
Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing


This content is a film review that was first published on Douban before, and the text combines a lot of Japanese historical elements, which is also a bit of a point of view, and now it is synchronized here to make up the number:

"Kabaneri of Kotetsu City" (hereinafter referred to as "Kotetsu City") is a 2016 drama, which was seen once at the time, and also poured out a serious dissatisfaction with the first floor of Hanoi, but then simply understood a little Japanese history, found that things are not so simple, so come to the "rotten tail building" to wash the ground, anyway, chasing this thing is also a benevolent opinion, Hu B interpretation is also a kind of language class to cultivate happiness.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

Cabaneri in the Iron City

The main text is divided into Warring States era elements, shogunate era elements, expansion and reconstruction era elements from the rare corners I know to try to dissect it. And the anti-war connotation of "Kotetsu City" wrapped in the above elements from the author's point of view, yes, it is the anti-war connotation, why did Tenbird Mima suddenly end up in the premise of mastering advanced technology and powerful force, we see that the history of Japan's World War II is actually such a bad tail, because it can only be a bad tail, and the opportunism of insufficient strength has no reason to carry it to the end, of course, the romantic plot of the animation work does not allow him not to rot the tail. Next, go to the main text.

Warring States Period Elements:

As we all know, the Japanese people are very fond of the Sengoku period (masashi, noshi, magic reform, etc.), just like the people of the Heavenly Dynasty like the story of the Three Kingdoms Era, the other day also brushed the "Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga" this drama, the most popular super name Oda Nobunaga reincarnated into a dog called cinnamon, interested friends can see, the adaptation is also very magical. Far from it, I correspond to the Warring States elements in the film from the following points.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga

1, the samurai class: the samurai class is separated from labor production, the word "daimyo" before and after the Warring States is born from the "famous lord", refers to the land with a name, the daimyo is the big landlord, the samurai is to take care of the land manor These people, note, is to take care of, not farming, that is, management, one of the important responsibilities is to collect taxes. Isn't Kabane more powerful than the average person? Is Cabaneri going to drink blood? In fact, to some extent, it can be understood that the out-of-control samurai and samurai regimes are not enemies of the people?

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Kabane attacks civilians)

2, caesarean section and self-determination: the fine tradition of the island country, the real samurai should be able to face death and embrace the god of death frankly, although in fact, there will often be the role of "intermediary person" (the role of cutting half to help you behead the super degree). However, in fact, there are countless characters who actively cut their abdomen or were forced to be cut off: for example, in order to die Oda Nobunaga's Hirayō Masahide teacher, such as the former governor of the Hojo family of the Kanto Hojo clan who was pacified by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and the Takamatsu Castle Shimizu Muneharu, who was appointed as a truce chip in toyotomi Hideyoshi's western conquest of the Maori family, including his nephew and adopted son, Taikaku lord did not let go, and after being exiled to Takanoyama, he ordered himself to be cut off, and it is estimated that the person who was forced to cut his abdomen by monkeys alone was enough to write this book. So the self-determination bag in the film is really a good thing, convenient and fast, and effectively creates a plot conflict. It is said that if the far-right writer Yukio Mishima had such a caring gadget, he would not have encountered the embarrassing situation of being cut three times by the wrong person by his teammates and not dying.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Samurai use self-determination bags)

3, father and son ethics: Sigh, the Warring States period has no ethics and morality to speak of, everyone often says that if you use three words to describe the Japanese Warring States, it is "Shimokami", so father-son cannibalism was a very common social phenomenon at that time. For example, Takeda Shingen of the Takeda family of Kai exiled his father Takeda Nobunaga to the Imakawa family in Suruga, and when his father went out to string relatives, he was shut out by his son who rebelled against the united family. And how did Michizo Saito, the Mino viper who came to power with Shimokaku, die? He died at the hands of his son Saito Yoshiryu. One of theories about the death of Date Masamune's father, Date Keimune, was also ordered by Date Masamune to be shot by the Iron Artillery Team. There are simply too many to count, so the relationship between MeiMa and his father is easier to understand, in fact, friends who have just begun to contact the history of the Warring States will have quite a headache, the same family, the same surname is often not a camp, why? Competing for the position of governor of the family can be described as another fine tradition of the island country.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Death of the General)

4, iron cannon: The main weapon in "Kotetsu Castle" is the Japanese called iron cannon thing (called steam gun in the play), in fact, it is a arquebus gun, not the Francon cannon used by our Daming God Machine Battalion at the same time, in our country is called "Bird Gun", nor can it be fired continuously like in the film, but it requires a tedious process (omit an article, Baidu by itself), so there will be the Oda family's famous three-stage attack tactic in the Battle of Nagashino, in fact, this thing is not invented by Oda Nobunaga, and people all over the world who use arquebus guns know that it is slow Mu Ying, who conquered Yunnan in the early Ming Dynasty, had already set up Oda Nobunaga's routine of 200 years, and it was obvious that the firepower of the three dan was not dense enough, and later the Europeans unlocked the six dan and nine dan and other heroic gameplay. Since being brought to Tanegashima by Sino-Portuguese smuggling gangs, the iron cannon has become a prop to accelerate the course of even Japanese history, with trade - money - better weapons - the probability of winning is greater. Therefore, if there is no iron cannon, it will lose the important weight against Cabane, after all, the cold weapon is more of a cool one.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Iron Cannon - Steam Hammer)

