
Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

Model-turned-Australian beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week in a suit (Image from Oriental IC)

Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

Melissa George was born on 6 August 1976 in Perth, Western Australia, the second child of the family. After dropping out of high school, she became a model. In search of more room for development, she chose to move to Sydney. (Image from Oriental IC)

Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

The British thriller Thirty Polar Nights, starring Melissa George, grossed more than $75 million worldwide. (Image from Oriental IC)

Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

In 2000, Melissa married her director boyfriend Claudio Dabed, who had been in love for two years, and announced her divorce in 2011. (Image from Oriental IC)

Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

In 2012, Melissa began dating French entrepreneur Jean David Blanc and married that same year. In 2014, Melissa's son was born. (Image from Oriental IC)

Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

Melissa invented "Style Snaps" in 2011, a tool that allows you to resize your pants without the need for cropping. This invention brought her income even more than her acting career combined. (Image from Oriental IC)

Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

Melissa is the sexy beauty that many men dream of. (Image from Oriental IC)

Australia's greatest beauty Melissa George attends Paris Fashion Week

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