
Zheng Qi's underworld forces were destroyed: the black merchants were used to protect the merchants, and the merchants were used to raise the blacks, and the "protective umbrella" behind them was removed

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Grabbing huge economic benefits and illegally amassing wealth of more than 2 billion yuan; using black and evil forces to shield businessmen, using criminal syndicates and evil forces to crack down on competitors and eradicate obstacles; using businessmen to raise criminal syndicates, buying cars, speedboats, and other crime tools, and organizing their subordinates to take drugs; officials and businessmen colluded to pay bribes of more than 9 million yuan to a number of state workers... All kinds of evil deeds are from the hands of the mafia-type organization headed by Zheng Qi.

In November 2020, the Yinhai District People's Court of Beihai City, Guangxi Province, sentenced Zheng Qi and 31 others to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 25 to 2 years and six months on 13 counts of organizing, leading, and participating in a mafia-type organization, and confiscated all personal property, fines, and deprivation of political rights ranging from five to one year. After the first-instance judgment was pronounced, Zheng Qi and 27 others appealed.

In February 2021, the Beihai Intermediate People's Court rendered a second-instance judgment upholding the conviction of Zheng Qi and 26 others in the first-instance judgment; revoking the sentencing part of the first-instance judgment against Chen Wuhan; convicting Chen Wuhan of participating in a mafia-type organization, illegal mining, and picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and punishing him for several crimes, and decided to carry out a fixed-term imprisonment of 13 years, deprivation of political rights for two years, and confiscation of all personal property.

While recruiting idle social personnel to strengthen the "organization" team, while recruiting key position personnel to become "backstage" and "backer"

"Seriously endangering the interests of the masses", "seriously damaging the local political ecology and the relationship between the party and the masses", "seriously undermining the order of economic and social life in Shankou Town and Sha Tin Town"... The second-instance judgment uses three "serious" words in a row, pointing directly to the harmful characteristics of the mafia-type organization headed by Zheng Qi.

After 10 years of wantonly carrying out illegal and criminal activities and having such a bad social impact, behind the mafia-type organizations headed by Zheng Qi, what state functionaries and grass-roots organization personnel who seek improper benefits for them exist, and which "protective umbrellas" of criminal and evil forces are hidden?

All this must start from the formation of the organization.

In 2000, Zheng Qi established Beihai Qizhu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. In the process of developing the two large-scale wholesale markets in Shankou Town, Hepu County, Zheng Qi recruited idle members of the society to form a security team and participated in violent demolition and forced construction by means of beatings and threats. In January 2001, Zheng Qi and others forcibly demolished the state-run Yamaguchi bus station, causing a bad social impact. At this point, the mafia-type organization headed by Zheng Qi has initially taken shape.

It is not enough to have "organization", but also to have a backer.

While Zheng Qi is expanding his own team, he is also co-opting and corrupting some local "protective umbrellas" that are "useful" in key positions. Under the siege of Zheng Qi, Chen Zuxian, former deputy secretary of the party committee of Shankou Town, Liang Yanlong, former deputy mayor of the town government, and Chen Wuhan, former secretary of the party branch of Shankou Village, abused their public power to obtain great convenience in the process of land acquisition and demolition.

With the connivance and protection of the "protective umbrella", Zheng Qi's underworld gang became more unscrupulous and soon developed into a local "water bully", "electric bully" and "road bully".

After 2003, Zheng Qi successively obtained the Sha Tin Port Wharf Construction Project, controlled the operation right of the Yamaguchi Town Water Plant, monopolized the water and electricity used by local residents and enterprises, and raised the price of water and electricity without authorization, and even used water and power outages to bully enterprises and the masses who did not comply with their intentions, and also forced a motor transport company to pay "management fees", gradually illegally controlling the production and operation of the local market, and dominating Shankou Town.

In order to obtain improper competitive advantages and seek improper benefits in project contracting and project acceptance, Zheng Qi has repeatedly recruited state employees to provide protection for his illegal activities.

After investigation, from 2003 to 2019, Zheng Qi paid bribes totaling 9.143 million yuan to nine state employees. Among them, 4.12 million yuan went into the pocket of Xu Xiyong, who had successively served as the director of the Hepu County Finance Bureau and the deputy director of the Beihai Municipal Finance Bureau. These bribes are exactly the benefit fees that Xu Xiyong provides for Zheng Qi's company to declare project subsidy funds and local bond funds.

Chen Zuxian, Liang Yanlong, Chen Wuhan, Xu Xiyong... These leading cadres who hold public power not only provide shelter for the mafia-type organization and use their public positions to support the organization's external reception, but some even become deputy general managers and employees of Zheng Qi's companies, and even backbone members of the criminal and evil forces, specifically directing the implementation of many illegal and criminal activities and assisting Zheng Qi in managing the overall work.

Corrupted by money, he willingly acted as a "protective umbrella" and secretly informed the criminal syndicates and evil forces of inspection and inspection information

In 2008, Zheng Qi established Beihai Qizhu Group Co., Ltd., integrating the company's resources previously controlled, so that the economic strength of the mafia-type organization grew, and the sphere of influence expanded from Yamaguchi Town to the adjacent Sha Tin Town.

Illegal destruction of mangroves, destruction of farmland in cofferdam enclosures, driving away fishing boats and fishermen... Companies under the control of Zheng Qi have continuously infringed on the interests of the masses in Sha Tin Town during the construction of the wharf, and local residents have repeatedly reported problems to relevant government departments, but they have never been solved.

