
This year's "four-leaf clover" is really beautiful

author:Overseas network

Source: Overseas Network

Last night (4th), the fourth China International Import Expo kicked off in Shanghai.

Early this morning, Dao Mei and her colleagues stepped into this huge silver "four-leaf clover" shaped building in the west of Shanghai. What is the scene of this Expo? Let's take a look at it with the island sister!


The Expo, in simple terms, is to import more high-quality foreign goods.

At this year's CIIE, a total of 58 countries and 3 international organizations participated in the "National Exhibition", and nearly 3,000 exhibitors from 127 countries and regions appeared in the "Enterprise Exhibition". Stepping on five continents and looking at the world, there is nothing that cannot be integrated in the exhibition area with a total area of 366,000 square meters.

For example, in the medical device and medical care exhibition area, which has attracted much attention under the epidemic, the world's first oral drug for new crown pneumonia has been born. The staff told The mid-phase clinical trial results of phase III for patients with mild or moderate new coronary pneumonia showed that the drug can reduce the risk of hospitalization or death by about 50%. Although it has not yet been officially approved, the drug has been signed for 1.7 million treatments, which is a huge order.

This year's "four-leaf clover" is really beautiful

Staff introduce the world's first oral drug for COVID-19, monupilvir. Shooting: Dot Cang

Not only drugs, but also the "attention" competition in the field of medical devices is also fierce, and six Galen Prize ("Nobel Prizes of the medical community") have been lined up in a row. One of the water vapor hyperthermia ablation systems for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia claims to be as fast as 2 minutes - before the patient enters the operating room, the tissue cells of prostatic hyperplasia have been exterminated by high temperature water vapor.

This year's "four-leaf clover" is really beautiful

Hyperthermia ablation catheter (Photo: Diancang)

The tall Expo can also be a playground for "unbridled play". The island sister met two young people, and there was a smile to rush to "fly the plane": in the corner of the exhibition hall, there was a large flight simulator covering an area of 17.5 square meters and equipped with a number of innovative technologies, and the audience could experience the take-off, landing, taxiing and communication process of the aircraft in an all-round way. If you accidentally "rush out of the runway", you will be frightened by the alarm system.

This year's "four-leaf clover" is really beautiful

Staff show honeywell flight simulator. Shooting: Dot Cang

"Flying" is too exciting, and there are also leisure and wellness programs. A table tennis coach robot called forpheus lined up in front of it, and Shima and her colleagues used to play doubles with the robot. It's not unusual for robots to play table tennis, but this is a robot that can cut the ball, play spinning balls, and compete with Olympic champion Li Xiaoxia on the spot... Disrespectful and disrespectful.

If you are anxious to see the exhibition and do not care about eating, the Expo can also afford the reputation of "Food City": covering an international food area of 3565 square meters, more than 400 kinds of high-quality food take turns to stimulate the taste buds: "Game of Thrones" joint limited edition "craft beer" beer, Belgian vermilion red beer pear, weighing 353 kilograms, the largest bluefin tuna ever imported from Shanghai...

I already knew that the island sister would not eat breakfast to visit the museum, and how happy it would be to go in and out of the supporting wall.


After walking around, The island sister felt that the biggest highlight of this year's exhibits was "green". Previously, China proposed the "double carbon" goal, showing the responsibility of a major country. Now, a large number of global cutting-edge low-carbon products appear at the Expo, showing the latest progress of the international green and low-carbon industry, and many things are refreshing.

For example, The island sister is attracted by several bicycles and can't move her feet: as long as a single bicycle is ridden for 1 minute, it can be powered so that the small printer can make a black and white sample; two bicycles are ridden for 30 seconds, and a slightly larger printer can complete the boot process. Relying on the latest cold printing technology, the printer not only does not need heating throughout the process, the energy consumption is extremely low, but also can achieve 0 dust, 0 pm2.5 emissions, creating a new "net" world for office.

Speaking of this, The island sister can already imagine the future scene of riding a bicycle fitness plus office.

A hydrogen race car from Luxembourg is also cool: it relies on a hydrogen fuel system that doesn't emit any emissions except water vapor, and the tires contain 46% sustainable materials. In the arena of the future, it is presumably not less than this zero-pollution racing car.

This year's "four-leaf clover" is really beautiful

Mission H24 Hydrogen Energy Racing (Source: Network)

There are also small items, such as a new type of automotive glass adhesive. Compared to conventional adhesives, this new adhesive can be bonded directly to the surface of glossy glass or ink substrate without the additional use of cleaners, primers and activators, reducing the number of processes in the window glass assembly process and thus reducing energy consumption.

This year's "four-leaf clover" is really beautiful

New automotive glass adhesives and others are helping to travel in a low-carbon future. Shooting: Dot Cang

Some exhibitors simply opened a "zero-carbon exhibition area": through the use of energy management, industrial edge computing, network security and blockchain and other technologies, enterprises can accurately calculate the carbon emission data of products in the manufacturing process, and realize the transparent integration and sharing of supplier data at all levels under the premise of ensuring that the data is not tampered with, and track the "carbon footprint" of products.

Ideas lead development, and this is true.


The CIIE has been held for 4 consecutive years, which is a major policy declaration and action for China to take the initiative to open up the market. Under the background of the haze of the epidemic and the increasing downside risks of the world economy, the "force of entering the World Economy" has more firmly released a clear signal that China and other countries will work together to build an open world economy.

This year's CIIE coincides with the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO. Recall that 20 years ago, the domestic society had doubts about economic globalization to "attract wolves into the house", and some domestic enterprises also felt uneasy in the face of the competitive pressure of "dancing with wolves". But history proves the correctness of China's continuous expansion of opening up.

In the past 20 years, China's total economic volume has risen from 6th in the world to 2nd, trade in goods from 6th in the world to 1st, trade in services from 11th to 2nd in the world, the use of foreign capital to rank first in developing countries, and outward direct investment from 26th in the world to 1st place. This is the 20 years of China's deepening reform and comprehensive opening up, and it is also the 20 years of China grasping opportunities and meeting challenges.

China's unwavering and proactive opening up to the outside world has also benefited the world.

To give a small example: In 2012, the main state of the United States had a bumper harvest, but the market demand was insufficient, the price fell to the bottom, and the taste of the Chinese changed everything: in 2016, the value of the U.S. export of lobster to China reached $136 million; because lobster, many Chinese traveled to Maine, driving the development of local retail, catering, leisure and entertainment industries.

There is a long list of similar stories. Through the Expo, the dried peppers of Rwanda, the "country of a thousand mountains", arrived in Hunan. In order to meet the needs of the Chinese market, Rwandan suppliers began to update their technology to promote the modernization and transformation of local agriculture; the Expo also allowed New Zealand fresh milk to successfully enter China's third- and fourth-tier cities and even remote mountainous areas. Exhibits turn into commodities, and the spillover effect of the Expo improves the quality of life of the Chinese people and meets the diversified needs of Chinese consumers for imported consumer goods and services.

This year's "four-leaf clover" is really beautiful

Food and agricultural products exhibition area (Photo: Jiang Yushi, People's Daily reporter)

Good goods and services are worthy of being enjoyed by more people, because that is part of the "good life" and the expectation of hundreds of millions of Chinese for a high quality of life.

Text/Point Cangju

Editor/ Ayami, Yunge

Source: Xiake Island WeChat public account