
He fainted at the sight of blood, but he created the most horrific event in history, slaughtering 5.72 million people

author:Historic inn

Can you imagine a Sven-wen reader building the worst concentration camp in history?

Can you imagine an animal protectionist and vegetarian who slaughtered more than five million Jews?

Can you imagine a person with hemorrhoidism who became the nazi first executioner and created countless bloody things?

It's really hard to imagine.

However, these extremely complex and contradictory human characteristics are truly reflected in Himmler's body.

He fainted at the sight of blood, but he created the most horrific event in history, slaughtering 5.72 million people

Himmler's main area of activity during World War II was not to fight the Allies on the front line, that was the business of the Wehrmacht, what did he do? Arrest or kill people.

In April 1934, Himmler was hand-picked by Goering to become the head of the Gestapo, and then he hired Heydrich, the chief of the SS Security Department, who was known for his murder, as his deputy, and from then on, the two brothers walked hand in hand, kicking off the Nazi terror rule.

Here, we must first popularize science, what is called "Gestapo"? This is actually an abbreviation for "State Secret Police" in German, which is somewhat similar to the Ming Dynasty's Jinyi Wei and Lao Jiang's Military Command Bureau. To put it bluntly, it was the armed forces that strengthened the dictatorship for Hitler and fully implemented the mustache directives. They can't fight wars, but when spies carry out assassinations, they are first-class professionals.

Since Himmler became a big man, the Gestapo has ushered in its own spring. He not only reorganized the German police command system so that his men began to wear plain clothes, but also "successfully listed" the Gestapo and developed it nationwide. So, for a while, it was a bustle in German prisons, and the number of arrests began to rise exponentially. As long as you dare to say that the Fuehrer is not, you are guaranteed that you cannot escape.

Seeing this, some people may have to ask: Can these guys just grab people randomly? You don't have to say, you just can.

He fainted at the sight of blood, but he created the most horrific event in history, slaughtering 5.72 million people

In order to ensure his dictatorship, Hitler granted the Gestapo the "preventive arrest power", as long as it is not the Nazi Party, it can be said that you are worried about your life at any time, because even if it is not pleasing to the eye, it is enough to lock you up. Even more egregiously, Himmler also explicitly stipulated: "Anyone who talks about politics, holds a rally, or makes 'inflammatory remarks' shall be hanged; those who disobey orders will be 'killed on the spot.'" "A fight with the Jinyi guards of the Ming Dynasty."

However, Himmler, who killed the red-eyed Himmler, did not stop there, but instead made his "career" bigger and bigger, and also began overseas chain operations. At a time when the nations of World War II were in disarray, Himmler pushed the Gestapo's sphere of activity beyond its borders, especially the persecution of Jews across Europe.

In order to realize the so-called "German blood purification project", Himmler led a group of SS troops to promote genocide, and every time the Germans occupied a new territory, Himmler ordered the local Jews to be brought together in the name of "centralized resettlement".

In order to save time and effort, and incidentally provide raw materials for living research, in 1941, Himmler presided over the construction of more than thirty concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Mauthausen, and Sobibor, and single-handedly created a vicious human purgatory for the viciousness of massacres.

According to statistics, 5.72 million Jews in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Eastern Europe alone were killed, and half of the Jews in Europe died here. And this is all due to Himmler. The German magazine Der Spiegel also described him as "the biggest executioner of all time.".

He fainted at the sight of blood, but he created the most horrific event in history, slaughtering 5.72 million people

Many unrighteous deeds will kill oneself, and Himmler has done so many heartbreaking things! In June 1942, Himmler's younger brother Heydrich was headshot by An allied snipers, giving his Jewish brothers a first breath of evil. Three years later, Hitler's Third Reich was about to finish playing, and Himmler felt that he would not have a good life with Hitler anymore, so he simply made thirty-six plans and put on makeup and slipped away.

Fortunately, the Allied soldiers had sharp eyes and pulled out Himmler, who was mixed in the crowd, otherwise it would have been really cheap for him.

However, the goods are still thieves in prison, trying to negotiate peace with the Allies to change their lives. It was quite beautiful to think, but the people of the whole world did not agree, and there was nothing more suitable for this butcher than hanging. On May 23, 1945, Himmler committed suicide by poisoning himself in prison, ending his sinful life.

A world-class evil man with blood-stained hands can finally choose to commit suicide, which is also cheap for him.

Finally, one more tidbit.

Himmler was very enthusiastic about mysterious forces, firmly believed in the existence of aliens, set up several research groups to go around the world to find traces of aliens, and sent Haler to lead an expedition to Tibet, China to find the "axis of the earth", which is said to change time and space. But before anything could be done, the Nazis collapsed.

History Inn Author: Mizuki