
Ottoman Empire, Western version of the Turkic Empire. The Turks converted the inhabitants of Anatolia into Turks

author:Do not reply to statements that are all fake

The Ottoman Empire, the Western version of the Turkic Empire! The Turkics, who made up the majority of The Anatolian population, were ruled by Turkic nobles. The Greeks and Romans of Anatolia had long since been slaughtered by the Turks. The Turks moved in and became the dominant population of Anatolia. (The Turkic nobility ruled over the Turks, who made up 90 percent of Anatolia's population.) )

Turkic (Seljuk, Nurdin (Zangi)、...... Ottomans) defeated the Roman Empire many times, defeated the Crusaders many times, and carried out a plan of substitution in Anatolia, replacing the local population with Turks! Historians record that the Turks killed the original inhabitants of Anatolia and moved the Turks into Anatolia, making the main population of Anatolia Turkic.

The historian Finlay records that "the Turks, in order to turn themselves into masters of the conquered regions, adopted a plan aimed at exterminating the indigenous population on the vast plains, so that the area could be easily occupied by them (the Turks)..."

Laurent records: "After the Turks passed by, the destruction of the ruins left behind by them was unimaginable. Where they arrive, there will be no more living people. ”

Laurent also records that "the native inhabitants of Asia Minor (Anatolia) were killed by the Turks. From caesar city and Hipbas to Nicea and Sardis, all the valleys and plains in between have become completely vacuumed..."

(Actual genetic testing also showed that the Turks were genetically distinct from the Greeks.) The main ethnic group of the Ottoman Turks was indeed Turkic. )

Since the Turks (Seljuks) annihilated all the main forces of the Roman Empire at the Battle of Manziquet, Eastern Rome has gradually fallen into fragmentation. Although there were many ming princes and ministers who implemented reforms, they revitalized Eastern Rome many times. However, from 1071 to 1200 AD, the Turks (Seljuks, Nurdin (Zangi)...). In the past hundred years, many European armies and crusaders have been completely annihilated, completely destroying the re-emerging Eastern Rome, and fighting the Eastern Rome completely fragmented and weakened to the extreme.

Many crusades were eventually defeated by the Turks. At best, the Crusaders achieved very few short victories, and soon the Turks fought more crusaders in disastrous defeat. 【1】

The Crusaders found themselves unable to defeat the Turks, and also found that the Eastern Romans had been torn apart and weakened by the Turks, so the Fourth Crusade, taking advantage of the fact that the main army of the Roman Empire had been completely annihilated by the Turks, the Crusaders decided to plunder the capital of Eastern Rome to obtain wealth, and sure enough, they succeeded.

In 1326 AD, the newly rising Ottoman Turks on the Anatolian Peninsula began to defeat European armies and crusaders for more than 300 years. 【2】

The Ottoman Turks were originally the old enemies of the Romans, only briefly allied with the Romans, never a vassal of the Romans, and the Ottoman Turks soon began to fight the Eastern Rome, forcing the Eastern Romans to submit to the Turks (Ottomans).

In fact, the Ottoman Turks were only briefly allies of eastern Rome, and soon went to war with eastern Rome. (The Song dynasty forged the Ottoman Turks as vassals of the Romans.) According to the logic of song blowing, the Song Dynasty was originally a vassal and subordinate of the Western Xia, and according to the logic of song blowing, the Song Dynasty was originally a vassal and subordinate of the Khitans. )

However, the fact that the Ottoman Turks were never vassals of the Romans. The Ottoman Turks were foreign enemies of the Romans, and soon after a brief alliance with the Romans, they went to war with the Romans.

In 1326, the Ottomans captured Brusa, which later became the center of the Ottoman campaign against Europe.

From 1326 to 1676 AD, in these 300 years, the Turks (Ottomans) defeated many Crusaders and various European armies in hundreds of battles, killed crusaders and many European armies in European countries, and seized large areas of territory from Europeans. The Ottoman Turkic Empire expanded and conquered southern Europe, Central Europe, southern Russia, Anatolia, North Africa, the Middle East, Arabia, Egypt... And so on. 【2】

Among them, in 1453 AD, the Turkic Mehmed II conquered Constantinople and continued to defeat the war in Europe. Mohammed II was a Turkic emperor and sultan.

