
When your child grows tall, nutrition must keep up!

author:The world of food

As a parent, we all expect our children to grow tall, but in fact, the height of children needs adequate nutrition. When adolescents are growing up, parents should pay attention to their children's nutritional intake, many parents do not know what food to choose for their children in their diet, then, what do children eat when they grow tall?

1. Black soybeans

Soybeans are recognized as high-protein foods, of which the highest protein content is black soybeans, and black soybeans have low calories, and eat more is not afraid of gaining weight. It can be cooked with rice or ground into black soy milk. If your child is disgusted with black soybeans, peanuts can be eaten.

2. Eggs

Most children will not resist eggs, especially protein-rich egg whites (egg whites). Eggs are a high-protein food and are a great food for children who are growing up. Although egg yolks have higher cholesterol, as long as you control the number of eggs you eat each day, there will not be much of a problem. Eat 1 to 2 eggs per day.

When your child grows tall, nutrition must keep up!

Pumpkin Eight Treasures Black Rice Cup

Extended reading: The Edible Encyclopedia of Black Beans

3. Milk

If you want your child to grow taller, milk is an indispensable food. Because milk contains calcium, a nutrient that is beneficial for bone growth. Drinking 3 cups of milk a day can get the calcium necessary for growth. But there will also be children who do not like the milky smell in the milk, if the children at home do not like to drink milk, may wish to let him and yogurt, eat cheese.

4. Spinach

Spinach is rich in iron and calcium, and children who are growing and developing need to supplement iron and calcium, and can eat more spinach. However, many children are very resistant to spinach, and spinach is made directly according to the taste of adults, and children often do not like to eat it. So you can chop the spinach and mix it into the rice balls.

5. Sardines

Sardines are rich in protein and calcium. The calcium in sardines is easier to digest and absorb than the plant-based calcium contained in other seaweeds, which is very helpful for children's growth. In addition, seafood such as anchovies, silverfish, and courgette fish that are eaten with bones and meat are all good foods.

When your child grows tall, nutrition must keep up!

Wood ear fungus mixed with spinach

Extended reading: The Edible Encyclopedia of Spinach

6. Carrots

Rich in vitamin A, it can help with protein synthesis. But carrots have a special taste, especially large pieces of carrots, the taste is stronger, and children do not like to eat. So, if you want your child to eat carrots, you can consider mixing apples to juice. You can also cut the carrots into small cubes and, if other ingredients, make fried rice.

7. Sardines

When your child grows tall, nutrition must keep up!

Braised beef brisket with radish

Extended reading: The Edible Encyclopedia of Carrots

How to make your child grow taller faster

1. Calcium supplementation

You can choose calcium tablets or calcium supplements, and at the same time, you must supplement vitamin D (some calcium supplements directly contain vitamin D, there is no need to add additionally). Take daily for 2-3 months. It is best to give children calcium supplements half an hour or an hour after breakfast in the early morning, which is easier for the human body to absorb, and it is advisable to eat calcium at five or six o'clock in the afternoon or after dinner.

2. Food supplements

Calcium supplementation should be combined with medicinal supplementation. Dietary supplements can eat more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, kelp, dried shrimp, shrimp skin, oysters, fish, beans, peanuts, sesame seeds and vegetables (hollow cabbage, cabbage, spinach) and so on. The first push milk, milk contains high calcium, the human body absorbs well, it is recommended to drink before going to bed at night, the absorption is better, and there is a calming effect.

3. Exercise

Preferred exercises that require upward jumping. Such as basketball, jump rope, swimming, badminton and so on. Half of the height is caused by some genetic factor. Of course, half of them rely on their own efforts. Basketball players are generally much taller than football players, and I think that's the reason.

When your child grows tall, nutrition must keep up!

Kelp radish

Further reading: The Edible Compendium of Kelp

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