
"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

author:Bigfun Bifang

Wen 丨 Royal Night _Official@bigfun Community

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

Hello, this is the royal night before night~

This issue brings you the recommendation of the sixth issue of Jane Zhongfu.

The data reference for this guide comes from: Landsall Library, Static Stream Notes, Gamewith, 404 website, and a BOX station that is not promoted.

As a raider UP who specializes in guild battles, I am more looking forward to this period of special martial arts, because this period has the special martial arts of Zhenqin, a model of guild warfare, which makes the wolf sister who has never left the front line of guild warfare have a better improvement in the strength of guild warfare.

So let's take a look at the special martial arts recommendations in this issue!

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

【Zhenqin · Wolf Sister]

[Specialized Martial Arts Recommendation Level: Guild Battle Specialized Players Recommend Full Specialized, Specialized Martial Arts Buffs Are Relatively Excellent, which can greatly improve the output of the character]

As a mainstream character of Tuitu, Lunata, Dungeon, and Guild Wars, Wolf Sister has a prominent position in PVE gameplay and is one of the indispensable characters, so her martial arts are also very important.

Wolf Sister's special weapon in terms of attribute bonus is to increase a lot of [Material Attack] and "Material Explosion", while adding a new effect to the skill [Strong Slash], after the release of this skill, it will increase the super high physical attack power for Wolf Sister for 12 seconds, so to a certain extent, the special weapon will also change the arrangement of Wolf Sister on the axis, such as not being able to steal the powerful slash (the current Hades Axis generally does not steal it).

Attack Damage Bonus Formula: [7.5 + 7.5× Skill Level]

At the same time, because of the blood-sucking attribute in the equipment, the wolf sister whose attack power is super high after the special weapon, the toughness and survivability of the T or front row will be higher, so the higher the level of the special weapon, the better.

In order to ensure the survivability of the wolf sister herself, the order of the recommendation of the special martial arts is: five-star → open special → full special.

Note: In the same period in March, the "Famous Detective of Wang Du ~ Sighing Chaser" activity guarantee will give 106 wolf fragments, it is recommended to swipe enough 145+ memory fragments in the activity level of this issue, so that you can meet the special weapon to level 160 before the next activity is re-enacted; in order to cope with the next four kings, it is recommended to open a special one first and wait for the next battle operation, and upgrade according to the axis.

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

【Lima · Alpaca】

[Specialized martial arts recommendation level: comprehensive recommendation as far as possible full of specialization, this issue of priority to protect the wolf full specialization, special weapon gain is extremely excellent, open the special can open important functions, full special can greatly improve the survival of the character]

As a common character in the arena, the alpaca has a unique, unique, irreplaceable and pivotal role, and has opened a special weapon in the japanese service, with an unlimited retention period, which is an indispensable role for arena players.

After opening the special martial arts, the alpaca will bring itself the improvement of [material defense] [magic defense] and [material attack], while changing the effect of the small skill [furry assault], when entering the field, it will add a thick layer of [physical invalid shield] to the whole team, which will change the current steaming environment, so that some of the opening targeted second kills of the play will be useless, and at the same time will lead to many new lineups, new playing styles, in the long time after that, are the existence of arena gods.

Shield Bonus Formula: [36.0 + 36.0× Skill Level]

As a tank, the higher the level of the special weapon, the higher its toughness, so it is recommended to be full of specialty. The order of recommendation is: four-star → open special → five-star → full special.

Note: Due to the special nature of the skill after opening the special weapon, the alpaca will also become a guild battle backup character, which can be used for certain bosses, and the positioning is countermeasure type.

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

【Kaori · Dog Fist】

【Specialized martial arts recommendation level: comprehensive recommendation to open a specialty 30 / full specialization, there are conditions can be full of specialization, guild battles as far as possible full specialization, heartbreak can be placed】

With the increase in physical characters and the opening of some characters' special martial arts, the performance of Dog Fist in guild battles dwarfs that of other characters, and has now gradually regressed in two places, but the AB face work can still be used as a T to complete some split knife operations; so dog fist specialization should be the most controversial place in this issue.