(y Song blows the forgery of Muhammad II's coronation as Roman Emperor.) According to the logic of Song Chui that Zhao Kuangyin was crowned emperor of Zahu as emperor of Bieliang. It can be seen how ridiculous Song Chui said.

The fact is that Mehmed II was not crowned Roman Emperor. Mehmed II was always the Turkic Emperor and Sultan. )

The Ottoman Turks continued to defeat European and Arab armies, seizing large areas of territory from Europeans and Arabs.

Supplement [1]:

The Seljuk Turks were only one of the westward-moving Turks, and there were other westward-moving Turks in addition to the Seljuks. The Sultanate of Roma was only one of the many forces that had been divided after the weakening and division of the Seljuk Turkic civil strife, less than one-fifth of the strength of the Seljuk Turkic state.

In 1071 AD, the Seljuk Turks completely annihilated the main force of the Roman Empire at the Battle of Manziket, and then the Turks won several consecutive victories over the European allies, and the Turks gradually captured Anatolia (Asia Minor), an important part of the Roman Empire.

The peninsula of Asia Minor was ruled by a large number of Turkic nobles, not by the Turkic nobleman Suriman.

In 1075 AD, Sulaiman captured Nicaea and Nicomedia from the Eastern Romans.

Because Sulaiman fell out with the Great Seljuk Sultan Marik Shah, sulaiman established the Sultanate of Roma in 1077 AD, with the capital at Iznik.

In 1st 1st 86 AD, Suleiman was killed near Antiochus by the Seljuk ruler Tuthush I of Syria. Suleiman's son Arslan I was imprisoned, the Great Seljuk Sultan Marik Shah died in 1092, Arslan I was released, and he re-established himself in the Roma region ruled by his father.

Against the Turks, the European armies and crusaders achieved only a few, very short victories, and they were only able to achieve several brief victories in civil wars between the Turkic armies, and only when a small number of Turkic armies fought against the European armies and crusaders. Then there were the fiasco of the European armies and crusaders that the Turks fought more times.

The Seljuk Turks were mired in a long civil war. Europe took the opportunity to launch the First Crusade in 1096. During the First Crusade, because the main Turkic forces at that time were in civil wars and the various Turkic armies were engaged in each other, the Crusaders were able to achieve several short victories and recover parts of the region. But there were also tens of thousands of Crusaders led by the Turkic army in 1096, which completely annihilated Peter.

In 10 (9) 8 AD, at the Battle of Malatya, the Sivas Turks broke the Crusades and captured Bohemond I.

Arslan I then attacked the Crusaders at Merziphon. Soon after, he again annihilated the Crusaders at the Battle of Heraclea Cybistra.

Thereafter, Arslan I once again broke the Crusades led by William II of Nivelle.

In 1104 AD, Arslan I launched a war against the Turkic Dynasty of Denismand. As a result, Bohemond and the Danishmand dynasty worked together to form an alliance against the Sultanate of Roma and the Eastern Romans.

Subsequently, Arslan I led an expedition, and in 1107 AD, he successfully occupied Mosul. But at the Battle of the Habul River, the Turkic armies of the Turkic Altug dynasty defeated Arslan I. Arslan I drowned while crossing the river.

The Turkic cavalry repeatedly defeated the Crusaders, captured large areas, burned and plundered, and seized incalculable treasures. The Western Expedition of the Turkic Cavalry led to the loss of countless cities and lands in eastern Rome and the Crusaders.

The Sultanate of Rom was far weaker than the Turkic whole. The Turks themselves were weakened by internal strife and divided into more than a dozen countries, one of which was the Sultanate of Rom, which also fought against the Crusaders. The Turkic army won more and lost less.

The Turkic Melikshaa captured Konya.

In 1116 AD, Mesud I, the son of Arslan I, recaptured Konya with the assistance of another Turkic Dynasty of Danishmand. By the time of the death of Mesud I in 1156 AD, the territory of the Sultanate of Roma was only part of central Anatolia, not even central Anatolia. Large areas of territory were occupied by other Turkic states.

Arslan II embraced and kissed Henry the Lion, and falsely claimed that he and Henry the Lion were distant brothers by blood.

In 1144 AD, the Turkic army of the Turkic Zangi dynasty defeated the Crusaders and conquered Edessa, the capital of the Crusabe state.

