
The Mystery of Ying yin's "martyrdom": Yingda said that playing "The Sound of the Wind" was a tribute to his aunt

author:Ji characters
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"英茵“殉情”之谜:英达说,演《风声》是向他的姑奶奶致敬","en":"The Mystery of Ying yin's \"martyrdom\": Yingda said that playing \"The Sound of the Wind\" was a tribute to his aunt"},"description":{"content":"她是清皇朝贵族,一个不爱富贵只爱艺术的皇家格格。她是民国名媛,其名气不亚于“中国的英格丽·褒曼”阮玲玉。她是爱国女巾帼,...","en":"She is a nobleman of the Qing Dynasty, a royal gege who does not love wealth but only art. She is a famous lady of the Republic of China, and her fame is no less than that of \"China's Ingrid Bergman\" Ruan Lingyu. She is a patriotic woman,..."}},"items":[]}