
Plant - Peony Peony is a plant of the family Peony, the genus Peony, and is a perennial deciduous shrub. The main floral plant culture Chinese medicine properties effect Peony flower tea brewing method Peony flower tea drinking contraindications

author:A tree that does not germinate
Plant - Peony Peony is a plant of the family Peony, the genus Peony, and is a perennial deciduous shrub. The main floral plant culture Chinese medicine properties effect Peony flower tea brewing method Peony flower tea drinking contraindications

The stem is up to 2 m tall; the branches are short and thick. The leaves are usually two-way compound leaves, occasionally 3 leaflets near the top of the branches, the apical leaflets are broadly ovate, green on the surface, hairless, pale green on the back, sometimes white powder, the lateral leaflets are narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, the petiole is 5–11 cm long, and the leaf axis is hairless. The flowers are solitary-branched, bracts 5, oblong-oval; sepals 5, green, broadly ovate, petals 5 or heavy petals, rose-colored, red-purple, pink to white, usually largely variable, inverted ovate, with irregular waves at the apex; anthers oblong, 4 mm long; turbulence-red discs, cup-shaped, purple-red; carpels 5, more sparse, densely hairy. It is oblong and densely packed with hard yellow-brown hairs. The flowering period is In May and the fruiting period is In June.

Red flower system: such as "embroidered peach blossom", "flat top red", "brocade satin", "wood horizontal red", "heroes of the group", "exhibition of the grand plan" and so on.

Green flower system: such as "green screen", "green jade", "green incense ball", "lotus green", "spring water green wave" and so on.

Blue flower system: such as "Crane Lookout Blue", "Crystal Blue", "Hanging Head Blue", "Qunfeng", "Purple Blue Kui" and so on.

Purple flower system: such as "purple red ling", "vine flower purple", "stick shengzi", "thin leaf purple", "purple hydrangea", etc.

Pink flower system: such as "Hundred Gardens Competition", "Peach Blossom Meets Frost", "Xian'e", "Pink Qiao", "Jade Hibiscus", "Yaochi Spring" and so on.

White flower system: such as "jade plate white", "purple spot white", "velvet", "fragrant jade", "white goose" and so on.

Black flower system: such as "Black Flower Kui", "Black Sajin", "Yaochi Yan Ink", "Ink Lou Zhenghui", "Guanshi Ink Jade" and so on.

Yellow flower system: such as "Yao Huang", "Bronze Yan", "Yellow Crane Plume", "Seed Yellow", "Golden Jade Pan" and so on.

Polychromatic flower system: such as "Erqiao", "Big Leaf Butterfly", "Blue Line Boundary Jade", "Tianxiang Zhanlu", "Small Leaf Flower Butterfly" and so on.

Plant - Peony Peony is a plant of the family Peony, the genus Peony, and is a perennial deciduous shrub. The main floral plant culture Chinese medicine properties effect Peony flower tea brewing method Peony flower tea drinking contraindications
Plant - Peony Peony is a plant of the family Peony, the genus Peony, and is a perennial deciduous shrub. The main floral plant culture Chinese medicine properties effect Peony flower tea brewing method Peony flower tea drinking contraindications

Flower language

Peony: Rich, perfect, passionate

Autumn Peony: Life, anticipation, a touch of love


With its unique richness, magnificence and abundance, peony is regarded in traditional Chinese consciousness as a symbol of prosperity, happiness and peace.

Peony flower will be

The peony blossom festival generally lasts from April 1 to the end of the "May Day" holiday, during which Luoyang City will decorate the peony flowers in major gardens, major parks and public green spaces in the square. Luoyang Peony Flower Festival, born in the tide of China's reform and opening up, started earlier in the country, larger scale, better adherence to the brand festival, is one of the famous local festivals in the country.

【Admission site】


【Sexual taste】

The taste is bitter, light and flat.

【Attribution】Liver meridian


It is used in women with irregular menstruation and abdominal pain.


For internal use: decoction, 3-6 g.

【Collection and processing】

Harvested between April and May, fresh or dried.

【Growing environment】

At present, it is widely cultivated throughout the country and has long been introduced abroad.

【Storage】Avoid light and moisture, and place in a cool and dry place.

Plant - Peony Peony is a plant of the family Peony, the genus Peony, and is a perennial deciduous shrub. The main floral plant culture Chinese medicine properties effect Peony flower tea brewing method Peony flower tea drinking contraindications

1. Nourish blood and liver

Peony flowers have a variety of trace elements, can regulate qi and blood, can play an important role in nourishing blood and liver, usually eat can scatter depression and stasis, can also fade stains, more can prevent skin aging, usually eat peony flowers can be dried directly soaked in water to drink.

2. Lower blood pressure

Peony flowers contain some trace elements potassium, but also some phenolic substances, can soften blood vessels, can also speed up blood flow, can prevent the emergence of hypertension, human arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease also have a certain preventive effect. Peony flower can also clear the heat to remove, remove the heat poison in the human body, usually use it to soak water to drink the same, can reduce the sore throat and mouth and tongue sores and other symptoms of fire and other symptoms of fire.

3. Pain relief

Pain relief is also one of the important effects of peony flowers, usually when women come to menstruation, if abdominal pain occurs, you can make peony flowers into tea to drink, so that the symptoms of menstrual abdominal pain can quickly improve, in addition, peony flowers also contain some trace elements iron, people eat it after it can play a good blood tonic effect, especially suitable for those who suffer from anemia to eat.

Plant - Peony Peony is a plant of the family Peony, the genus Peony, and is a perennial deciduous shrub. The main floral plant culture Chinese medicine properties effect Peony flower tea brewing method Peony flower tea drinking contraindications

The method of brewing peony flower tea is exquisite, and it is necessary to master the amount of flowers and herbs, boiling water and brewing time, so as to brew a pot of delicious herbal tea. Peony flower tea can be used both pot brewing method and pot boiling method, flowers, leaves and other raw materials because it is easier to release the contained ingredients using the pot brewing method, if the raw materials are fruits, bark, roots, stems and other tough parts, the use of pot cooking method can extract the essence of it.

Brew peony flower tea can be used porcelain, pottery, can also use glass tea set, some glass pots are attached to the cup tea filter, you can put the peony flower directly in the filter cup, when pouring tea residue remains in the filter cup. If there is no design of the filter cup, when brewing small peony flowers with small raw materials, you can use a tea filter or tea bag to pack the finely crushed herbal tea, so that you can keep the tea clear.

The popular preparation method of peony flower tea is to match rose tea and delicate red plum, which can not only enhance the efficacy of flower tea, but also make the color of the tea soup look more gorgeous. Brewing peony flower tea also has a lot of places to pay attention to, let's take a look at the peony flower tea drinking taboos.

When brewing peony flower tea, the water temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will affect the color of the tea soup brewed. Therefore, when female friends brew peony flower tea in their daily lives, they must pay attention to the boiling water that has just been boiled for a while while while, so that the brewing method is correct. In addition, in the daily storage of peony flower tea, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight and place it in a cool and dry place, so as to avoid the influence of more moisture on the flower tea, so that the tea itself can reduce the brewing quality.

Long-term soaking will cause side effects such as spleen and stomach deficiency, stool leakage, and diet reduction. Therefore, drinking peony flower tea can not drink too much or too much at one time, but moderately.