In 1146 AD, the Turkic Nurdin (Zangi dynasty) led the Turkic cavalry to defeat the Crusaders and conquer several castles in northern Syria. In the same year, Nurdin led a Turkic cavalry to defeat the Crusaders of George Lin II, Count of Edessa.

A series of military victories by the Turkic Imadedin Zanghi and Nurdin father and son shook the Western world and prompted Europe to call for a second crusade in an attempt to repel Nurdin's Turkic army in the hope of recovering the lost territory of the Edessab state and part of the Principality of Antioch. However, the Crusades suffered a crushing defeat, and almost all of Syria fell into the hands of the Turkic Nurdin.

The Second Crusade began in 1147. The Turks suffered repeated defeats in the Crusaders in Asia Minor, the Crusaders were largely annihilated, the Crusader commander Conrad was wounded by an arrow, and the young Frederick I fled with his uncle Conrad Ben.

In 1148, the Turkic army of the Sultan of Roma defeated the Crusaders, taking heavy losses. In July of the same year, the Turkic army of the Turkic Unur also defeated the Crusaders.

In 1149, the Turk Nurtin broke the French Crusades and beheaded Raymond of Poitiers, Duke of Antioch, and inflicted heavy losses on the French Crusaders. The Turks conquered the cities of Harim and Apamea in the Principality of Antioch.

In 1151, Nurdin led a Turkic army to capture the important town of Antakia, invaded the capital of the Crusading state of the Principality of Antioch, and captured its monarch Bohemond III.

In 1154 AD, the Turk Nurdin took over Damascus from another turkic group, laying the foundation for Saladin's future capture of the holy city of Jerusalem.

In 1163, the Crusaders engaged the Arab Fatimid dynasty of Egypt. The Turkic Nurtin sent a Turkic army to Egypt, and the Crusaders were defeated.

In 11 (6) 4, the Turk Nurdin attacked Antioch, defeating the Crusaders, killing a large number of Crusaders, and capturing several Crusader leaders, including the Antioch prince Bohemond III.

In 1187, at the Battle of Harding, Saladin led an army to annihilate the Crusaders, capturing King Guy of Jerusalem, his brother Amarik, the antiogue general Châtillon's Renard, the Templar commander Gerard de Ridefort, and numerous Crusader noble generals, beheading Archbishop Ak and capturing the Crusader's holy relic, the True Cross. Saladin conquered the Crusader state of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The Sultanate of Roma also repeatedly defeated the Crusaders and eastern Rome in the face of constant Turkic civil wars. In 1176, the Sultanate of Roma defeated Eastern Rome, annihilated the main army of Eastern Rome, and once again severely damaged the Eastern Roman Empire.

In 1205, the Sultanate of Roma defeated the Crusaders and captured Konya. In 1207, the Roma army won a great victory and captured Antalya. In 1214 the Roma army won a great victory and captured the important city of Sinop. The Trabzun Empire, founded by the Europeans, was subordinate to the Sultanate of Roma. Later, the Roma army destroyed the Armenian kingdom of Chilicia. From 1221 to 1225, the Roma army attacked the Mediterranean coast. In the 1220s, the Roma army crossed the Black Sea to Crimea. To the east, the Sultanate of Roma defeated Menjuček and began to exert pressure on Artug.

All the deadly threats, and more lethal threats, of the Sultanate of Roma came from the internal infighting of the Sultanate of Roma itself and other Turkic states. When the Sultanate of Rome was not weakened by infighting, the Mongol cavalry could not defeat the Sultanate of Rom. The Sultanate of Roma, weakened by its own infighting, was only defeated by the Mongol cavalry after its own infighting weakened itself. However, the other Turks defeated the Mongols many times, and the Mamluk Turkic cavalry, the Delhi Sultan Turkic soldiers, and the Timurid Turkic cavalry defeated the Mongol cavalry several times.

It was only after the army of the Sultanate of Roma was wiped out by other Turkic states, and after the Sultanate of Roma was weakened by its own many infighting, that the Mongols were able to capture the Region of Erzurum in 1242 AD. The Roma chief, Kaihosru II, did not have a large army at all.

Most of the army of the Sultanate of Roma had long since been destroyed by other Turks. The Roma chieftain, Kaihosru II, could only use two thousand soldiers to fight the Mongol army between Sivas and Erzinjan.

