
When Chen Sheng became king, he killed his companions, and "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting" has finally become a joke for thousands of years

author:Brother Yong reads history

Among the junior high school Language textbooks published by the People's Education Publishing House, there is an article "Chen Shijia". The article reads:

When Chen Shi was young, he tried to cultivate with others, quit farming on the ridge, hated it for a long time, and said: "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting." The servant laughed and replied, "If it is a servant, how rich and noble?" Chen Shi tai sighed, "Oh! Bird Bird Anzhi Honghu Zhi Ya! ”

When Chen Sheng became king, he killed his companions, and "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting" has finally become a joke for thousands of years

Chen Shi here refers to Chen Sheng, the leader of the peasant revolt at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Chen Sheng was a native of Yangcheng (阳城, in present-day Pingyu County, Henan Province), and in his youth he was employed to cultivate the land with others. One day, when Chen Sheng was cultivating the land, he went to the field to rest, complained for a long time in frustration, and said: "If anyone is rich in the future, don't forget a poor brother who suffers and suffers." His companions all teased him: "We are all people who sell our strength to cultivate the land for others, where do we get rich?" Chen Sheng sighed and said, "Hey, how can Yan Que know Honghu's ambitions?" ”

In this passage, two idioms were born, one is "Gou rich, no forgetting", and the other is "The Bird and the Bird know the ambition of the Bird".

When Chen Sheng became king, he killed his companions, and "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting" has finally become a joke for thousands of years

Chen Sheng is a man with a big heart. In the first year of Qin II (209 BC), Chen Sheng joined forces with Wu Guang to launch the vigorous Dazexiang Uprising. The poor people, who had suffered from the tyrannical Qin rule, responded to their uprising and joined their ranks. Subsequently, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang established the first peasant revolutionary regime in Chinese history, Zhang Chu. The capital of the state was set at Chen County (陳县, in present-day Huaiyang, Henan Province), and Chen County suddenly became the anti-Qin center of the world.

Why is the regime established by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang called "Zhang Chu"? This is the meaning of "Zhang Da Chu Guo". Because when they first launched the Dazexiang Uprising, they once played the name of Xiang Yan, a famous general of the Chu State. At the same time, Chen County was once the capital of the State of Chen during the Two Zhou And Spring and Autumn Periods. In the late Warring States period, it was once the capital of the Chu state.

When Chen Sheng became king, he killed his companions, and "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting" has finally become a joke for thousands of years

After Zhang Chu was established, Chen Sheng established himself as king and made Wu Guang a false king. By this point, Chen Sheng had become rich and had realized his "ambition to be a great bird". Now, will he follow his promises and treat his poor brother who lived a hard life with him?

Needless to say, "Chen Shijia" also carried out "follow-up reports".

The "Chen Shi Shi ShiJia" records that Chen Sheng became the queen, and the companions who had been hired to cultivate the land with him heard about it and rushed to chengxian to find him. His companion knocked on the door of the palace and said, "I want to see Chen Sheng!" "The officers and men who opened the door saw this and actually wanted to tie him up. The companion explained it repeatedly, so that he was not tied up. After letting go of him, the officers and men refused to inform him.

When Chen Sheng became king, he killed his companions, and "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting" has finally become a joke for thousands of years

The companion had no choice but to wait outside the palace gate, waiting for Chen Sheng to come out. After a long time, I finally saw Chen Sheng come out in front of him. The companion quickly stopped the team and shouted Chen Sheng's name. Chen Sheng heard the shouting, so he summoned his companions and left him in the palace. After seeing the palace houses and curtains in the palace, his companions were amazed: "King Chen Sheng's palace is really tall and deep. ”

When his companions lived in the palace, when they were idle and bored, they would sometimes tell people around them about some old things about Chen Sheng. Someone said to Chen Sheng: "Your guests are ignorant and ignorant, and they are talking nonsense, which is detrimental to your majesty." ”

After Chen Sheng heard this, he immediately killed the poor companion. Since then, Chen Sheng's old acquaintances have all left automatically, and there is no one close to Chen Sheng anymore.

When Chen Sheng became king, he killed his companions, and "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting" has finally become a joke for thousands of years

Not only his companions, but even Chen Sheng's father-in-law were treated coldly by him.

Chen Sheng claimed the title of queen, and his father-in-law went to see him. He thought to himself, his son-in-law must be warm to himself, right? Unexpectedly, after Chen Sheng saw his father-in-law, his attitude was indifferent, and he did not perform the kneeling ceremony of seeing the elders, but only performed the ritual of holding his fist. The father-in-law was very angry and said, "If you have achieved some success by relying on the rebellion, you will surpass the title of self-proclaimed emperor, and you will be arrogant and rude to the elders, and even ignore the basic etiquette, you will not have a good end!" ”

Chen Sheng listened and hurriedly performed the kneeling salute, but his father-in-law had already whisked his sleeves away and ignored them.

When Chen Sheng became king, he killed his companions, and "Gou is rich and noble, and there is no forgetting" has finally become a joke for thousands of years

Chen Sheng ultimately failed, although there were many reasons, among which there must be many rebellions - after Chen Sheng was defeated by the famous Qin Dynasty general Zhang Handan, he was killed by Zhuang Jia, a coachman who had followed him for several months, and became a hatred for eternity.

[References: "History of the Chen Shijia Family", etc.]

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