Shogunate Era Elements:

The shogunate mentioned here is the Tokugawa shogunate, the last Japanese shogunate, the Edo shogunate, and the former Kamakura shogunate, the Muromachi shogunate, and even the Honnoji shogunate, which is known as the wise shogunate of the three days after the change of the shogunate, and the shogunate is reflected in the film as the weakness and incompetence of the shogunate under The Tenbird general, and also alludes to the late incompetence of the Tokugawa shogunate.

1. Establishment of the Shogunate: Although the early Tokugawa shogunate was conservative, it completely ended the chaotic situation of the Warring States and the chaotic division of the world, and ushered in an era of relative peace in the 15th generation and 265 years, and japan's economy, culture, and art in the same period made great progress. Therefore, no one likes to continue this situation of father-son cannibalism, and it is also the common wish of everyone to live a few more years, so the chaotic era is also lingering, and everyone under the leadership of the calamus of the Sichuan family is also the force that opens a new era.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Shikatagawa Iris)

2. The Black Ship Comes: What is the color of the American Horse's Kecheng? Black, the other Juncheng are white, in fact, it is a metaphor for the black ship of that year. Asian feudal civilizations have their own history of humiliation, the most memorable thing for Japan is the "black ship to sail" incident, US Navy Commodore Matthew Perry's black ship came to Japan to ask for the opening of the port, the Japanese are confused, what a ghost this big iron guy is, and finally ended the closed state under the coercion of the United States. The United States and Malaysia also dare to call themselves liberators, so it can be seen that sometimes those who call themselves liberators are not necessarily good things, and those who bring advanced technology are not necessarily good people.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing


3, the curtain movement: the curtain movement is divided into the curtain faction and the curtain faction, the same is true in the film, where is the justice, are for their own political interests, there is a little old historical grudge, the Tokugawa shogunate divided the daimyo into pro-domain daimyō, lineage daimyō, foreign daimyō, a look at the name to know that the relatives are far away, Choshu, Satsu, Satsuma this kind of daimyo is naturally the pioneer of the fallen curtain. Therefore, Mima can't let go of his father's abandonment of his old things, bent on revenge, but more shallow in the creation of Great Hanoi. In the end, the shogunate forces were eliminated, and the fallen forces did not occupy the new world completely, and the drama was reflected as a part of the new forces that joined the Foursquare Family under the leadership of Gua Sheng. In fact, the assassinations planned by Mei Ma and Natsuhisa were not uncommon at the time.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(King Kongo Killing)

Expansion and Reconstruction of Epoch Elements:

Japan, as a war opportunist, quickly entered the era of militarism, in fact, the 226 Mutiny, whether it is the Imperial Taoist faction or the command faction who wins, is the same, because the military has lost control, the army has lost control, and the navy is still a little rational. We cut out morality aside, comprehensive national strength is the fundamental reason for Japan's inevitable defeat, falling into the ocean of people's war is Japan's strategic mistake, choosing to raid Pearl Harbor is the foreshadowing of failure, the Soviet Union's invasion of northeast China is the accelerator of Japan's surrender, and fat man & little boy is the final fatal blow. So let's take a look at what are the elements of this period:

1. Japan-Britain Alliance: As an important alliance after the Meiji Restoration, the Japan-Britain Alliance provided Japan with a large number of film and television materials like the Manchu Customs Clearance, whether it was Westernized overhead, or black tea dim sum elements, which can be seen everywhere in Japanese comics. The Japan-Britain Alliance was an alliance reached by Britain in order to curb the expansion of Russia's power in the Far East, and as a churning stick in the world, it was keen to support its own forces and hostile forces around the world. For example, the two countries of India and Pakistan, and even the American Civil War, and even the separatism of Hong Kong, the lack of Germany is boundless, and I like to engage in offshore balancing hands. But for Japan, the meaning is different, and it feels very good to finally sit on an equal footing with the world powers, and even wants to break away from Asia and enter Europe (although the British called the Japanese yellow-skinned monkey behind their backs). What everyone can feel in "Kotetsu City" is Westernized clothing, steam engines, engineers' English, etc., or to a certain extent reflects Japan's attitude to the Western culture led by Britain at that time.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Western-style tea set and semi-Westernized costume)

2, food shortage: Japan's mountainous terrain, due to rapid population growth, always facing the problem of food shortage, the reason why we often call them Little Japan, in fact, in essence, is also a problem of stunted development caused by insufficient food, and even when the Japanese army invaded China invaded Hebei, Dong Shilang envied the people of Hebei in his diary for eating too well, and also issued "The war must be won!" The people of the victorious countries eat wheat and chestnut rice, while the people of the defeated countries can only live a life of eating weeds and weeds. " sigh. The militarism of taking advantage of the people's simple wishes to blatantly launch a war of aggression is truly repugnant. Therefore, in "Kotetsu City", you will see many pictures of food shortages: limited food per person, fighting for food, iris stealing pictures, and so on. Therefore, the fact that there is not enough to eat is indeed deeply imprinted in the spirit of the Japanese people.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Calamus steals snacks)