In 2013, after learning that a large number of people planned to go to the wharf to defend their rights, Zheng Qi organized the employees of Qizhu Group and instructed more than 100 idle people to gather at the Sha Tin Port Wharf, using crowd gathering to disrupt social order and trigger large-scale mass incidents in Sha Tin Town. The destructive power of the criminal and evil forces headed by Zheng Qi has been expanding in Sha Tin Town.

In order to seek illegal protection and quell the bad influence, Zheng Qi and his gang have repeatedly co-opted and bribed state workers. Liao Xiwu, former party secretary of Shankou Town, Hepu County, was one of the bribe-takers. Tempted by money, Liao Xiwu abused his power and organized public officials to disperse the rights defenders in violation of the law, and finally helped Zheng Qi successfully solve this mass incident.

"Conniving and shielding the illegal activities of others and acting as a 'protective umbrella'." In the circular of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hepu County, there is such an expression of Liao Xiwu's behavior. In addition to helping to quell mass incidents in Sha Tin Town, Liao Xiwu also colluded with Zheng Qi on many occasions to encourage the arrogance of the mafia-type organization headed by Zheng Qi.

When he learned that his superiors were going to inspect, supervise, and secretly visit Zheng Qi's company, Liao Xiwu privately reported to Zheng Qi so that he could prepare in advance. When the construction of the Sha Tin Port project caused public resentment and some people blocked the construction, Liao Xiwu organized public security, fishery administration and other government personnel to maintain the construction of the project on the spot. When illegal sand pumping vessels entered the anchorage of Sha Tin Port, Liao Xiwu arranged for personnel to inspect the relevant waters, and assisted and cooperated with Zheng Qi in cracking down on "competitors", conniving and shielding their illegal mining and sale of sea sand. In the construction of a highway project obtained by Zheng Qi, Liao Xiwu organized public security cadres, village cadres, land requisition and demolition offices and other forces to forcibly demolish some nail households in violation of the law and promote the construction of the project. After investigation, between 2014 and 2019, Liao Xiwu received a total of 1.95 million yuan in cash from Zheng Qi on 12 occasions.

Use the convenience of your position to provide special care and support the platform of the mafia-type organization

Liao Xiwu is not the only one who is willing to act as a "protective umbrella" for the mafia-type organization headed by Zheng Qi.

In 2013, Pang Xueqiang, former member of the Standing Committee of the Hepu County CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, participated in the handling of large-scale mass incidents in Shatian Town while serving as the director of the office of the Hepu County Government. After receiving a benefit fee of 30,000 yuan, Pang Xueqiang gave special care to Zheng Qi. After being appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hepu County CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, Pang Xueqiang, as the main leader in charge of the local anti-gang crime and anti-evil work, not only did not take effective measures to dig deep and thoroughly investigate Zheng Qi's illegal and criminal activities, but even colluded with Zheng Qi behind his back and connived at his illegal activities. From 2018 to 2019, Pang Xueqiang also took advantage of his position to provide care and protection for Zheng Qi, who was suspected of violating the law and committing crimes in the construction of the Sha Tin Port project, and accepted bribes totaling 500,000 yuan.

Wang Bing, former secretary of the party leading group and director of the Hepu County Medical Security Bureau, is also one of the state workers who was bribed by the criminal syndicates and evil forces. During his tenure as mayor and party secretary of Shankou Town, Hepu County, Wang Bing repeatedly gave the "green light" to a mafia-type organization headed by Zheng Qi. Wang Bing did not investigate and deal with Zheng Qi's illegal construction of iron sheds and fire fighting problems in the Liangguang Market, let it go unchecked, and protected and supported him to continue to operate in violation of the law; Wang Bing not only turned a blind eye to the illegal acts of Zheng Qi's company in promoting the construction of a certain highway project, but also arranged for personnel from functional government departments to help resolve disputes and deal with problems in a way favorable to Zheng Qi; when Zheng Qi and residents had land ownership disputes, Wang Bing even stood for him. These acts of connivance and support all begin with the transmission of benefits. After investigation, from 2008 to 2016, Wang Bing accepted a total of 650,000 yuan in cash from Zheng Qi on 16 occasions.

To sweep away criminal syndicates and eliminate evil forces, we must not only smash the criminal syndicates and evil forces that are causing harm to the masses, but also remove the "protective umbrella" that protects them. In October 2019, Xu Xiyong was expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and law; in May 2020, he was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison and fined 700,000 yuan for accepting bribes and having a large amount of assets of unknown origin. In November 2019, Liao Xiwu was expelled from the party and public office for serious violations of discipline and law, and in June 2020, he was sentenced to five years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan for accepting bribes. In August 2020, Wang Bing was expelled from the party and public office for serious violations of discipline and law, and in December of the same year, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined 1 million yuan for accepting bribes.

The various acts of mafia-type organizations headed by Zheng Qi reflect some new trends in the situation of crimes involving criminal syndicates and evil forces: eroding grass-roots political power in the political field; forming illegal control over the operation of some industries in the economic field, affecting the healthy development of the economy and society; gathering crowds to stir up trouble, extorting and extorting evil in the social and people's livelihood fields, and seriously harming the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. Through the investigation and handling of this organization and its "protective umbrella," we have become more clear that we must promote the normalization of the anti-gang crime eradication and elimination of evil forces, resolutely crack down on criminal syndicates and evil forces and the "protective umbrella," and never allow them to harm the people again.

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection State Supervision Commission website Fu Xiaojing