
The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

author:Red Star News

On the evening of October 15, a customer beat a delivery man in a community in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, resulting in a mild head injury to the delivery man Feng Moudong and a tearing of the meniscus on the lateral side of his right knee.

Feng Moudong's sister Feng Moulin introduced that his brother's family has a child who is 7 months old and needs to be taken care of, his wife has no job, and he has to pay off the mortgage every month, so he relies on him to run takeaway to earn money. Feng Moudong's father said that they are local farmers in Shanxi and have very little income. Now Feng Moudong pays more than 30,000 yuan of medical expenses, are swiped out of the credit card, "the beater currently has no compensation, advance any expenses." ”

For this matter, Feng Moudong's takeaway platform Meituan Takeaway said that the platform will fully cooperate with the police investigation and coordinate the delivery service providers belonging to the riders to visit and comfort them.

Red Star News reporters learned from the Wenjiang police that the matter has been investigated by the case, and the person who beater Wang Mou was given a penalty of 7 days of administrative detention and a fine of 300 yuan. Police said the injury identification was currently underway. If the result of the injury appraisal is more than minor injury, a criminal case will be opened for investigation and Wang's criminal responsibility will be pursued.

Takeaway brother recalls:

Customer note "Don't call, knock on the door"

Called to inquire about the room after arriving and was later beaten

On the morning of October 22, a Red Star News reporter came to the orthopedic ward of Wenjiang District People's Hospital in Chengdu and saw Feng Moudong, a takeaway worker lying on a hospital bed, who recalled to reporters a scene that happened a few days ago.

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑ Takeaway brother Feng Moudong.

At 20:34 on October 15, he received an order from a mixed restaurant in Liucheng Heping Community in Wenjiang District to the 5th floor of unit ××, No. × Wanchun Road. He picked up his meal at 20:35 and rushed to his destination immediately after picking up the meal.

Feng Moudong remembers that the note on the order at that time was "Don't call, knock on the door". When it was delivered, Feng Moudong went upstairs and found that there were two households on the 5th floor. Because he was not sure which one it was, Feng Moudong dialed the customer Wang Moudong's phone, "At the beginning, I made a few (calls) and no one opened the door, and then I called again, I said I would open the door outside the door." Feng Moudong said that after the customer opened the door, he kept staring at him with his eyes and asked, "Why don't you knock on the door and call me?" He explained to the customer that "knocking on the door at night is not good", and then Feng Moudong asked Wang if he still needed this order, and after his reply "no", Feng Moudong turned downstairs and prepared to send the meal back to the merchant.

Just as he turned to go downstairs, Feng Moudong felt that someone had kicked him in the leg. Due to the instability of his center of gravity, he rolled heavily into the stairwells on the 4th and 5th floors.

Feng Moudong said that after he fell, his mobile phone was also broken, but Wang did not stop violence, but punched him in the head several times. Feng Moudong said that he did not fight back during the whole process, "I was beaten." Fearing further harm, he began to beg Wang for forgiveness. After constantly begging for forgiveness, Wang stopped.

After that, Feng Moudong limped downstairs and used other people's mobile phones to report to the police. After the police arrived, they took Wang away from the scene, and Feng Moudong went to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

According to the disease diagnosis certificate of Chengdu Wenjiang District People's Hospital, Feng Moudong was admitted to the hospital at 1:31 on October 16, and the diagnosis results were "mild head injury, scalp contusion, lateral meniscus tear of the right knee, collateral ligament injury, and right tibia plateau bone contusion.".

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑ Feng Moudong's disease diagnosis certificate.

Neighbor Narrator:

Hear the noise outside

When I went out, I saw the delivery man lying on the ground and said, "I was wrong."

The Red Star News reporter learned that on the second day of the incident (October 16), the Wenjiang District Public Security Bureau made an administrative punishment decision: "It is now found that at about 21:00 on October 15, 2020, the offender Wang Moudong beat Feng Moudong between the 4th floor and the 5th floor of the× × building at No. ×, Wanchun Road, Liucheng Wanchun Road, Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, because Feng Moudong delivered takeaway food overtime... It is hereby decided to place the offender Wang Mou under administrative detention for 7 days and impose a fine of RMB 300. "The punishment has now been detained in Chongzhou City.

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑Copy of police administrative penalty decision.

So, what was the situation at that time? Red Star News reporters came to the community where the incident occurred on October 22 for a field visit.

The reporter saw that the community is an old community, there is no monitoring installed in the corridor, and the top floor is the 5th floor where Wang Mou is located. From the outside, there are two families on the 5th floor, but in fact, Wang Mou is opposite a locked warehouse, and only from the appearance is no different from the general housing.

The reporter knocked on the door of Wang's house, and no one responded.

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑ Incident community.

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑ Wang Mou rents a residence.

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑ Opposite Wang's rented residence is a warehouse, and the appearance is no different from ordinary housing.