The dog fist that opens the special martial arts, even after the full specialty, it is difficult to change her current second-line status, because the special martial arts only bring her the attribute improvement of the "material attack" [material explosion], and in terms of skills, it only increases the damage of the [middle line breakthrough], and there is no increase in the functionality, which is too direct; but also because the upcoming water dog (Summer Kaori) performs better, it will replace the dog fist to a certain extent after the appearance of the water dog, so whether the dog fist is open and full depends on the player's personal positioning of himself. Like Sister Wolf, because of the blood-sucking attribute in the equipment, the attack power is increased after the special weapon, and the toughness and survivability of the T or front row will be higher.

【Midline Breakout】Attack formula changed: [20.0 + 20.0× Skill Level + 1.6×atk] → [30.0 + 30.0× Skill Level + 2.3×atk]

Considering its own survivability, the order of recommendation is: five-star → open → full.

Note: Advanced row players are recommended to be full because they need gross damage, and the middle and front row players can choose to open level 30 or 90 or full according to the guild arrangement, and the middle and back row players can choose whether to open and full according to their own resources.

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

【Bell · Squirrel】

【Special martial arts recommendation level: insufficient heartbreak can not be opened, open 30 levels, conditions can be full of specialization】

Squirrel's special martial arts can bring her the attribute improvement of "Material Attack", "Material Defense" [Magic Defense] and "Recovery Increase", and enhance and increase the function of the small skill [Happiness Self Knocking], increase the range of the original [Range Magic Defense Boost] from 150 to 250, and increase the function of [Range To Increase Our Physical Attack Power] [All Partners within range to increase physical critical hits], so it has become a new physical auxiliary role, and its performance in the arena has been greatly improved, and it has begun to enter the public's vision , and also appears as a countermeasure character in guild battles.

The order of recommendation is: four-star → open special → five-star → full special.

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

Hatsune Hoshiho

【Specialized martial arts recommended level: open 30 levels, conditions can be fully specialized, guild battle specialized players can not open]

The special martial arts of the Star Law bring her the attribute improvement of "Magic Attack", "Magic Explosion" and "Material Defense", and at the same time increase the armor breaking attribute for the small skill [Spirit ☆ Explosion], which can slightly reduce the enemy's magic defense.

However, due to the fact that in the guild war, there are already many magic armor-breaking characters, and the status is stable, coupled with the addition of the new character [An] in the future, with the change of the environment, Qiqixiang, xcw and Zhong'er can successively invite the ranks of the magic knife, let alone damage the mediocre star law; so the star law even if it is full of specialty, it cannot make any changes in the guild war.

In the arena, because the star magic skills are special and targeted, opening the special weapon can make the performance of the star law better, and the bonus of physical defense can also improve her survivability, and the arena player can open the specialty and full specialization.

For some new players and players with uneven BOXES, the guild battle star law can replace the black cat to a certain extent, but the full black cat has a greater effect than the star law, so no matter what stage of the player is not recommended to open the star law special weapon.

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

【True Yang · Cows】

【Special martial arts recommendation level: can not be opened, true love party at will】

Cow's special weapon brings her the attribute increase of "Material Attack", "Material Defense", "Magic Defense", "Skill Value Increase", and increases the damage and increases the [Stun] function for her small skill [Milk Can Bombing], which lasts for 7 seconds. For the cow in fact, there is nothing to say, whether it is a daily service or a complex service, this role will still not enter everyone's field of vision after opening the special weapon, it is the warehouse management in the warehouse management, and there may be some effect after six stars, but it is still not too strong.

Milk Can Bombing attack formula changed: [10.0 + 10.0× Skill Level + 0.8×atk] → [10.0 + 10.0× Skill Level + 2.0×atk].

Special correction: Supplemented the note of the wolf sister, in order to deal with the next four kings, it is recommended to open a special first and wait for the next phase of the battle operation, according to the axis to improve.

Later supplement: The group calculated that the full wolf will probably not affect the axis in the next battle, because there are more characters with higher attack power than the wolf, generally it is not the turn of the wolf to eat 4 king UB, and there are special knife-type playing methods, so the small partner who has been full of wolves does not have to be afraid, as for the small partner who is not full of wolves, if you are really not at ease, you can leave resources and other operations.

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

A graph stream thesis version

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

A picture of the stream Lazy Dog Edition

"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation

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"Princess Link Re:Dive" Issue 6 Special Martial Arts Recommendation