3, railway lines: Japan in the war of aggression against China almost no far from China railway lines, because the supply will be problematic, not conducive to logistical supply, compared to the scale of mechanization in the United States, Japan's main vehicle for transporting strategic materials is still a donkey car. In addition, the Shinkansen built after the war is also a representative of Japan's transportation industry. Therefore, the battle between Jia Tiecheng and other Juncheng along the railway line is actually a high-speed railway plot on the one hand, and on the other hand, it coincides with the tactical thinking at the time of the invasion of China, because it is impossible to go out. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on the concept of castle defense, which may be an important cultural heritage inherited from the castle-building masters of the Warring States Period, which is different from the separation of the main castle and the castle town in the Warring States Period, but surrounds the entire city under the huge city wall, which is also quite Araki Tetsuro.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Kotetsu City)

4, Fuso number: we call Japan Fuso, Fuso in the east of the Han Kingdom more than 20,000 miles, the land in the east of China, its soil is more than Fuso wood, so it is named. Later, Japan also accepted this title, after all, we called "Wunu" it is not good, so it also calls itself a country full of sacred trees in the East. Therefore, the death of all the members of the Fanri Fuso also refers to the fall of Japan, think about the end of each episode, the burning of the whole territory of Japan, that is, this is the meaning. In addition, as a lady lover, Fuso will generally refer to the Fuso class battleship No. 1, that is, the second generation of the Fuso class, equivalent to the British Dreadnought class, in the era of cannon ships, battleships are all first-class existence, so they will also have a beautiful name to pin, generally will use ancient name naming, such as Fuso, Yamashiro, Yamato, Musashi, etc. The Japanese Navy also has a particularly contrary good habit, and the naming of ships is often named after the homeland of mountains and rivers, wind and snow, and may also be the foreshadowing of future feminization. The Fuso we have just talked about was hit by a torpedo in the largest naval battle ever, the Battle of Leyte Gulf, which caused the ammunition depot to explode, and the hull of the ship was broken into two sections and sunk, and none of the crew survived. It is the same as the Fuso in the play. At this point, Fuso Kingdom is also finished (not to mention the waste Yamato).

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Fuso, all of whom lost their lives)

5, accept the defeat: the United States is ready for Japan's resistance on the mainland, at the end of July 1945, when the United States and Britain issued the "Potsdam Proclamation", Japan still refused to surrender, but in early August it was baptized by the atomic bomb, in the material and spiritual double devastation, at the same time by the surrender of Germany, the fall of Okinawa, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and other factors, august 15 of the same year announced surrender and signed a surrender on the battleship Missouri (remember this date, do not be fooled by all kinds of false history in the circle of friends). What the United States, as the occupying power, did not expect was that after the surrender, Japan did not resist anymore and immediately became a sheep. Militaristic Japan is so bad, do you see The bear-like eyes of Meima in the last episode? Is it familiar to see the works on the first floor of The Great Hanoi? It can be said that the rotten tail is also one of the glorious traditions of Japan. Once you find that the past method does not work, then change the way, so Gua Sheng let Gua Sheng take everyone to live. The American Horse logic of not being strong and not surviving was also falsified in the end.

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Death of Mei Ma)


Don't complain about the rotten tail of Ōkawa, it may be that this is the national nature, and as a graduate of the Faculty of Human Sciences of Waseda University, Ōkawa presents a large number of war elements in the work on the one hand, and on the other hand, exudes a lot of humanistic spirit, if you feel contradictory, you can go to see "Chrysanthemum and the Knife"

In addition, there are some interesting details that you can follow up to understand, such as the name of the Japanese is reflected in the nameless to suiji in the film, the Japanese imperial state chronicle in the weapon naming reflected in the 48-type railgun, and the city and the railway corresponding to the earlier Goki Seven Ways, not to mention the micro-knowledge, but it is indeed possible to better understand the "Kotetsu City" of the rotten tail building, although it is an overhead world, but it is still connected with the real world.

Looking at the whole film comprehensively, after deconstruction, this is an anti-war drama wrapped in steampunk style, zombie theme, and the core is full of Japan's historical and cultural symbols of nearly 500 years: master advanced technology and powerful force, don't fight, that is, the end of the nameless: even if we are weak, we must live, everyone farms together, and move forward towards a tomorrow where we can eat rice. (Sigh, the agricultural civilization of East Asia is really deep in the marrow)

Recommended focus points for this film:

1. Imagination on the first floor of Great Hanoi

2. The blessing of the director of Tetsuro Araki

3. Hiroyuki Sawano's soundtrack and vocal contributions such as Kobayashi, Aimer, and mpi

I don't feel so embarrassed

And - is it nameless?

Learn a little about Japanese history and discover that Kotetsu Castle is not so embarrassing

(Nameless- Spike Product)