The Mongol general Bai Zhu defeated only two thousand Roma troops. However, the Mamluk cavalry composed of Turks repeatedly destroyed 100,000 Mongol cavalry, killing the Mongols for thousands of miles.

(Song Chui said that thousands of Jinren tribal soldiers annihilated 600,000 Song troops in the Battle of Taiyuan, killing the Song people in a thousand miles and conquering the Central Plains of the Song Dynasty in one fell swoop.) Thousands of Jinren tribal soldiers annihilated 1 million Song troops in the Battle of Kaifeng, killing the Song people for thousands of miles, and conquered all parts of the Central Plains of the Song Dynasty and Jiangnan Zhejiang in one fell swoop. )

Before the Mongols came, the Turkic infighting had already hit the Sultanate of Roma hard. It was the turkic infighting that led to the collapse of the Sultanate of Roma.

The Sultanate of Roma was divided into three by the three sons of Kehosru II. The infighting in the Sultanate of Rome itself has led to the constant fragmentation of the Sultanate of Rome into more States.

The Mongols took advantage of the Turkic infighting and weakness before they were able to briefly detain Anatolia.

The Mamluk cavalry consisted of Turks who had moved west to southern Russia. The Mamluk cavalry was actually a Turkic cavalry.

In 1277 AD, the Mamluk Turkic cavalry attacked the Mongol forces in the north, defeating the Mongol cavalry, killing the Mongol cavalry and conquering Anatolia in one fell swoop. But Anatolian locals said there was no need for Mamluk cavalry to stay. After the Return of the Mamluk cavalry to Egypt, the Mongols were able to hold Anatolia in name again.

y Song Chui forged "In 13О8 AD, the rebellion of the Turks aroused the vigilance of the Mongol nobles, believing that the Sultanate of Roma was secretly colluding with the Mamluk cavalry, so he ordered the execution of the last Roma chief, Kaihosru III..." However, the fact is that this is not a Rebellion of the Turks at all, it is not at all "the rebellion of the Turks aroused the vigilance of the Mongol nobles". The Mongols did not believe that the Sultanate of Roma was secretly colluding with the Mamluk cavalry. The Mongol Ilkhanate monarch Thegudier also appealed to the Turkic Mamluks for help.

Kaihosru III was killed because Hehusru III was too close to the Mongol Kangirtai. The Mongols Kangirtai wooed Kaihosru III, and the Mongols Kangirtai rebelled against the Ilkhanate monarch Thegudier, and Kaihosru III was executed. The Ilkhanate monarch Thegudier appealed to the Turkic Mamluks for help.

Kaihosru III was executed in 1284, and the Sultanate of Roma did not perish in 1284, 13О8. In 1328, the Turkic kingdom of Karaman destroyed the Sultanate of Rom.

In 1276 the Army of the Turkic Karamanate successfully defeated several Mongol cavalry.

In 1277, the Mamluk Turkic cavalry defeated the Mongol cavalry. In the same year, the Turkic armies of the Turkic karamanate captured Konya, the capital of the Sultanate of Roma.

In 1328, the Turkic kingdom of Karaman destroyed the Sultanate of Rom.

The Turkic cavalry repeatedly broke the Mongol cavalry, killing Mongolian corpses for thousands of miles. The Mamluk Turkic and Timurid Turkic armies repeatedly defeated the Mongol cavalry, crushed many Mongol states, and destroyed all the Mongol states in Anatolia (Asia Minor), West Asia, central Asia, and other places.

The Sultanate of Rom was crushed by its own Turks. Unfortunately, many Mongol states were defeated and destroyed by the Turks, as well as the Liao and Song dynasties, which were attacked by thousands of Jinren tribal soldiers by foreign enemies, and the Southern Song Dynasty, which was destroyed by one of the five parts divided by the Mongols.

Before the Turkic infighting, neither the Crusaders nor the Mongols failed to defeat the Sultanate of Roma. After the Turkic infighting weakened the Sultanate of Rom, the Crusaders and Mongols briefly defeated the Sultanate of Rom. But the other Turks immediately defeated the Crusaders and Mongols. The Turks formed the Mamluk army, the Delhi Sultanate Army, the Timurid Army, and the Ottoman Army, all of which defeated the Mongols, conquered many Mongol states, killed many Mongol chiefs, and fought the Mongols trembling. The Mamluk and Ottoman armies defeated the Crusaders several times and captured large areas of Crusader territory.

