
Rapinoe: Stars have a responsibility to take the lead in fighting racism Messi Ronaldo should learn from Rashford

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Rapinoe: Stars have a responsibility to take the lead in fighting racism Messi Ronaldo should learn from Rashford

According to the "Marca Newspaper", the Captain of the U.S. Women's Soccer Team Megan Rapinoe recently spoke in an interview with RMC Sports in France, talking about the importance of football stars participating in social affairs, believing that superstars such as Messi and C Ronaldo can drive the global fight against racism.

Rapinoe said that although many players have been involved in the fight against racism in football, they should not rely on black players alone. "We shouldn't just let black players fight racial discrimination, we shouldn't just let gay players fight against terrorism, and we shouldn't just let women footballers fight for equal pay for men and women," she said. Everyone has a responsibility. We must make our voices heard to stop the discrimination we face. ”

"It really shouldn't be right for those who have been or are being oppressed to end the system they are suffering from. This is not really a way of social change. Everyone has to come together, just as it does in the United States. ”

Rapinoe also mentioned Rashford's excellent work in England to help the disadvantaged, and stressed that Messi, C Ronaldo and other super giants should learn from him. She said: "Marcus Rashford and some of the England players have done great things and I hope other players in Europe can do similar things. Football is the most popular sport in Europe and everyone's eyes are on these players, who in turn are the best part of the players. ”

"When you see certain athletes — like Serena Williams or LeBron James in the United States — speak up, it's important that people like Rashford, Messi, Griezmann or Cristiano Ronaldo are also involved, because people will listen to them because they're icons around the world."

In recent years, Rapinoe has become one of the strongest representatives of the struggle against racism and anti-social inequality. Especially after the Floyd incident, wave after wave of protests broke out in the United States, and her image continued to receive more and more attention.

(Felix Cat)

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