picture has been decided.

The anti-Tokugawa confederate armies collapsed by 3 p.m. and fled the battlefield.

The Battle of Sekigahara thus ended, and the Tokugawa family won a great victory.

Ishida Misei, Governor Konishi, Ankokuji Keijo, and other generals who committed suicide without cutting their abdomen were eventually beheaded and executed by Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered by public display.

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

Tokugawa Ieyasu's supremacy was established, and three years later he established the Tokugawa shogunate and became a shogun of the Seiyi Dynasty, ruling Japan for 250 years.

However, the Toyotomi family was also exterminated by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

By 1615, given the Toyotomi family's repeated support for rebellion, Tokugawa Ieyasu decided to take them down completely.

The two sides fought fiercely, and eventually Osaka Castle was breached by the Tokugawa army.

On November 6, the defeat at the Battle of Sekigahara was beheaded by the Samurai General 1600: The Tokugawa shogunate reigned for 250 years

At the age of 22, Toyotomi Hideyoshi committed suicide by cutting his abdomen, and the other men were also beheaded by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi's 8-year-old son Kunimatsu was also taken to Kyoto to behead Rokujō Kawahara.

His 7-year-old daughter was forced to become a nun at Donggua Temple.

The Toyotomi family thus perished.

The following spring, Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had established his supremacy, fell ill and died.



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