The Turks burned and plundered the Crusaders, Eastern Rome and other European forces for almost consecutive years, and captured large areas of the Crusaders and Eastern Rome. The Turks seized a lot of land and wealth from the Crusaders, Eastern Rome and other forces. The Turks were living better and were not prepared to pack up their belongings and migrate to the East.

Then there were many infighting within the Turks over the distribution of benefits, and the Seljuk Empire was weakened by the infighting among its own Turks, splitting into the Sultanate of Roma and many other countries.

The Sultanate of Roma also repeatedly defeated the Crusaders and eastern Rome in the face of constant Turkic civil wars. In 1176, the Sultanate of Roma defeated Eastern Rome, annihilated the main army of Eastern Rome, and once again severely damaged the Eastern Roman Empire. In 1205, the Sultanate of Roma defeated the Crusaders and captured Konya. In 1207, the Roma army won a great victory and captured Antalya. In 1214 the Roma army won a great victory and captured the important city of Sinop. The Trabzun Empire, founded by the Europeans, was subordinate to the Sultanate of Roma. Later, the Roma army destroyed the Armenian kingdom of Chilicia. From 1221 to 1225, the Roma army attacked the Mediterranean coast. In the 1220s, the Roma army crossed the Black Sea to Crimea. To the east, the Sultanate of Roma defeated Menjuček and began to exert pressure on Artug.

Then, the Turks of the Sultanate of Roma again erupted in several infighting, severely weakening the Sultanate of Rome. The Mongols were able to briefly defeat the Sultanate of Roma. But soon the Turkic Mamluks, Delhi Sultans, Timurs, and Ottomans were defeated by the Mongols.

The Song dynasty also boasted that the Mongols had belittled the Turks. The fact, however, was that the Turks had already weakened the Sultanate of Rom by their own infighting, the Turks abandoned the Sultanate of Rom, and then the Crusaders and Mongols briefly defeated the Sultanate of Rome. The Turks did not have any thoughts in their hearts. The Turks established the Mamluk Dynasty, the Delhi Sultanate, the Timurid Empire, and the Ottoman Empire, defeating the Crusaders and mongols one after another, and the Mongols were all discouraged. The Crusaders and the Mongols did not fight each other. The Crusaders were largely at war with the Mongols. It was the Turks who again fought many times the Crusaders and the Mongols suffered a crushing defeat. The Mongols hid nearby shivering.

The Timurid Empire, the Mamluks, the Delhi Sultanate, and the Ottoman Turkic Empire were all "not only monarchs who took in Turks, but also whose armies were mainly Turkic soldiers." ”

The Mamluk army and the Ottoman army defeated the Crusaders and the Eastern Roman army many times, destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire, and captured southern Europe, Central Europe, southern Russia, Arabia, Anatolia, West Asia, Central Asia, the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea... And so on.

The end result of the turkic and Mongol wars was that the Turkic Mamluk army, the Delhi Sultanate, the Timurid army, and the Ottoman army repeatedly defeated the Mongol army, destroyed many Mongol states, and executed many Mongol chiefs and Mongol monarchs. The Turkic chieftains became monarchs of the Mamluk Dynasty, the Delhi Sultanate, the Timurid Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

Supplement [2]:

In 1326, the rising Ottoman Turks of the Anatolian Peninsula conquered Brusa, which later became the center of ottoman warfare against Europe.

In 1329, the Ottoman Turks conquered Nicea. In 1337 AD, the Ottoman Turks captured Nicomedia... The Turkic armies continued to attack, expanded their territory, and conquered a large number of territories in the hands of the Europeans (Bursa, Nice, Bergamus... )。

In 1347, 1349, and 1352, the Turkic army entered the Serbian army at the height of The Great European Empire three times. But by this time the Ottoman Turks had not yet decided to conquer and occupy European territory.

In 1356, the Ottoman Turkic chief Orhan decided to send his son Suleiman to conquer and occupy the lands of Europe. However, at this time, the main forces of the Ottoman Empire were still digesting the annexed Anatolian region and quelling the rebellions everywhere. Suleiman could only lead a small number of troops to the west to conquer the Roman Empire.

