
Year of the Dog Dog: These dog stories are nothing less than tear gas

author:Liu Jixing

Want to bark, the Year of the Dog has arrived. On this occasion of retiring the old and welcoming the new, I would like to tell you some touching stories about the most loyal friend of mankind, the "dog".

People and dogs have a deep affection for a long time. The list goes on, both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.

Let's start with China.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Liang Renfang's "Shu Yizhi" recounts the story of a dog title book that brought family letters back to Jiangnan from the Central Plains. The dog's name was "Yellow Ear", and its owner was Lu Ji, a great talent of the Western Jin Dynasty.

Lu Ji "rare wizards, article crown world", poem heavy algae painting row dolls, Piao Wen is also good. He and his brother Lu Yunju were famous literary figures in the Western Jin Dynasty, known as the "Ying of Taikang". Together with Pan Yue, he is the representative of the Western Jin Dynasty poetry circle, forming the "Taikang Poetry Style", which is known as "Panjiang Luhai". Lu Ji is also good at calligraphy, and his "Ping Fu Ti" is the earliest surviving celebrity calligraphy in China.

Lu Ji's ancestral home is Songjiang, Shanghai, and he is an official in Luoyang, and Huang Er is with him. Because he missed his hometown, he asked Huang Er to send a letter back, put the letter in a bamboo tube, and tied it to the neck of Huang Er, who, with his special ability to know the way, climbed mountains and waded in the water, starved for food and thirsty for drink, and then returned to Luoyang with the letter.

This round trip is fast horse also takes fifty days, and the yellow ear takes more than half a month, which shows that it is very loyal to its duties, almost day and night.

Later, after the death of the yellow ear, the distraught Lu Ji buried it two hundred steps away from home, which was called the "Yellow Ear Tomb" at that time.

In the "Book of Searching for Gods" written by the Eastern Jin Dynasty historian Gan Bao, it is also recorded that a very clever dog, called "Black Dragon", was raised by Li Xinchun of Xiangyang during the Three Kingdoms period. One day, Li Xinchun was drunk outside the city and fell asleep in the weeds on the way home.

Just as someone was hunting and burning the wilderness, the fire spread with the wind, and it seemed that it was about to burn Li Xinchun. Here, the black dragon jumped and barked wildly around the master, but it could never wake the master up.

The black dragon saw that there was a small stream under the wind, hurriedly jumped into the stream, got wet and rushed back, trembling around the master to wet the grass, so that it ran back and forth hundreds of times, and finally wet a large piece of the master's side, the fire did not burn Li Xinchun, but the black dragon was exhausted and fell to the master's side to die.

When Li Xinchun woke up and saw the scene around him, he knew that the black dragon had sacrificed himself to save himself, and he couldn't help but cry bitterly. Later, he buried the black dragon in a coffin and built a tall "righteous dog mound" to commemorate it.

Xu Wei, a great talent of the Ming Dynasty, was "tall and heroic" and had "stubborn and untamed spirit". Even Zheng Banqiao is its iron powder, and it has been engraved with the idle seal of "Xu Qingteng's Lackey Under the Door". In his later years, Xu Wei was so poor that he starved all day, and in 1593, at the age of 73, Xu Wei died in a pile of broken manuscripts, and only a dog was around to send him off.

The dog is not poor, even if the owner becomes a beggar, it also follows the streets, eats and sleeps, does not abandon, and people cannot help but sigh.

Pu Songling wrote a super short story "Righteous Dog" in "Liaozhai Zhiyi", saying that a merchant surnamed Jia bought a dog that would be slaughtered. Later, the merchant was thrown into the river by the gangsters while taking a boat, thanks to the dog who threw himself into the water, rescued the owner, and later helped to catch the gangsters. Pu Songling praised, "Woohoo! A dog also, and the reward is so. Those who have no heart in the world are also ashamed of this inuyasha! ”

Dogs are human and have spirits. Writer Han Haoyue's essay "The Day of Crying Out" describes a puppy that depends on his father, which is touching and heartfelt. The article said: Father "On the day of the funeral, as long as he saw the person who wore filial piety, the puppy would shake his tail and bark wildly when he saw the person who did not wear filial piety." In the future, whenever the fourth brother returns to his hometown to visit his father's grave, the puppy sees the fourth brother, and the first action is to make a move. Afraid that I wouldn't believe it, the fourth brother turned out a photo in the mobile phone, the earth dog that looked very ordinary, really stood up on its hind legs, and used two front legs to give the fourth brother a stroke. (Essays, No. 11, 2017)

Year of the Dog Dog: These dog stories are nothing less than tear gas

And then there's the foreign country.

In Britain, there is a city named after a dog, Bed gellert. In the 13th century, The Prince of Wales, Louerin, had a famous greyhound named Gellert. Once, the prince went out hunting, but could not find Gellert, and when it returned, he found that it was full of blood, and it happened that the prince did not see his young son for a while, mistakenly thinking that the greyhound had bitten the child, and out of anger, he killed Gellert with a sword.

Later, the prince learns that it was actually Gellert who saved the child's life after a fierce battle with a wolf... The prince was deeply remorseful for this, and buried Gellert in particular... The city was named Bed gellert (the graveyard of the dogs).

The novel "White Bim Black Ears" by the former Soviet writer Troyepolsky is quite wonderful. The puppy, Bim, is a loyal friend of an old man. Later, the old man fell ill and had to entrust Bim to his neighbors and go to Moscow for treatment. In search of his master, Beam embarks on a difficult journey. In the meantime, it has received sympathy and affection, and has also been beaten and trafficked, and has escaped many times. However, just as the master learned of his whereabouts and rushed to the rescue, Beam suffocated in the tin can cart at the quarantine station with deep thoughts about his master. These two novels have been loved by generations of readers with their twisting and touching plots and nuanced descriptions.

Lacey the Greyhound, filmed in 1943, is a classic film about dogs. It tells the story of a poor Jim who, in order to make a living, sells a dog named Lacey, which his son likes, to the Duke, and the lovelord Lacey escapes back to Jim again and again. This film, which for the first time shows the loyalty of animals to humans on the screen, caused a sensation as soon as it was released, and the warm and touching plot made many people cry. Lacey has also become a "big star" in the eyes of everyone. In addition, a number of Chinese and foreign films with dogs as stars, such as "Loyal Dog Drum", "Stranger in Disguise", "Snow Night Run", "101 Spotted Dogs", "Snow Greyhound", "Saihu" and so on, are also popular.

Finally, the author Liu Jixing has always been proud of his dog! (Liu Jixing)

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