
10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

author:Little Zhang mommy

Public number: Xiao Xiaozhang mommy

Recommend several movies that can be watched with children, movies are a condensation of life, optimistic movies are not only entertaining and educational, broaden children's horizons, have a subtle impact on children's thinking, but also a good opportunity to enhance parent-child relationship.

For children under the age of 6, try to watch some films about friendship, courage, and scientific and technological knowledge, a good spiritual guidance for children, too violent and bloody scenes try not to watch, while some movies are excellent but the emotional expression is too tactful, children are not easy to understand the beauty of movies, such as the Miyazaki hayao series, or wait for children to look at it again.

Xiao Xiaozhang mommy specially selected ten films, not only suitable for children, but also suitable for adults to watch animated movies, enjoy parent-child time at the same time, but also let children learn knowledge. (In no particular order)

1. Movie title: "Robot Story"

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: 9.3

Synopsis and reasons for recommendation:

The story tells the story of Wall-E, a sweeping robot on Earth, who meets and falls in love with the robot Eve, and follows her into a series of adventures in space. The film has a very high sense of technology, allowing children to fantasize about the future world, while letting children know the importance of protecting the environment. The movie is in English, but the dialogue between the robots is basically languageless, so even English has no impact on children.

2. Movie title: "The Haunting of the Heavenly Palace"

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

It is said that there is a flower and fruit mountain in the Eastern Tu AoLai Country, and there is a stone monkey on the mountain that absorbs the sun essence and moon hua and transforms into a divine monkey, ruling the monkey monkey grandson in the mountain. In order to obtain a satisfactory treasure, the divine monkey Sun Dasheng sneaked into the Dragon Palace and forcefully asked for the Dinghai God Needle Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick when Dayu ruled the water. The East Sea Dragon King was unwilling, so the heavens appealed to the Jade Emperor about this matter. The Jade Emperor ordered taibai venus to recruit security in the nether realm and give him a knighthood. Sun Dasheng, who did not know the deception, gladly went there, but found that it was only Bow Mawen, who was in charge of raising horses. It was learned that the deceived Monkey King rebelled against the Heavenly Court and fought a great battle with the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General at Huaguo Mountain...

It is very necessary to have a particularly classic domestic animation, a cartoon that can truly reflect Chinese culture, and let children understand Chinese masterpieces.

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: 8.5

The film is full of jokes, the contrast of the "black eye" Nezha, the special setting of Taiyi Zhenren's Sichuan dialect, etc., and the surprise "baggage" fills all aspects of the film. Some of the movie scenes have laughed more than 100 times in 2 hours, and many netizens have commented interestingly that "laughter is loud" and "laughter is trembling on the ground". In the film, about Nezha's sense of loneliness when he was not recognized as a child, Nezha and his father Li Jing jointly fought against the Mandate of Heaven and other clips, they watched a lot of viewers cry. Some viewers said that they thought of their experiences with their parents, and felt that "crying without a bag of paper", many movie theaters even appeared many times a row of people collectively took paper towels out to wipe their tears. The most burning image of the film's protagonist Nezha", "My life is up to me", also caused a warm response from the audience.

4. Movie title: "Super Marines White"

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: 8.7

Big white cute and cute look, children will like it very much, at the same time the film will tell children the friendship between friends, the love of parents, Xiao Bai like parents and like friends, give the protagonist selfless love and companionship, but also teach children to bravely face setbacks. For adults, although they have grown up, children in the depths of their hearts still desire others to be able to "unconditionally and actively pay attention" to themselves, which can make our hearts feel warm and safe, and feel the psychological connection with others, which is a very happy feeling.

5. Movie title: "Flying House Tour"

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: 9.0

"Flying House" is a warm cartoon, the film is mainly about a lonely old man, brave to chase his childhood dreams, when colorful balloons raise Carl and Ellie's love nest to the blue sky, the beauty is indescribable. The film also reminds us to cherish the present, every minute and every second is fighting, hard work, the closer this dream is to us. It may seem unworthy for the little boy in the film to collect the Medal of Labor, but the strong love and courage in their hearts allow them to complete this incredible act.

6. Movie Title: "The Lion King"

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

The film mainly tells the story of the little Lion King Simba, accompanied by many enthusiastic friends, not only experienced the most glorious moments of his life, but also encountered the most difficult challenges, and finally became the king of the forest, and also experienced the true meaning of life in the endless nature. The sensual themes of far-reaching significance, such as love, growth, life, and self-redemption, radiate a brilliant and eternal brilliance like gold on the brightly colored African brocade. Not only must it give people an aesthetic experience of the scene impression, an auditory pleasure enjoyment, but also a spiritual shock is an important link.

7. Movie title: "The Little Prince"

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: 8.2

The little girl under the "high pressure" meets and becomes friends with the old pilot next door in an accident, and the old naughty boy also shares his treasured "Little Prince" story with her. A pair immersed in the memories of the pilots, out of place with the "adult world" around them. The story is told every day, and the little girl seems to have traveled through the entire universe with the footsteps of the "little prince", and the childlike heart belonging to the child has gradually sprouted, and has begun to have a small contradiction with the mother's high-pressure "life planning table" and the "adult world" outside. On this day, the old pilot was admitted to the hospital because of his critical illness, and his last wish in life was to see the "little prince" again. In order to satisfy the old pilot, but also to satisfy her own curiosity, the little girl drove the old pilot's plane and embarked on an unknown adventure...

8. Movie title: "Finding Nemo" 1, 2

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: 8.5 for the first part / 7.4 for the second part

There are two episodes of Finding Nemo, the first story mainly tells the fantasy experience of a clown fish Marlin who overprotects his son and Dolly, a blue don king fish he encounters on the road, looking for Marin's lost son Nemo in the ocean. Along the way, Marin learns that he must take risks and that his son is already capable of taking care of himself.

Children are very interested in the beautiful and magical sea, and at the same time let children understand the importance of friendship and bravely face difficulties. Let parents also learn to let go of their children appropriately and let the children grow up on their own. It is recommended to read both.

9. Movie title: "Toy Story" 1, 2, 3, 4

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: the fourth part of 8.6

There are four films in the film, following the story of the different stages of the protagonist's growth, the toys. The film's concept breaks through the idealism of traditional Disney animation films, abandons the simple themes of the previous childlike distinction between good and evil, evil does not oppress the right, etc., and the content goes deeper into the gray area of human nature that is closer to reality, showing a more complex and rich character image. Let children know to cherish and love their toys. Buy new toys and don't throw away old ones.

ps : My children and I often imitate toys to talk, sometimes buy new toys to go home, will learn toys to say, welcome to join our big family, very interesting.

10. Movie title: "Insect Story" 1, 2

10 movies suitable for children aged 1-6, collect them and watch them with children 3, movie name: "Nezha's Demon Child Descending"

Douban score: 8.3

The film is not without dialogue, he has a lot of dialogue, but not English and French, but the language that the whole world can understand: the language of insects. Speaking and expressing with the posture and expression of insects is called Esperanto. Very suitable for preschool children to watch the movie, the picture is very beautiful, although there are some exaggerated performance techniques, but it basically shows the life form of various insects in nature, and the rhythm of the whole film is also very compact and worth watching.

There are two movies, the first "Insect Story" and the second "Insect Story - Rescue Army from Afar", it is recommended to watch both.

Well, first recommend these, there are many excellent animated movies, many movies are in English, you need adults to accompany the commentary, then enjoy the movie time with the children. When the child is older, the choice of movies will be more, and when the time comes, it will be recommended again.

Remember to like the collection.