Later, after the increase in troops, the total number of troops led by Suleiman reached 30,000, all of whom were Turkic soldiers. In 1357 AD, the Turkic army captured the key important city of Adriatic.

In the ensuing period, the Turkic army won every battle, not only the field annihilation of the Eastern Roman Empire army, but also the countless walls of the Eastern Roman Empire were also conquered by the Turkic army, and the Turkic soldiers swept through Western Thrace, Macedonia, Sofia, Thessaloniki and all of northern Greece, forcing the Bulgarian and Serbian rulers to pay tribute, and the Balkan Peninsula almost all fell.

In 1366, the Ottoman Turkic army completely annihilated more than 50,000 Serbian troops. In 1371, Murad commanded the Ottoman Turkic army to annihilate more than 70,000 Serbian troops in Halmani and forced the Roman Empire to submit to the Ottoman Empire.

When the Ottoman Turkic Army fought the Collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire, Razal the Great of Serbia formed a powerful alliance, and Serbs, Croesians, Albanians, Poles, and Hungarians all joined him. Lazar led more than 100,000 troops in a deadly battle against 30,000 Ottoman troops and the Battle of Kosovo. The Turkic army won a complete victory.

On June 15, 1389, the two armies took up positions on the Kosovo Plain. The Serbian side has a numerical advantage. But the Turkic army was more effective. The turkic armies were armed with stronger armor than the armor of European knights. The Turkic soldiers could each fight 10 Serbian soldiers. In order to win more with less, the Turkic army decided to start the war and gradually retreat in the center, form a crescent type, and surround the enemy army. The Serbian army collapsed completely. The war situation has been decided, and the Ottoman Turkic army will inevitably win a complete victory in this great battle. Then, the Serbian side of the town guarded the rear of the bronkovic (this man was the son-in-law of the Serbian monarch) had very few troops left, and if he went up, he would be easily annihilated by the Turks. In order not to be annihilated, Bronkovic could only lead a small number of his troops to escape. Many modern historians have verified that Bronkovic did not covet the Serbian throne, and proved that Blankovic discovered that the Serbian army had failed, and was bound to lose miserably, so that his men would not be annihilated by the Turks, and could only lead his men to retreat.

Before Bronkovic retreated, the Ottoman Turkic army had already fought a total defeat for the Serbian army. Whether Or not Blankovic withdrew, the result was that the Ottoman Turkic army completely annihilated the Serbian army (including the European multinational coalition). The fact is also that the Ottoman Turkic army won more with less, and completely annihilated the Serbian army (including the European multinational coalition).

From 1392 to 1393, Bayezid I continued the war to destroy Europe. But in 1394 Bayezid I returned to Asia. The Roman Emperor Manuel II took the opportunity to ask for help from the West, and Pope Boniface IX sent a crusader army of more than 100,000 with Europe. In September 1396, Bayezid I commanded a Turkic army that annihilated the crusader army of more than 100,000 men at Nikopolis. It is regarded by the West as a great shame.

In 1401, Bayezid I besieged Constantinople. In 1402, another Turk, Timur the Great, went to war against the Ottoman Turks, and Bayezid I stopped besieging Constantinople.

...... In 1669, the Ottoman Empire conquered the European island of Crete. In 1676, the Ottoman Turks forced sobieski, the king of Poland and Lithuania at its peak, to abandon Puertoria and Ukraine on the northern shore of the Black Sea.

In the more than 300 years from 1326 to 1676 AD, the Turks (Ottomans) defeated various European armies and many Crusaders in hundreds of battles. Most of the Turkic (Ottoman) victories have not yet been enumerated here.

Supplement [3]:

Timur the Great was a Turk, and was proved by numerous facts:

1. Tamerlane left Zafarnama (translated as the Tamerlane Martial Arts or Timur Memoirs), which records that Timur recognized himself as a Turk, a Descendant of Turks, and Timur said that "our ancestors ab-al-atrak were the ancestors of the Turks";

2. Yazidi's Biography of Tamerlane records that Timur once said in front of the crowd: "We are Turkic, we are sons of Turks";

3. When Timur marched west at the request of the Turkic princes of Asia Minor, Timur claimed that he and his men were Turkic warriors;

4. Timur's father, Tarahai, was a Turk of the Baruch tribe. Prior to this, a large number of Turkic people joined the Baruch tribe, so much so that the entire Baruch tribe was of Turkic blood and culture. After the bloodline and culture of the Baruch tribe became Turkic, Timur was born in the Turkic Baruch tribe.

