
Every meeting heralds a parting from ancient times to the present

author:Wenjun embroidered Sima Ma

After Mu Tianzi and his party arrived in the Western Regions, how the Queen Mother of the West received these distant emissaries is rarely recorded in the history books.

But we can speculate that with the hospitality of the people of the Western Regions, the Queen Mother of the West will definitely put a lot of effort into the way of hospitality.

She would let these people change their worn-out clothes, let them bathe, let them rest, let them live in the best houses in the Western Regions at that time, and let them taste the best food of the Western Regions at that time.

Although the Western Regions at that time would be a large part behind the Central Plains, the Queen Mother of the West and the people of the Western Regions who entertained these distinguished guests must have been the best at that time.

During that time, the Queen Mother of the West and her clan will surely live happily, just like a festival. Because the arrival of these Central Plains people will bring changes to their lives.

The history books record that the Queen Mother of the West was peaceful, graceful and luxurious, and friendly to others, and perhaps it was these qualities that moved Mu Tianzi and his subordinates.

When the official affairs of the two sides are completed, such as the exchange of gifts and materials, the agreement on how to communicate in the future, and so on, Mu Tianzi and his party will be ready to return to the Central Plains.

Heroes also shed tears, which needless to say, the ancients and us are the same, music and song and dance can not hide the sadness of parting.

The Queen Mother of the West wrote:

White clouds are in the sky, and mountains come out of themselves.

The road is leisurely, and the mountains and rivers are between them.

Will the son not die, can he still come back?

The translation into modern language is:

The white clouds in the sky are long, and the mountains on the ground are far away,

And the barrier of the great river, in your lifetime,

Can you come back to us again?

In ancient times, the peoples of the Western Regions were rough and bold, and such words were in line with the character of the Queen Mother of the West.

Mu Tianzi replied:

Return to the Eastern Lands, and rule the Summers.

The average of all the people, I see you.

Than three years, will return to the wild.

Translated into modern chinese:

When I return to the Central Plains this time, I will work harder to govern the country.

When the people's lives are better, I will come to see you.

I will definitely come back after three years.

Regarding the meeting between Mu Tianzi and the Queen Mother of the West, before the publication of the Biography of Mu Tianzi, the "History. Zhou, Qin Benji, Liezi. It is recorded in books such as the Biography of King Mu.

Because Kunlun's jade continued to enter the Central Plains, the Central Plains region bred greed, breeding tomb robbery, and breeding crime. What happened next was not what they could have predicted.

Every meeting heralds a parting from ancient times to the present
Every meeting heralds a parting from ancient times to the present
Every meeting heralds a parting from ancient times to the present