
The homely practice of Hunan-style meat slices

author:Wangzai QQ
The homely practice of Hunan-style meat slices

Hunan cuisine, referred to as Hunan cuisine, is famous for its rich variety, distinct taste and rich local characteristics, famous teachers, and its own lineage. Such as "hair silk hundred pages" as thin as silver hair, "comb hundred pages" shaped like comb teeth, "slippery beef tenderloin" pieces with tissue paper, and more innovative dishes "chrysanthemum squid", "goldfish play lotus", the strange shape of the knife method is realistic, ingenious.

Today, let's talk about Hunan-style meat slices, the pork belly in this dish is fried until the oil is produced, the oil is not drained out, so that the method can nourish the stomach while eating spicy. If you want to make a spicy version, so much residual oil for sure

It's to be leached out.

Steps in the preparation of Xiang-style meat slices

The homely practice of Hunan-style meat slices

1. Prepare pork belly and pepper.

2: Wash and cut the pork belly into thick slices, heat the dry pot and put the meat slices under the pan.

3: Stir-fry the ginger and garlic together.

4: Fry the pork belly slices until slightly crispy and drain the remaining oil.

5: Sit back on the wok and return the slices of pork belly after draining the oil to the pan.

6: Add an appropriate amount of water.

7: Add cooking wine and soy sauce.

8: Add a few peppers and cook.

9: Add an octagon and an appropriate amount of cinnamon.

10: Cook until the juice is slightly.

11: Add the remaining pepper flakes and sauté until flavorful.

12: Turn off the heat and add an appropriate amount of chicken essence.

13, Xiang-style fried meat slices are completed, oh, it is really fragrant and spicy and spicy under the rice.

The homely practice of Hunan-style meat slices


One: When sautéing meat slices in a dry pan, remember not to be too old and too burnt, which will affect the taste.

Two: when collecting the juice, there must be a remaining juice left, if it is too dry, it will also affect the taste.

Three: First add an appropriate amount of pepper and cook with the meat until the flavor comes out, and then add the remaining pepper slices before cooking, so that the color will look better.

Kitchen utensils to use: Wok