5. Manz, Beatrice Forbes' The rise and rule of ТAMerlane records that Tamerlane could not speak Mongolian, only Turkic and Persian, and although he learned a little Mongolian later, Mongolian was not the language of Timurid's people;

6. Refer to Gresimov's excavation notes on Timur's tomb, according to Gresimov's records, Timur is relatively tall, the nose is prominent, and there are no Mongolian folds, these are not the characteristics of the Mongols, these are more in line with the characteristics of the Turks;

7. According to the patrilineal DNA test (Y haploid group test) of Tamerlane descendants, the genes of the Timurid family belong to the Turkic J2-M172, not the Mongolian C2 and O2.

Both historical records and genetic testing prove that Timur the Great was a Turk.

In 1400 AD, the Turkic Timur The Great attempted to rebuild the Turkic Empire, and spent 100,000 Turkic lions in the river to conquer Syria, annihilating 60,000 Egyptian troops, razing the city of Damascus to the ground, and the heads of more than 20,000 Mamluk cavalry were cut off and piled into pyramids to show off the terrible record of the male lions in the river.

The Syrian locals lamented: "The Turkic Timur is more terrible than the Mongols."

Previously, the Turks established the Turkic Empire and the Western Turk Empire at the end of the Sui Dynasty. The Turkic Timur the Great wanted to rebuild the Turkic Empire.

Song Chui forged Timur the Great in an attempt to establish a second Mongol Empire. The truth, however, was that Timur the Great never attempted to establish a second Mongol Empire. Timur the Great was trying to rebuild the Turkic Empire.

Timur the Great was Turkic, and Timur himself admitted to being Turkic.

From 1368 to 1396, the Turkic Timur The Great commanded the Turkic army to win hundreds of battles, repeatedly annihilated the Mongol army, and conquered many Mongol states (Chagatai, White Horde, Golden Horde...)

The Turkic Timur the Great destroyed the mongol capital of the Golden Horde, sarai (Belgosalai); Timur ordered all the Mongols to be driven to the river, and the Turkic soldiers picked out young women and children, and then killed all the remaining Mongols by cruel means;

Later Russian scholar Tris Sanko excavated a large number of corpses on the Akhtuba River where the Turkic Timur the Great slaughtered the Mongols of the Golden Horde, and these corpses were twisted in shape, broken hands and legs, and the death was very painful, which shocked the scholars involved in the excavation, and these corpses were later confirmed to be the Mongols who were slaughtered by the army of the Turkic Timur The Great.


Genetic testing found that the Song Dynasty emperor's ancestors were Zahu from the north of Central Asia, and Zhao Kuangyin was a Zahu, not a Huaxia.

Ottoman Empire, Western version of the Turkic Empire. The Turks converted the inhabitants of Anatolia into Turks

According to the logic of Song Chui saying that other dynasties, the Song Dynasty should say: "Song Dynasty, the Eastern version of the Zahu Dynasty!" There were 10% of the Zahu nobles who ruled over 90% of the Chinese in Henan.

In 960, Zhao Kuangyin falsely claimed that the Khitan had invaded, led an army to rebel and invaded Bieliang, and was crowned Emperor Zahu.

Since Zhao Kuangyin usurped the Later Zhou Jiangshan to establish the Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin usurped the Later Zhou Jiangshan because he was a military general, but later Zhou Da'en, deeply afraid that other military generals would follow suit, plus Zhao Kuangyin was a Miscellaneous Hu, not a Han, so Zhao Kuangyin began to excessively suppress force, try to suppress the chinese force, and condone the corruption of civilian officials, causing the Song Dynasty to gradually fall into fragmentation, increasingly corrupt politics, and becoming decaying. ”

According to the logic of Song Chui's other dynasties, the Song Dynasty should say: "In 968 AD, in order to seize resources to make up for its losses in many internal strife, the Khitan who was weakened by civil strife constantly sent troops south to annihilate Hundreds of Thousands of Song troops in Taiyuan, marking the collapse of the Song Dynasty's rule..."

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