
Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time

author:Self-media in the wind
Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time

01. Game Life 【12 episodes】

The spring of 2014 is known as the strongest April fan in history, and my generation agrees with this. Although my generation has not chased a lot this season, a total of 12 chases, but I have to say that the quality of each one is very satisfactory to my generation. And the most satisfying, favorite, and god who has opened the door to a new world for my generation is this No Game No Life.

From the style of painting to the characters to the plot to the lines to the MODE to many, many, many, this series is simply all in line with the cute points of my generation.

This is the story of two people who are suffering like hell in that real world, using a new world as a game system, and constantly winning in the game in the new world, never losing.

Only two people like that can never fail, because they are "blank".

The way humans fly into the sky with their wingless bodies is the only way they can find the answer.

Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time

02. Interpreter of The Hidden City [12 episodes]

"If I could go back to that time, for example, that future might exist, and if I didn't meet you that day, maybe the world would be boring."

A fairly ordinary day, the day when I gently rub my red eyes, the dazzling summer, I will not forget it tomorrow."

The works of the new house, how to say it, there is always some stream of consciousness. I don't want to judge it in cold words from a professional point of view.

I just think it's really great that in that future, everyone is together and moving towards tomorrow together.

Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time
Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time
Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time
Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time
Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time

03. Demon Mystery [12 episodes]

The campus non-daily life drama is filled with all kinds of beautiful girls.

The undulating plot is appropriate, and the action scenes are not very exquisite but thrilling.

Some dark and cold past, some entangled and sadistic processes, some sincere and touching endings.

Although it is a bit far-fetched to say that HAPPY ENDING, it is great to be able to do so. Their youth should not have been so cruel and cold, and their lives should have been upward from then on.

Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time

04. The Extremely Dark Brunnschelt [Episode 13]

Yo oh isn't this Okamoto Lun, you like to abuse girls so much, your mother knows? Sister so cute you used to abuse you, this abusive sister demon will definitely be burned by the righteous partner

Extreme black is one of the mainstays of April's abuse of sister Fan, and the other dark abuse of Lori is even more intolerable. As for Okamoto Lun, this product is the author of the famous Demon Spiral.

Truth be told, Demon Swirl and Extreme Black have similarities in many ways. The first is that the little angel male protagonist opens the harem, but it feels that the extremely dark male protagonist is a little stronger than the demon. The second is that the girls are used to abuse, and the extremely dark and abused girls are much more than the demon. The third is that the girl is often a biological weapon that threatens world peace, and the task of fighting is given to the girl and the male protagonist is often a spectator. Therefore, the reason why the girls are abused is because the male protagonist is too weak, if the male protagonist is the dragon auror of the magic university, then the girl only needs to lie flat and ask Onisan for love.

The early stage of extreme darkness is really good, but the ending is not very liked by my generation, and I feel that the resurrection of the oblique ponytail and pink hair is too far-fetched. Although my generation likes HAPPY ENDING, the extremely dark ending gives people the feeling that they should be completely destroyed to be happy.

Considering various factors, the extreme darkness should not be able to surpass the demon's spiral.

Take stock of the great anime that are worth revisiting for the second time

05. Pitch Black Bullets [Episode 13]

The hen TAI of this series is that it can knead and pinch lolita that will sell cute and warm the bed [← crossed out], and this fan is actually used for abuse. After all, the comic book author has this habit, but the black actually abuses Lori, which is simply a manifestation of the destruction of human nature, and I feel the malice from the author.

Overall, this fan is a fan that my generation still likes more in April, and the male protagonist is one of the most favorite male protagonists of my april fan.

The battle scenes are not bad, and lolitas are very special and exciting. The theme is not new, that is, the protagonist and the guy [Luo] and [Li] fight [Kai] Monster [Hou] Beast [Palace] Saving [Dear] World [Phase] Realm [Love]. But the male protagonist is really inexplicably handsome poking at my handsome point =w=

Visually there may be a second season.