
Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

author:Jinhua release
Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →
Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

Zhang Shangde: Doing public welfare will be "addictive"

Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

Zhang Shangde, born in May 1959, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of jinhua DayanHe Grain Professional Cooperative.

Since the first free blood donation in 1999, Zhang Shangde's footsteps in public welfare have not stopped. Zhang Shangde has donated blood 58 times, with a total of 26,300 ml, and has won the National Blood Donation Gold Award and the Zhejiang Provincial River Cup of Unpaid Blood Donation for many times. On his 60th birthday, Zhang Shangde donated his last blood as a birthday gift to himself. He said that although he is older and can no longer donate blood, other public welfare can still be done.

After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Zhang Shangde had the idea of adopting an orphan in the disaster area. Through the mediation of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhang Shangde contacted the staff of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and expressed his willingness to adopt, and the other party promised to notify him of a suitable candidate. "Maybe there are many enthusiastic people across the country helping children in the disaster areas, and I didn't receive a call back from them later." Zhang Shangde said.

In early 2017, Zhang Shangde unexpectedly received an adoption text message from China SOS Children's Village. At first, he thought it was a scam text message, but later confirmed that it was a non-profit organization for orphans in cooperation with the Chinese government and the international SOS Children's Village organization. Zhang Shangde immediately agreed to adoption and signed an adoption agreement. "The girl I adopted is in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and I will sponsor her until she graduates from college." Zhang Shangde said that he has always been concerned about his children's life and learning, and every year he has an opportunity to visit his children in Nanchang, and when necessary, he will write letters of encouragement to his children.

Zhang Shangde joined the Dayan River Public Welfare Organization in Jindong District, using his spare time as a volunteer to help the martyrs find their families and erect monuments to the unknown martyrs. In December last year, when Zhang Shangde was searching for the tombs of martyrs in Fucun, Tangya, Yuandong, Xiaoshun and other townships, he accidentally learned that there was a martyr's tomb in Tangya Town where five people were buried together. Four of the five martyrs were from other provinces and had no relatives to sacrifice. Zhang Shangde and volunteers worked together through many contacts and comparisons, and finally at the beginning of this year, Zhang Shanqing, a martyr whose tombstone reads "Originally from Taixiang District, Liyang County, Shandong Province", found his 76-year-old son. On the eve of the Qingming Dynasty, the son of martyr Zhang Shanqing came to Jinhua from Shandong with his family to visit his father's grave for the first time, and thanked jinhua's volunteers for helping him realize his dream that lasted for more than 70 years. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, Zhang Shangde also went to the site of the Battle of Guozhuang in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, to erect a monument to the unknown martyrs and fund the construction of a heroic martyr's wall for future generations to remember. In recent years, Zhang Shangde's public welfare footprint has spread to 13 regions in 6 provinces such as Yunnan, Shandong and Liaoning, with a journey of 20,000 kilometers and a total of more than 200,000 yuan in personal donations.

Zhang Shangde said: "Doing public welfare will be 'addictive', but do good deeds, do not ask about the future. ”

Gang Chen: Good steel is used on the blade

Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

The first on the right is Chen Gang

Chen Gang, born in April 1975, is the leader of the water rescue team of the Yiwu Citizens Emergency Rescue Team.

After joining the Yiwu Civil Emergency Rescue Association, Chen Gang has participated in emergency rescue missions for many times. In the 2016 landslide rescue operation in Suichang Su village, Lishui, Chen Gang, as a member of the Yiwu civil emergency rescue team that first entered the disaster site to rescue and finally left, fought in Su Village for 28 days and nights. At the risk of collapsing again, he forcibly opened a rescue channel on the mud and rock pile, and successfully completed urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks such as on-site search and rescue and the erection of emergency bridges, and was honored by the Zhejiang Provincial Government for his personal second-class merit.

