
Different feeding priorities for infants and young children at different stages? This knowledge to know

author:People's Network Science Popularization

From the birth of the baby, breastfeeding has been the attention of the majority of new mothers. What are the feeding priorities that need to be mastered at different stages of infant growth and development?

What are the key points of feeding for 0-6 months?

Babies aged 0-6 months are best breastfed exclusively, and formula powders are only needed when breast milk is insufficient. At the 0-6 month stage, it is common for children to have flatulence and intestinal colic. It is normal for parents to have difficulty exhausting, difficulty defecating, crying, etc., and parents do not have to be too nervous and worried.

After the baby is born, it leaves the moist amniotic fluid and is exposed to relatively dry air, and the delicate skin is greatly challenged and can even cause rashes. At this time, what parents need to do is to take care of their children's skin. First, do not wash your child's skin excessively, and wash it with water every day. The second is to keep your baby's skin dry. In order to avoid excessive sweating, you can choose suitable clothing for your child and let your child sleep in a small bed as much as possible. If your child's skin is kept in a relatively comfortable state, it is beneficial for both sleep and eating.

How to add complementary foods to babies aged 7-18 months?

After entering 7 months, the biggest change in feeding is the addition of complementary foods other than dairy products. Food traits change greatly, how to give children a scientific and reasonable addition? There are a few points to note: First, the types of complementary foods have transitioned from simple to complex. The so-called simple food is the food that the mother or the whole family eats regularly, don't look at what others recommend to eat. Second, the process of changing food traits should be from thin to thick. What is a dilute food? In the case of tahini, for example, the degree of tahini that has been leaked is dilute. If the food is too thin, not only will the feeding time be longer, but the child's concentration and eating will also be affected. The third is to go from less to more, and master the amount of feeding. Every once in a while, the complementary food can be eaten by the child, and parents can consider gradually increasing the amount of complementary food. The fourth is to take it step by step, focusing on guiding the child's psychological development and training the child's chewing. Parents can chew while feeding their children, and the children will imitate the chewing action as they are. After chewing training, the child's chewing ability will gradually improve, and the addition of food traits will produce corresponding effects.

How to cultivate the feeding habits of babies from 18 to 36 months?

After the baby reaches 18 months, more emphasis is placed on the cultivation of feeding habits in feeding. Adults can first take their children to eat together, develop the habit of eating at a unit time, understand hunger and fullness, and know that eating is eating rather than playing and playing. Parents do not have to worry too much about whether the child will eat all the prepared meals, and it is very helpful for the children to experience the eating process on their own to develop good eating habits.

Feeding results and development status are related to the child's physical health and long-term development, parents need to take targeted scientific feeding methods according to the different critical periods of the baby's growth.

This article is scientifically checked by Cui Yutao, president of The Beijing Cui Yutao Clinic.