
A gang that illegally rents game accounts to minors has been wiped out By a net Which issues involving the protection of minors on the Internet are the focus of supervision?


Nanjing, 8 Nov (CNBC) -- According to the Voice of China News Magazine of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, the Police of Nanjing Jianye recently smashed a criminal gang that illegally bought and sold citizens' personal information and illegally rented out game accounts. Which issues involving the protection of minors online are the focus of supervision?

A gang that illegally rents game accounts to minors has been wiped out By a net Which issues involving the protection of minors on the Internet are the focus of supervision?

The criminal gang whose collective "team building" was "destroyed by the regiment" (provided by the National Anti-Pornography Crackdown on Illegal Activities issued by the Central Broadcasting Network)

Recently, the Nanjing police arrested a cybercrime gang in Taihu Lake, Suzhou, and before the police raided into the arrest, more than a dozen suspects were playing cards and partying in the holiday home, and there were employees with computers and mobile phones who were busy with the so-called "work", and the police suddenly appeared, making them panic.

The police seized dozens of modified mobile phones and a number of laptops on the spot, and the stored data did not have time to delete, and the main suspect Huang Mou's computer had as many as 30,000 or 40,000 pieces of illegally obtained citizens' personal information.

Shen Che, a police officer of the Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau's Network Security Detachment in Jianye Branch, told reporters that in May this year, when they patrolled the Internet, they found that four online stores were openly renting out real-name authenticated online game accounts, and the online store data showed a large number of purchases. "We made a screening of the content of e-commerce sales, and found that there were many 'hanging sheep's heads and selling dog meat', and his account was obviously not his account, or the number of his accounts obviously exceeded the number of accounts he should actually have." So we conducted a relatively complete investigation of the sellers in this part. ”

After investigation, the criminal suspect Jiang Mou hired multiple people to form a company and controlled more than 400 real-name authenticated game accounts to rent out to netizens, including minors. This gang illegally obtained citizens' personal information in advance, collected a number of game accounts such as "Peace Elite" and "Glory of the King" from illegal channels, bound the two, and used supporting mobile phones and software to make dynamic avatars, and then rented them out together with the accounts. Minors can successfully log in to the game platform through the game's dynamic avatar verification. Zhang Yaya, a police officer at the Shuangzha Police Station in Nanjing, told reporters: "The source of information, processing, account leasing, and software development of the system are mainly carried out on the Internet, and the suspects and suspects have never met, and they are all online exchanges, which is also a great test for public security work." ”

At present, the Nanjing police have arrested more than 40 criminal suspects in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Hunan and other provinces and cities, seized more than 60,000 pieces of personal information of citizens involved in the case, and the amount involved in the case is more than 3 million yuan. The case is under further investigation.

According to typical cases released by the National Office of "Eliminating Pornography and Cracking Down on Illegal Activities", the Shanghai "Unicorn" website operates the game "Decisive Battle shayi", registration, login and paid recharge do not require the user's real identity information, and is fined 100,000 yuan and confiscated illegal gains; Xiamen unknowable network companies publish online games without approval, and are ordered to rectify and fined more than 170,000 yuan; The Shanghai "Computer Home" website disseminates overseas network publications "Iron and Steel Ambition 4" without approval, and does not require minors to register and log in with their real identities. And contains prohibited content, endangering the physical and mental health of minors, was suspended for 10 days, fined 500,000 yuan; Dalian Hongdou Interactive Entertainment Company without approval for the prohibited content of the overseas game "Happy Wei Shu Wu: Meng Three Kingdoms RPG" in the territory to promote, provide download services, ordered to delete the publication, fined more than 830,000 yuan.

Gao Qingyun, deputy director of the National Office for Eliminating Pornography and Cracking Down on Illegal Activities, said: 'Sweeping pornography and cracking down on illegal activities' workers will resolutely be the vanguard of 'protecting seedlings', crack down online violations of laws and regulations against minors, and fully protect the legitimate cultural rights and interests of children. ”