In the 2017 Lanxi flood, Chen Gang received the task of chi aid and went to the vicinity of the Lanxi South Gate Bridge to carry out rescue work. When the rescue team arrived at the scene at night, seeing the flood pouring into the houses, Chen Gang and the team members drove rescue boats, one house after another to check, to help the villagers trapped by the flood quickly move to safety. Suddenly, Chen Gang heard the crying of a child not far away, and he led the team to grope in the direction of the child's crying, and found a child lying on the roof of a house that was about to be flooded, which could be washed away by the flood at any time. At this time, the gate of the house has been blocked by floodwaters. Chen Gang did not dare to be idle for a moment, after taking protective measures, he struggled to climb towards the roof, under the flood, the house was crumbling, Chen Gang disregarded the danger and successfully saved the child. Afterwards, the child's parents tightly held Chen Gang's hand and thanked him repeatedly. "If the child is safe, this is what I should do." Chen Gang said.

Epidemic prevention and control, sports events, disaster scenes... Where there is a need, Chen Gang will appear wherever he is, standing up at a critical moment when the country and the people need to provide various emergency guarantees for people's work and life. Over the years, Chen Gang has practiced the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly with practical actions, disregarding dangers and not paying any compensation, doing his best to serve the society and protect the safety of the people's lives and property.

Xu Xiaoli: With the present in mind, Charun students

Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

Xu Xiaoli, female, born in May 1987, deputy secretary-general of wuyi freelancers association.

Xu Xiaoli runs a tea house in Wuyi County, and as a national first-class tea art technician, Xu Xiaoli often participates in public welfare activities such as tea culture promotion and tea ceremony etiquette. Since 2010, Xu Xiaoli has begun to pay attention to helping disadvantaged children in Wuyi. Over the past 10 years, it has helped more than 70 students in difficulty, and personal donations have reached more than 300,000 yuan, so that many left-behind children have been soothed by their hearts and children with family difficulties have received financial support.

Xu Xiaoli grew up in the countryside, and in the stage of study, the teachers were not afraid of hardships, enthusiastic teaching, and the dedication of caring for rural children, which planted the seeds of love in her heart. Therefore, when Xu Xiaoli had the ability to feed back the society, she began to consciously help students with difficulties.

Once, Xu Xiaoli saw a wall of wishes written on a mountain school in western Wuyi, and she remembered her childhood self. Since then, Xu Xiaoli has been inseparable from this mountain school. As soon as she has time, she runs to the school, chats with teachers, plays games with children, and visits one household after another, hoping to use her own strength to insert wings for the dreams of children in mountainous areas. Xu Xiaoli's enthusiasm also infected the young teachers of the school, making them feel that it has a special significance to take root in the mountains and teach well.

A few years ago, Xu Xiaoli accidentally learned that a child who had lost her parents was about to take the college entrance examination, but she was lonely and nervous inside. She took the initiative to understand the situation from the relevant personnel in the child's village, communicated with the school psychological counselor, and gave the child comfort and encouragement in a timely manner with the teacher. The child was later successfully admitted to college, and Xu Xiaoli has been sponsoring her until she graduated from college.

In the more than 10 years of public welfare, Xu Xiaoli has planned more than 100 activities to care for minors and served about 1,000 families. She also often volunteers to teach tea culture to local primary and secondary school students, enriching the children's extracurricular knowledge. Xu Xiaoli has won the titles of Top Ten Outstanding Youth of Wuyi County and Excellent Volunteer Counselor of Wuyi County.

Xu Xiaoli said that there is a saying in the tea ceremony called "empty cup heart", which means to enjoy the present moment and taste the current tea with your heart. "I feel good about doing public welfare with this kind of mood."

Jin Gaofeng: Warm blood to help people Warm people

Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

Jin Gaofeng, born in February 1971, is a member of the Communist Party of China, deputy secretary of the party branch and director of the supervisory committee of Nanwu Village, Xinwo Subdistrict, Pan'an County.

