
Rare courtesy in inter-Korean leaders' meetings These details convey a subtle message


CCTV News: On September 18, the third meeting between the leaders of the DPRK and the ROK this year kicked off as scheduled. "Kim Jong-un suddenly appeared at the airport to greet Moon Jae-in", "Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in paraded through the streets of Pyongyang", "Kim Jong-un Moon Jae-in talks at the headquarters of the Workers' Party of Korea", "Three days and two nights of meeting, Follow-up of South Korean business giants"... Judging from the information currently reported publicly, the "Kim Wen Hui" north Korea has once again become the focus of international public opinion with a series of rare courtesies, and wave after wave of heavy news has attracted the attention of many parties.

rare! The DPRK's high-level courtesy released the greatest sincerity

On the morning of the 18th, the special plane taken by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his wife arrived at Pyongyang's Shun'an International Airport, and was personally greeted by the DPRK's supreme leader Kim Jong-un and his wife Lee Seok-joon. According to South Korean media reports, Kim Jong-un suddenly went to greet him without prior notice, giving people a surprise.

Rare courtesy in inter-Korean leaders' meetings These details convey a subtle message

At the greeting scene, the DPRK side broke the routine and fired 21 salutes; thousands of people from all walks of life in the DPRK held up the DPRK national flag and the peninsula flag at the airport to prepare to greet the ROK delegation; in addition, there was a banner with white characters on a blue background that attracted particular attention, with the words: "Warmly welcome President Moon Jae-in who visits Pyongyang." The DPRK side deliberately abandoned the traditional white characters on a red background and chose the blue color symbolizing Moon Jae-in and the Ruling Democratic Party of South Korea, and the meaning of this is self-evident.

Rare courtesy in inter-Korean leaders' meetings These details convey a subtle message

On the way out of the airport to the North's Hundred Gardens State Guesthouse, North Korea also held a car parade for Moon Jae-in. According to the live broadcast, the two leaders sat in a black convertible Mercedes, smiling and waving to the cheers of the people of Pyongyang. On both sides of the street, many North Koreans dressed in bright traditional costumes, singing songs and waving red flowers, greetEdu-in in the middle of the road to welcome Moon's visit. As a result, Moon became the first South Korean leader to conduct a car cruise in North Korea.

Rare courtesy in inter-Korean leaders' meetings These details convey a subtle message

Upon arrival at the hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Kim enthusiastically led Mr. and Mrs. Moon into the State Guesthouse and cancelled the welcome luncheon to give Mr. and Mrs. Moon plenty of rest time. Kim Jong-un introduced the hotel environment to Moon Jae-in very modestly: "Although our conditions are not high, we will do our best to receive you with the greatest sincerity, and we hope that you can accept our sincerity." ”

In the talks on the afternoon of the 18th, Kim Jong-un set the meeting place in the building of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and Moon Jae-in became the first South Korean leader to enter the headquarters of the Workers' Party of Korea. Earlier, Korean media reported that the headquarters of the Workers' Party during Kim Jong-il's administration was called the "head organ of the revolution" and was rarely open to outsiders. Earlier meetings between Kim Jong-il and former ROK President Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun were also held at the Hundred Gardens State Guesthouse and other places.

In addition to the fact that the DPRK attaches great importance to Moon Jae-in's visit, the ROK side has also made sufficient preparations for Moon Jae-in's visit. In the list of Moon Jae-in's visits to the DPRK, in addition to the heads of relevant state departments, there are 50 special entourage members, including Lee Jae-yong, vice president of Samsung Electronics, Choi Tae-won, chairman of SK Group, Gu Kwang-mo, president of LG Group, kim Yong-hwan, vice president of Hyundai Motor Group, and other Korean business giants.

Rare courtesy in inter-Korean leaders' meetings These details convey a subtle message

In addition to a series of rare high-level hospitality benefits, the results of the talks were also very fruitful. On the morning of the 19th, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un signed the September Pyongyang Joint Declaration, and together announced to the world the willingness of the two Koreas to eliminate the risk of war, jointly bid for the Summer Olympic Games, and reconnect cross-border railways. Moon also said he invited Kim Jong-un to visit Seoul. Kim Jong-un responded that he would visit Seoul in the near future.

On the issue of "denuclearization", the DPRK and the ROK reached an agreement for the first time, agreeing to realize the denuclearization of the peninsula, eliminate the risk of war, and jointly build a non-nuclear territory.

Three handshakes in half a year! These changes have taken place in the situation on the Korean peninsula

Since the first "Kim Mun Meeting" in April this year, the two koreas have frequently interacted in many fields, and many "firsts" have been written into the history of exchanges between the two countries.

Rare courtesy in inter-Korean leaders' meetings These details convey a subtle message

On April 27 this year, Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un met for the first time at Panmunjom and signed the Panmunjom Declaration, affirming the common goal of achieving the denuclearization of the peninsula through complete nuclear abandonment, striving to declare an end to the state of war and realize the transformation of the cessation and mechanism within this year. Kim Jong-un became the first Supreme Leader of North Korea to cross the military demarcation line and set foot on South Korean soil since the armistice of the Korean War.

As the "first practical measure in the process of mutual cooperation", at 23:30 local time on May 4, North Korea adjusted the time in Pyongyang by 30 minutes, and the two Koreas unified standard time.

While people-to-people exchanges are heating up, the ROK and the DPRK are gradually opening up the situation in terms of easing tensions in military relations. The broadcast of propaganda shouts on the rok-North Korean border was officially "laid off" on May 4, becoming the first successful implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration.

Rare courtesy in inter-Korean leaders' meetings These details convey a subtle message

A month later, the second inter-Korean summit was held against the backdrop of the US President's cancellation of the US-DPRK summit. Interaction between the two Koreas has become more frequent: the Asian Games have joined hands to enter together, the reunion of separated families has been resumed, the nuclear test site in Punggye-ri has been demolished, and the inter-Korean liaison office has been unveiled... The situation on the Korean Peninsula is gradually easing.

On June 14, the ROK and the DPRK resumed high-level military talks after a gap of 10 years and six months, and less than two weeks later, the two sides held colonel-level working talks to promote the completion of the repair of military communication lines on the west coast and promote peace in the western waters of the peninsula. After that, the two sides held several military work talks to discuss topics such as the pilot withdrawal of mutual outposts in the demilitarized zone and the joint excavation of the remains of korean war veterans, so as to create a warm atmosphere for the third summit meeting.

From the "ice-breaking meeting" at the House of Peace to the "lightning meeting" of the Unification Cabinet to the third inter-Korean leaders' meeting in Pyongyang, inter-Korean relations have been heating up. The DPRK side is full of sincerity in a series of "big moves," and the situation on the peninsula is becoming more and more relaxed. Who will be the biggest winner? How will the situation on the Peninsula develop? Is there no more war? Let's wait and see! (Text/Cheng Xiang)