
Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

author:Mr. Gu Li

I saw a photo like this before:

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

The cattle with vicissitudes on their faces ate and drank with cross-talk actors such as Jiang Kun and Dai Zhicheng, and when they rose up, the cattle even picked up musical instruments to play.

Looking at the herd of cattle in the photo, it is difficult to imagine that this famous cross-talk actor was 72 years old. Since parting ways with Feng Gong, it is really difficult to see cattle appear in the public eye again.

Looking back at his life, there are high-light moments sought after by thousands of people, and there are life troughs in which career love has failed. But now, looking at his determined eyes, we seem to understand that these past events have long been forgotten.


In 1949, the cattle were born in Tianjin, a standard family of three.

There is no art in the cattle family, and there are no actors, so it is reasonable to say that such a family environment is difficult to cultivate people with any artistic cells, but the cattle are an exception.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

From an early age, the herd showed a strong interest in opera and drums, but has always suffered from not having the opportunity to learn systematically.

After graduating from high school, the cattle went to the countryside to work like other peers. It was also in this process that the cattle were exposed to allegro that would change the trajectory of their future lives.

At that time, there was an old man in the village who liked allegro very much and often sat at the entrance of the village upside down. The herd was very interested, and even secretly bought an allegro to learn from the old man. Since then, the cattle seem to have found a direction in life, and they are out of control.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

In the blink of an eye, the countryside ended, and the cattle enlisted in the army. Because of their talents, the cattle were transferred to the literary troupe.

When they arrived at the literary troupe, the cattle were like fish into the sea, thinking that they had found their goals and destinations in life, but they did not expect that it would not be long before they ushered in the first blow in their lives.

In a theatrical performance, the cattle were originally going to perform a passage called "Original Form Bilu". At that time, in the hearts of the cattle, this paragraph was very successful, and there were many laughs, and even the scene of praise by comrades after the performance was over.

As a result, when he stood on the stage with great ambition and performed, the stage was surprisingly quiet, without a little applause and laughter.

The cattle were confused, and he did not expect this kind of ending.

After returning to the dormitory, the herd plunged into the bed and cried bitterly, and vowed that they would definitely break out of the hall of fame.

During that time, the cattle desperately pondered the script, honed their lips, and thought about the educational significance behind the work... By chance, the cattle met Liu Xuezhi, a master of qu art, and worshipped each other as a teacher.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

And Liu Xuezhi thus became the second nobleman in the life of the cattle.


Because of the mentor-apprentice relationship, the cattle often visited Liu Xuezhi's home. As they came and went, the relationship between Niu Herd and Liu Xuezhi's daughter Liu Su became closer and closer.

In 1982, Niu Qun and Liu Su married, and the teacher of the year also became his husband-in-law.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

With this layer of relationship, the resources of the cattle are also increasing. In 1988, invited by the crew of the TV series "That Five", Niu Qun played Jia Fengqun in it, which made him have a certain reputation.

Soon after, the cattle met the third and most important one in their lives, Feng Gong.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

At that time, Feng Gong had just had a fight with his old partner Liu Wei and was anxious to find a partner. It just so happened that Feng Gong found that the cattle herd and his own way of performing were very similar, and even a little complementary.

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Feng Gong finally decided to let the cattle who were still newcomers try it. At the Spring Festival Gala that year, the two performed a program called "Birthday Greetings".

It turned out that Feng Gong's boldness was right. As a newcomer, the cattle not only performed well, but even received countless applause and attention. In this way, the two became "golden partners" and gave wonderful performances on the Stage of the Spring Festival Gala for many times.

After 11 consecutive Spring Festival Galas, Feng Gong and Niu Qun were popular all over the country, which also caused the two to look like "conjoined bodies", once anyone appeared on the stage alone, someone would ask where the other was.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

In 2000, the Spring Festival Gala stage of the millennium was particularly lively, and countless celebrities were thinking about how to get on the most authoritative stage in China. Niu Qun and Feng Gong naturally could not be absent, and everyone did not know at the time that Feng Gong seemed to be joking in the show:

"You only left me alone on the stage, what can I do?" It actually became a proverb and became a true portrayal of the fate of the two.


At that time, by chance, the cattle were invited to serve in Mengcheng, Anhui, which was the first time he abandoned Feng Gong. At first, Feng Gong didn't care, thinking that the cattle were hanging up their posts, and they should not delay talking about crosstalk.

Who knew that the cattle that had left the metropolis would come to the local area, be shocked by the local situation and determined to change the situation.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

In addition to attracting hundreds of millions of yuan of investment for the local area, the cattle also personally did publicity, so that Mengcheng suddenly changed from a sense of existence to an internet red county.

After seeing the harsh environment of the children's reading, the cattle herd took over the big project of aiding the construction of the school, not only personally managing the school, but also collecting donations everywhere.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

After all, they have seen the world, and the cattle know that if a place wants to develop, it must develop business. So he went around attracting business, and finally the cattle trade city opened under the eyes of everyone. It is said that on the opening day, more than 200,000 people gathered around the scene, which eventually led to the cancellation of the opening performance.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

For a time, the cattle scenery was infinite. But the criticism surrounding him also came, although it was finally confirmed that the cattle were innocent, but this period of time was undoubtedly a fatal blow to him.

In December 2002, the herd of enlightened cattle decided to give up all their fame and fortune and donate all their assets and bodies to education.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

Some people say that the world's badness begins with the chill of good people. But the cattle tell us with practical actions that although good people will be cold, the hot heart will not be discouraged, but will only become more and more hot.

On the day the truth came out, this weathered middle-aged man faced countless media, and finally couldn't help but cry bitterly.


Criticism and questioning did not crush him, what really made him uncomfortable was the loss of the love of his life.

At the age of 58, the media exposed the news of the divorce of the cattle.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

No quarrels, no Cold War, no third parties. There is no problem with the feelings of the two people, perhaps they can't stand the "naked donation" of the cattle, or perhaps they have seen him so tossed, and the husband and wife finally parted ways.

Wind and fire for half a lifetime, from the former household name, to today's career love has failed, the cattle at this time can be said to be full of wind and frost.

During this time he also thought about making a comeback, but how could the tide of the times stay for one person. Even though Feng Gong helped more than once during the period, there was still no major improvement.

By the time he reappeared on screen, it was 2013, when the cattle in their sixties were still running for their lives.

Facing the camera, he asked the host: "I'm not yet seventy years old, am I old?" ”

As soon as the words fell, the cattle jumped off the ten-meter-high platform. When the lifeguard was lifted out of the water, he still fainted because of lack of physical strength.

Niu Herd: When he left Feng Gong when he was popular, he fainted in the 64-year-old program, and I couldn't bear to watch his life

Yes, the young man who was once hot-blooded and tossed all the time is now an old man of ancient rarity. Although he was frustrated again and again, he never stopped for the sake of faith, for the sake of the life he loved. In order to change, to meet the countless possibilities, even if the road ahead has not been smooth, not bright, so what?

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