
He left home at the age of 12 to take charge of a department in the county, became a lieutenant general at the age of 38, and returned home 57 years later in tears

author:Chen Guanren

General Zhang Chiming was only 38 years old when he was lieutenant general in 1955 and was one of the young lieutenant generals in the People's Liberation Army.

Why is he so young? Because he joined the revolution early.

He left home at the age of 12 to take charge of a department in the county, became a lieutenant general at the age of 38, and returned home 57 years later in tears

In the autumn of 1927, when Zhang Chiming was only 10 years old, he followed his uncle Zhang Zhubang to do chores in an oil mill, then participated in the jute riots, and then followed his uncle out to publicize the revolution and post slogans. Soon after, he was elected as the squadron leader of the Hongo Children's Regiment and later became the leader of the District Children's Regiment.

In 1929, Zhang Chiming was transferred to the Children's Regiment of the Guangshan County Committee of the Communist Party of China and served as the chief of the team. Since then, at the age of 12, he has left his hometown of Fujiawo, in charge of a county children's regiment.

Zhang Chiming is powerful, isn't he?

Two years later, in May 1931, the Eyuwan Central Bureau of the Young Communist Party was established, and Zhang Chiming became a member of the Central Bureau of the Young Communist Party, only 15 years old at the time.

During the years of the battle, Zhang Chiming did not return home once. One day after the Spring Festival in 1932, his father Zhang Yanbang carried a basket of straw shoes from the Fu family's house to Xinji, the capital of Eyuwan. Father and son have not seen each other for a long time, and they are very happy.

He left home at the age of 12 to take charge of a department in the county, became a lieutenant general at the age of 38, and returned home 57 years later in tears

Zhang Chiming greeted his father for dinner, and Zhang Yanbang said: "Son, don't miss home in this life, follow the Communist Party to make a revolution, and follow the Red Army to fight the world." ”

Zhang Yanbang, who was originally a land commissioner of the husband of the township soviet, came to see his son this time and carried more than thirty pairs of straw shoes he had made amateurs to the Red Army, so he handed them over to his son.

Before leaving, he insisted on asking his son to make a receipt. He said that he would give a certificate to the township Soviet government after he went back. In this way, Zhang Chiming was embarrassed.

"Dad, you sent the straw shoes to your heart, I will not open the receipt." Zhang Chiming said.

Zhang Yanbang couldn't help but be stunned: "You can write slogans and slogans when you are at home, you won't make a receipt?" You've been working ?...... for the past two years."

He left home at the age of 12 to take charge of a department in the county, became a lieutenant general at the age of 38, and returned home 57 years later in tears

Zhang Chiming said: "Our children's bureau does not do this kind of business. Forget it, you left this straw shoe behind. ”

Zhang Yanbang insisted: "I have come all the way to support the Red Army, and it is also a public affair that should be done. Why didn't I get a note telling me to go back?"

"You said you supported the Children's Bureau and gave it to the boys to wear."

"The township soviets still have to register and make a register!" I went back empty-handed, without a receipt. ”

The father and son argued, and unexpectedly alarmed Shen Zemin, the secretary of the CPC Eyuwan Provincial Party Committee, who was indoors.

He left home at the age of 12 to take charge of a department in the county, became a lieutenant general at the age of 38, and returned home 57 years later in tears

He walked out, and after asking the father and son about the situation, he immediately seized on this typical case that had never been heard or seen before, and first praised his father's sincere support for the Red Army, and then praised his son for his practice of being strict with public spirit and strict self-discipline, and then said slowly and logically:

"Member Zhang Yanbang, we have to thank you, you not only actively supported the Red Army, but also raised a good boy for us." This man is clever and clever, very studious, and a rare talent. ”

Shen Zemin kept Zhang Yanbang for the night. However, Zhang Yanbang said that he would not stay overnight. Shen Zemin only then opened a receipt, personally sent him out of the gate, and asked Zhang Chiming to accompany his father for a ride.

Who knew that this farewell had become the father's last eternal trick.

He left home at the age of 12 to take charge of a department in the county, became a lieutenant general at the age of 38, and returned home 57 years later in tears

Later, the enemy carried out four "encirclement and suppression" campaigns in the Eyu-Anhui Soviet region. Zhang Chiming's father and mother both died of illness and starvation in the run, and unfortunately passed away. Her sister Zhang Jiaying is married. In this way, Zhang Chiming's home in Fu Jia'ao no longer existed.

Zhang Chiming later said: "I was transferred from Sidian to the East District in March and April (1928) to be the captain of the children's regiment. Since then, he has left home, and has not returned home for 57 years, and only visited his hometown when he participated in the new county's memorial meeting to commemorate the martyr Wu Huanxian. ”

57 years later, when Zhang Chiming returned to Fu Jiawo again, the original home had long been gone, and things were not human. He couldn't help but have tears in his eyes and said:

"I remember when I left, my father said to me in a serious tone: 'You don't have to care about the family, the revolution should not miss home, you must go out on your own, and you must do things well.'" My grandfather and father died, and I didn't know about it until I met my sister after liberation. Although I cannot fulfill my filial piety to my parents, I am loyal to the party and the people. ”

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