According to Mr. Cai, a resident who lives under Wang's building, Wang is a tenant and has moved here for less than a year, "There should be 1 meter 7, which is relatively strong." At the time of the incident, he heard a noise outside the house, "it was still very loud." When he went out to see, "the takeaway brother was already lying on the ground on this side (in front of his house)." He once heard the takeaway brother say "I was wrong" and "I pay you" and other words, Mr. Cai also advised everyone to calm down, and then Wang let go of the takeaway. Mr. Cai said that at that time, Wang also told him that the beating was because the takeaway delivery was late, "late and so dragged, too angry." ”

The insider said:

The hitter was playing a game and was impatient

Cousin: He also worked as a delivery man, and once said that the other party had a bad attitude

The Red Star News reporter learned that Wang Mou, a 25-year-old native of Xinjin, Chengdu, was detained because he was detained, so what happened to the two sides at that time, the reporter could not ask him for verification for the time being.

For this matter, according to a person familiar with the matter told the Red Star News reporter, Wang Was playing a game at the time, and after ordering takeaway, he was very impatient because the delivery man called many times. After opening the door, the delivery man said that it was timed out, and the two quarreled. Wang said he didn't want this takeaway, and the delivery man said that if you don't want me, I will return it to the merchant." When the delivery man was ready to leave, Wang Kicked the delivery man with his foot, and after the delivery man rolled down, the two fought together. ”

According to Mr. Yang, Wang's cousin, after the incident, the family was shocked, because Wang had never had such a thing, "let alone detained." Mr. Yang told Red Star News that his cousin did play games and used to be a delivery man. On the night of the incident, when he saw Wang, Wang told him that the meals sent by the takeaway were cold, "At that time, the attitude of the (takeaway) was not very good, saying that you love to eat or not." ”


Recovery from a meniscal tear in the right knee takes at least two or three months

Family: Customers can complain normally and should not hit people

Red Star News reporter learned from Hu Bing, attending physician of the Department of Orthopedics of Wenjiang District People's Hospital, that Feng Moudong's lateral meniscus of the right knee was torn, "the tear was more severe, and the day before yesterday had surgery." Hu Bing said that Feng Moudong needs rehabilitation treatment next, but the recovery time is not easy to estimate.

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑ Feng Moudong meniscus tearing.

"To get back to normal life, it takes two or three months to be optimistic, but it may be longer, or even half a year." Hu Bing said that at present, Feng Moudong's treatment costs have been more than 30,000 yuan, "follow-up costs are not easy to estimate, rehabilitation treatment and basic nursing care, etc. it takes about two or three hundred yuan a day." ”

Faced with a long recovery period and subsequent medical expenses, Feng Moudong's family was in trouble.

The Red Star News reporter learned that Feng Moudong is 26 years old this year and is not a native of Chengdu. After the incident, Feng Moudong's father and sister heard the news and rushed from Lou Fu County, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, to Chengdu. Sister Feng Moulin believes that the customer Wang Moulin's approach is very inappropriate, "even if you want to complain, you should also complain normally through the platform, rather than beating people." ”

Feng Moulin introduced that the economic conditions of his brother's family are not good, the family has a 7-month-old child who needs to be taken care of, his wife does not have a job, and there are more than 1800 yuan of mortgages to repay every month.

Feng Moudong's father said that they are local farmers in Shanxi and have very little income. Now Feng Moudong pays more than 30,000 yuan of medical expenses, are swiped out of the credit card, "the beater currently has no compensation, advance any expenses." ”

The Red Star News reporter saw that on the water drop fundraising platform, Feng Moulin has launched fundraising for his brother, with a target amount of 40,000 yuan, but so far he has raised more than 4,000 yuan.


The hitter has been placed under administrative detention

The results of the injury assessment will be followed up

The Red Star News reporter learned that although Feng Moudong bought traffic accident insurance, the injury in this case did not meet the definition of the insurance. Feng Moudong's family hopes that the takeaway platform Meituan Takeaway can come forward to manage it, "first pay the medical expenses, and then return them after receiving compensation, after all, he is the meal delivered through the Meituan." ”

Feng Moudong's takeaway platform Meituan Takeaway said that the platform will fully cooperate with the police investigation and coordinate the delivery service providers to which the riders belong to visit and comfort them. However, as for whether the order was overtime on the same day, as of the Red Star News reporter's press release, the platform did not reply. The reporter saw that the order only had the status of grabbing orders, arriving at the store, and picking up the goods, and there was no "delivery" time, which was automatically canceled by the system at 2:06 a.m. on October 16.

The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained

↑The order only has a record of grabbing orders, arrivals, and pickups, and is automatically canceled by the system in the early morning of the next day.

Red Star News reporters learned from the Wenjiang police that the matter has been investigated by the case, and the person who beater Wang Mou was given a penalty of 7 days of administrative detention and a fine of 300 yuan.

For the follow-up treatment, the Wenjiang District Public Security Bureau said that it is now conducting an injury appraisal of Feng Moudong, and the next step is to carry out follow-up treatment according to the results of the injury appraisal. If the result of the injury appraisal is more than minor injury, a criminal case will be opened for investigation and Wang's criminal responsibility will be pursued.

For civil compensation, the two parties can negotiate or choose to sue through legal channels.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Ling Intern reporter Mou Hongyue photo report

Edited by Peng Jiang

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The takeaway brother delivered food and was beaten into a head injury meniscus tearing the beaten customer also did the takeaway, the police: has been detained