
The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

author:Anthroditic bacteria

Based on the French comic series Wellerrion and Lorraine, the film tells the story of experienced agents Wellerrion and Lorraine who are ordered to come to the City of Alpha Stars and travel through different time and space dimensions to complete a series of adventure missions

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars
The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

The film first takes place in Mui, but I'd rather call it Pearl Star

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Because the lives of the people there are closely related to pearls, they have a magical transformation beast, no matter what they eat, they can be copied in batches

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

The pearl people have it is equivalent to having endless pearls, and then they nourish the land with pearls and live a carefree life

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

But one day two fleets appeared on the planet of the Pearls engaged each other

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

The destroyed giant battleship fell down, producing an explosion that destroyed the entire planet

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Only the king and a few escaped into the abandoned ship, and after escaping from the home planet, settled in the abandoned ship of humanity and learned the technology

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars
The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Later, one day, the cosmic scavenger ship found them and took them to the super space station built by the galactic creatures, Alpha, which is the city of a thousand stars

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

The Pearls lurked there to learn the techniques of other races, and finally mastered how to build a spaceship

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

At the same time, they want to restore the environment of the home planet in the spacecraft, but they need a large number of pearls as energy

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Only the Conversion Beasts could provide endless pearls, but almost all of the Transformation Beasts perished with the mother star, leaving only one in the hands of the Human Federation in the entire universe

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

So they hired professional thieves and managed to steal the Conversion Beast

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars
The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

However, the Human Federation became aware of this and ordered two agents, the male protagonist Wellerrion, and his partner Lorraine to retake the Beast

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Weller put on his glasses after entering the Interstellar Market and saw another dimension

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

He infiltrates the trading scene of the Pearl Man and the Professional Thief after being disguised as a comrade- and steals the Conversion Beast, and takes the Pearl Man's pearls that the Pearl Man originally used to trade with the thieves

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

But the thieves also unleashed monsters to hunt down Weller Ryan, and human weapons had no effect on it

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

The fellow soldiers all die at its hands, but the protagonists board the spaceship to shake off the monster and fly into Alpha Star

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars
The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Alpha stars bring together races, and humans dominate everything at the moment

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

On the same day, the commander summoned the Two Weller ryans and told them that there was a restricted area in the center of Alpha Station

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

There was an unknown energy inside that threatened the city and the area the two of them had to clear

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Shortly after saying this, the Pearl Man appeared and stunned the Human Guard, capturing the commander

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Weller woke up and followed the Pearls' ship all the way into the forbidden zone

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Lorraine, worried about his safety, also followed, at which time Lorraine was attracted to it by the beautiful butterflies in the air and touched it

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the bait for the Fat Star Man's fishing, so it was captured

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Weller, not wanting to provoke a diplomatic conflict between humans and them, finds slime the Seducer and asks her to disguise herself as a Fat Starman

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Slimes wrapped away Weller and took him into the palace

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

They saw that the king was about to eat Lorraine's head

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

He engaged the Fat Starman and saved her, and then more soldiers poured in

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Slime incarnated liquid wrapped the Wellers into the sewers, but he was unable to escape the attack and died

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars
The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Weller went on to find the Pearl People and learn about their unfortunate history

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

When the captured commander woke up, Weller judged that it was he who had ordered the destruction of the enemy ship with a nuclear bomb that had led to the destruction of Pearl

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Later, he learned that the survivors of pearl stars lived in Alpha and wanted to destroy them

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

The commander acknowledged this and used the pretext that the battle was urgent and that the battle would be lost without a nuclear bomb

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

And cunningly admitting that the crime could lead to the expulsion of humans from Alpha Star, so only the evidence of the crime can be eliminated, weller and his partner angrily knock down the commander

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Handing over the Beast and pearl to the Pearl Man, the ship successfully shapes the environment of Pearl Star and prepares to take off

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

But at this time, the army entered the forbidden area according to the previous plan and prepared to explode

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Weller wanted the commander to stop the plan, but he stubbornly gave the order to attack and activated his Guard K-Tron robot

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Attacking the encircling army, and the general who has just learned the truth, the robots in the melee activate a time bomb that is about to blow up the forbidden zone

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

Weller rushed into a dangerous situation and engaged the robots in a fierce battle, and finally Weller eliminated the robot and his partner boarded the escape pod and flew away

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

The Pearl Man's spaceship also sailed out of Alpha Station and jumped away

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

On Alpha's side, the general's deputy successfully dismantled the device a second before the explosion

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

He found the commander who was tied up by the two protagonists and arrested him

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

At the end of the film, Weller and Lorraine are waiting for rescue in the escape pod, and at this time, the male protagonist finally has time to think about her marriage proposal!

The Human Agent's Way to Save the Endangered Alien Race A Brief Explanation of Interstellar Agents: City of a Thousand Stars

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