
I was familiar with dreams

I was familiar with dreams

The photo shoot is the land landscape art of Wanrong, Shanxi, and the color rice paddy field painting carries forward the spirit of the red boat to promote the revitalization of the countryside

I often have a strange dream,

Difficult to get rid of,

What I dreamed of was that I loved her,

She loves my strange girl,

Every time she is not the same person,

It's not another person,

She loves me,

Get to know me.

Because she knows me,

My heart is clear only to her,


Only to her,

My chest is shining,

My pale face only faded from sweat when she cried.

She's brown-haired.

Blonde or brown hair?——— I don't know.

What about her name?

I remember it loud and wonderful,

As if banished by life,

Snubbed lover's name.

Her gaze is like the eyes of a statue,

Her distant,


Solemn voice,

There is a change of voice with an intimate tone that has been silenced.

Analysis: The poet is recounting a dream, a familiar dream that he often has, and he finds this dream very strange: he dreams of a strange girl. Dreaming into poetry is a new technique, which began around the time of the French writer Naival (1808-1855), such as "Awakening in a Carriage", which describes the fields and villages dreamed of falling asleep under the bumps of the carriage; Reverie writes about the poet's hallucinations, from a song that sees a blonde-haired, dark-eyed lady in front of the window of the castle two hundred years ago. Verland developed it, and in his dream he saw a crush. The poet expresses his hazy feelings in the form of reminiscences, which is the vision of the ideal partner of a teenager who has just opened his heart, so that the women who appear in the dream are both concrete and vague, like flowers in the fog. Although this girl is strange, she is "I love her, she loves me", which writes the psychological state of the teenager; I want the girl I love to love myself, even if she doesn't look the same every time she appears—because she doesn't exist, it's just a radiation of certain ideas or impressions in her memory, so it's impossible to produce exactly the same image.

The second verse further writes "heart to heart": one is clear and clear, and it is clear at a glance; The other is bright and clear, with nothing to hide. The beads of sweat on the forehead of the teenager are caused by excitement? Only when she was crying, he was moved, and the sweat would recede. The poet chooses this detail, the representation

The nervousness and excessive excitement of young boys and girls when they meet each other. What color the girl's hair was, the poet could not remember, or because of the excitement, did not pay attention; Of course, her name should be beautiful and beautiful, and since she is an imaginary woman, where does her name come from? But she will be a poor woman who is snubbed by life. What remains most vivid in the memory is her gaze, like a statue, which should be cold; And that unforgettable voice seems to float from afar, ethereal, both intimate and difficult to capture.

The whole poem writes the trance of the illusion, and the mood is slightly sad. The poet does not speak directly about what he thinks in his heart, but captures the figure of the ideal couple of teenagers through the image in the dream, and the brushstrokes are euphemistic and delicate.

Excerpted on August 25, 2021 17:22:16