He is a master of unpaid blood donations. In 2002, when Jin Gaofeng was hospitalized while his mother was ill and hospitalized, he saw a child facing life risk due to ischemia, and he did not hesitate to roll up his sleeves and donate 400 milliliters of blood. This was the first time he had donated blood in his life, and he inadvertently opened his way to donate blood for free. Since then, he has insisted on donating blood every year, donating 400 ml of blood each time, and has donated 11,800 ml of blood so far, and has been awarded the "National Blood Donation Gold Award" and other honors.

He is the backbone of emergency rescue. Although he often received search and rescue missions in the middle of the night, Jin Fengfeng did not feel tired. "It allows you to exercise, and with young people, your mindset becomes younger." As soon as he put on the red rescue suit, Jin Fengfeng would play twelve points of spirit. Since joining the Pan'an County Red Cross Emergency Rescue Team in 2019, Jin Gaofeng has participated in rescue more than 10 times and helped retrieve 5 lost elderly people. Jin Fengfeng was thus awarded the title of "2020 Pan'an County Emergency Rescue Advanced Individual".

He is a pioneer in the fight against the epidemic. After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Jin Gaofeng took the initiative to ask for help and threw himself into the fight against the epidemic. Often after the village patrol all night, the next day to participate in the card point duty, card point duty just handed over, the epidemic prevention and disinfection team appeared again in his figure, his 50th birthday is in the high-speed card point. In the face of such a high-intensity, continuous rotation of the work rhythm, he said: "Things always need to be done by people to complete, I am a party member, I can do a little more, do a little more." ”

Pan'an County Volunteer Association, An Wen Volunteer Police, County Consumer Protection Commission volunteers, in addition to village work, Jin Gaofeng also joined a number of volunteer teams, using their free time to participate in volunteer activities. "Helping others means helping yourself, making yourself happy, warming others' hearts, and I will always go down this path." Jin Gaofeng said that he firmly believes that by giving love through personal practice, he will definitely influence more people around him and let more caring people join the public welfare undertakings.

He Zechong: Desperate to save the woman who fell into the water

Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

He Zechong, born in February 1977, is the head of the installation and maintenance team of the Geshan Branch of Dongyang Telecom Branch.

On the afternoon of October 12 last year, He Zechong went out on a mission to return to the company as usual, when the car drove to the bridge of Dali Village, Geshan Town, Dongyang City, he saw a lot of people standing around the bridge, heard that some people wanted to jump off the bridge to take a life, He Zechong immediately stopped the car and tried to dissuade, but it was too late, only to see a woman flip out of the guardrail and fall into the Dongyang River. In a hurry, He Zechong did not hesitate to run to the bridge, took off his shoes and coat, flipped over the railing, and plunged into the Dongyang River.

After launching the water, the cold river water made He Zechong suddenly realize that the last time he swam was in a pond near his hometown more than 20 years ago. But people's lives were at stake, and He Zechong didn't have time to think too much, and swam straight to the person who fell into the water. The woman who fell into the water is located in the middle of the river, and the water depth is about 5 meters. He Zechong was only thinking of quickly saving people, he tried to swim to the center of the river, grabbed the arm of the woman who fell into the water and pulled it to the shore with force.

Because he had no special rescue training, He Zechong gradually felt some difficulty in pulling the fallen into the water to the shore, but he gritted his teeth and pulled the drowning person to the shore little by little. Fortunately, with the help of two well-wishers on the shore, He Zechong successfully rescued the people on the shore. Due to the timely rescue, the woman who fell into the water was in no danger and there was no major obstacle. He Zechong did not find out until he came ashore that his foot had been cut out of a wound up to 7 centimeters in length during the rescue process, and the wound was oozing blood.

