
Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

author:OceanPlan specializes in diving
Why indulge in diving? One of the big reasons for indulging in diving is that diving will allow us to enter another beautiful biological paradise, where we can see the mysterious appearance of the underwater creatures, and many times we will be shocked and amazed by their beauty.

Let's take a look at what beautiful marine life is a must-see for divers? You can also leave a message about the must-see marine life in your mind.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Divers are feeding fish to the coral world of the Underwa Shark Pool

Sea Turtle

How could the beautiful underwater creatures be less than our cute turtles?

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Recommend a few dive sites where you can definitely see the turtle King: Aldabra Island in seychelles, Bohol Island in the Philippines, APO Island in the Philippines, Kapalis Island in Malaysia, Bang Bang Island in Malaysia, Madagin Island in Malaysia, Sipadan In malaysia.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Dolphin Dolphin

Dolphins don't rank high, but they're probably the most beautiful creatures you want to see when diving! They are amiable and cute, coupled with their good nature and intelligence, so they have always been good friends of human beings, and of course you have to meet them when you go diving.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Recommended dives to see dolphins: Hawaii's Oahui Island, Bahamas, Great Barrier Reef, Israel's Dolphin Bay, South Africa's Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape, Greek Island of Skiathos.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Clownfish Anemone Fish

Remember Marin and Nemo? It is the cute clownfish father and son of the childhood watching the underwater story, their bodies are bright orange, the ring body has 3 blue and white broadbands, and the color of the body surface is so colorful and beautiful, how can divers miss it?

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Where it is found: Clownfish are native to the warmer waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans and can be found at many dive sites, including the Great Barrier Reef, the Red Sea and most of Southeast Asian islands.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Non-toxic Jellyfish

The large, non-toxic jellyfish could not be closed with both hands, and the small ones were like rising bubbles. These jellyfish hang out in the lake, so that tourists in the water will also be infected, feel like the whole person is flying in the milky way, floating around the large and small planet fragments.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

It is a benefit unique to divers in the Palau Islands

Light bulb sea squirts

The bulb sea squirt is also one of the beautiful and magical underwater creatures that Xiaobian feels, which looks like a light bulb from a distance, hence the name bulb sea squirt. It is a transparent marine creature with a tubular appearance. Most live in 20-50 meters of sea water, with severe winters growing violently and summer resurrection. Its body is attached to a shell, seaweed or vertical rock wall, and its body has yellow or white lines, and you can see the movement of its internal organs.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Where they are found: They are mostly found along the Norwegian coast, but they are widely distributed in the Atlantic, North Sea, English Channel and Mediterranean Sea. The bulb sea squirt is a sea squirt found in the North Sea of the United Kingdom, widely distributed in the world's major oceans, from tides to the deep sea below 1,000 meters.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Sea Hares

Xiaobian likes the sea hare because it is impressed by its wide variety, bright colors, and novel patterns, but don't be fooled by its name, oh, the sea hare is not a rabbit. The two pairs of antennae on the head of the sea hare protrude like rabbit ears, the body is smooth, or there are many protrusions. When it does not move, it resembles a small white rabbit crouching on the ground with a pair of large ears, so it was first called a sea hare by the Romans.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Distribution: There are more than 3,000 species of sea hares that cover the world's oceans, including tropical and Antarctica. Xiaobian recommends diving to see the location of sea hares: the Philippines, the Philippines diving sites can almost see their traces.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Super-cute seabed creature - algae sea slugs (one of the sea hare species)

Algae sea slugs resemble lambs and feed on algae. With furry tentacles and innocent little eyes, like a magical creature that jumps out of a cartoon, watching it move slowly makes people feel healed, it is so cute that the heart is melted

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Where it is found: It can generally be found in Japan, India and the Philippines, where dive sites should be carefully looked for, they are small and quite hidden.

Queen Angelfish

The Queen Fish, also known as the Queen Immortal, is a beautiful creature with a small arrogance, and is the most stunning and dazzling of all the marine angelfish. The dynamic yellow and electric blue give the Queen Fairy a rainbow-like look. The head has bright blue spots. The dorsal and fins are particularly long. Therefore, it has become a fish species chased by every seawater enthusiast. But as the saying goes, perfume is poisonous, queen immortals are poisonous, and seeing her is really a distant sight and not blasphemous also.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Distribution: Distributed in the coral reef waters of the western Pacific Ocean.

Grass Sea Dragons

Xiaobian saw them feel really insightful, grass sea dragon looks like seaweed grass leaves and like dragons, the whole body is covered by leaf-like appendages, it looks like the product of the combination of three creatures such as kangaroos, seahorses and seaweeds, and it is one of the most amazing creatures in the ocean fish. Australian authorities have listed the grass sea dragon as a rare animal under key protection.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Distribution: It is found between Port Stephens in New South Wales, South Australia, and Geraldton in Western Australia, and in the waters around Tasmania. Its natural habitat is shallow and low-wave waters with well-concealed reefs and dense seaweed overgrowth. Go diving in Australia to have the opportunity to see this rare and beautiful variety

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Manta Ray (manta ray).

When diving, you can see the manta rays with your own eyes is the big wish of the editor, although they are huge, but don't sneak away because of this when you see them turn around, they are all gentle babies, the next time you dive to see them in the past and say hello to them!

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

The manta ray is diamond-shaped, more than 6 m wide, and the body is bluish brown. Under the eyes, can look sideways and down. On the side of the head there are 1 pair of pectoral fins differentiated, protruding forward. The dorsal fin is small and the pectoral fin is wing-shaped. The tail is slender and whip-like, with tail spines. Usually benthic life, but sometimes ascending surface cruising, and do long-distance migration, agile action. Feeds on planktonic crustaceans and small fish.

Diving must see creatures, how many have you seen?

Seven recommended dive sites to swim with manta rays: Manta Ray Village in Hawaii, Maldives, Belize in the Caribbean, Komodo, Galapagos Islands (also known as the Colon Islands, part of Ecuador), Nusa Pedida in Bali, and the southern part of Australia's Great Barrier Reef.