After saving people, He Zechong returned to work, and it was not until many media reports that colleagues did not know about his deeds of going into the water to save people. He Zechong said plainly: "This is just a small thing, there is nothing worth showing off." Being able to help others is the greatest joy. ”

In life, He Zechong is a helpful person. From his hometown in Hubei to Dongyang for more than 20 years, He Zechong has been sticking to the first line of broadband maintenance and installation, he is a good son, a good husband, a good father in the eyes of his family, and a good master and enthusiastic person in the eyes of colleagues. In his heart, helping others is just a show of hands, and he is happy because of it. It is precisely under the impetus of this spirit of dedication that he will see the lives of others in danger that He Zechong will resolutely dive into the water to save people regardless of personal safety, and interpret the greatness in the ordinary with his own practical actions. He Zechong was awarded the honorary title of "Seeing Righteousness and Courage as an Activist" in Dongyang City, and was awarded the third class of personal merit in Dongyang City.

Summer Finalists: Life and Death Speed staged in the rapids

Tribute to the good people of Jinhua| doing good deeds will be "addictive"! Their positive energy "exploded" →

Xia Siqiang, born in September 1978, is a villager of Gaoshantou Natural Village, Huangtang Village, Dongcheng Subdistrict, Yongkang City.

At the end of May this year, a rescue video was spread on the Internet: a woman in the river water floated and sank, her life was hanging on a line; on the bank of the river, two men, one after the other, ran wildly in the direction where the woman was drifting, the man in front of him ran while undressing, found the right time to jump into the rushing river, grabbed the woman who fell into the water, and then arrived at another man found a stick on the shore, and with the help of a grandfather, the three of them worked together to pull the woman who fell into the water, and the whole process took only 3 minutes.

This "speed of life and death" occurred on the riverside of Jiefang Bridge in Yongkang City, and the man who saved people was named Xia Siqiang. "I had just come out of the house that day to pick up a client when I heard someone shouting, 'Someone has fallen into the water.'" Xia Siqiang, who understands water, immediately came to the river and found a person floating in the river. "She's floating on the water, she's lost consciousness..." Xia Siqiang immediately ran downstream, ready to save people.

At that time, the river flow rate was particularly fast, familiar with the water nature of Xia Siqiang while running and undressing, after reaching a shore with a foothold, Xia Siqiang found that the river would wash the falling woman to a very close position on the shore, he knew that this might be the only chance, otherwise according to the flow rate of the river, the probability of the survival of the falling woman would be greatly reduced.

Xia Siqiang found the right time to rush directly into the river, did not expect that the water flow was fast and deep, and it was difficult for people to stand firm in the water. Xia Siqiang used his best strength to take the falling woman to the shore, at this time, the man who had just run on the shore with Xia Siqiang found a stick and handed it over, Xia Siqiang received it at the fastest speed, but the river flowed too fast, the man on the shore followed the river for four or five meters, and Xia Siqiang and the falling woman were only a little closer to the shore. A passing uncle saw the situation and immediately stepped forward to help, and in the end, Xia Siqiang and the three of them successfully rescued the woman who fell into the water.

After the woman was rescued, she was completely unconscious, Xia Siqiang quickly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her, fortunately, without pressing a few times, the woman who fell into the water spat out a lot of water, and gradually she could still speak, Xia Siqiang breathed a sigh of relief. After the police arrived at the police station, Xia Siqiang picked up the clothes on the shore and left.

Returning home wet, Xia Siqiang joked with his wife that he had fallen into the water. The wife later learned the truth and was scared enough. "Because it's the rainy season, the water flow is really big, and it's still a little dangerous to think about." Therefore, except for his wife, xia Siqiang did not say anything about saving people, until the rescue video spread on the Internet. In the face of praise from all sides, Xia Siqiang said that he had only done a small thing within his power. If he hadn't gone to save people at that time, his heart would have been too upset, and if he had to do it again, he would still have made the same choice.

Source | Jinhua News Client

Author | Wang Longyu

Editor| Huang Xiaoru

Proofreading | Chen Xiaoyan

Audit | Ni Hanxia

Producer | Fan Weidong Li Yan