
Meihua Admiral Zhang Zizhong - a good man should be a soldier (1) A good man should be a soldier

author:Deer see the house

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > good men want to be soldiers</h1>

In the summer of 1914, xinmin county in fengtian province (present-day Liaoning province) in the northeast.

Although it is northern, it is still very hot in the summer. The fiery sun can still make people's backs bleed. However, on the road to Xinmintun, there were several people who braved the scorching sun to rush to the road.

The seven people in this group were all young people in their twenties, and each of them carried a burden on their shoulders, one by one, and it was obvious that they had traveled a long way to come here.

Walking in the front of the one, tall, long to tiger back bear waist, very strong, a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, heroic, giving people the first impression of heroic and resolute. The rest of them appeared to be thin and tender flesh compared to him, and the text was much weaker. However, it can be seen from their clothing that they are all young students. They have traveled a long way, dusty servants, where are they going? What to do?

These students were all from Shandong, and they were going to rush to Xinmintun to join the army.

The tall young man who was the leader, named Zhang Zizhong, was a 23-year-old man from Tangyuan, Linqing, Shandong, and was now a student at the Jinan Shandong Law and Politics College.

This zhang was born on August 11, 1891. His father's name was Zhang Shugui, who inherited hundreds of acres of land from his ancestors and was the richest man in Tang Garden. Zhang Zizhong is the fifth oldest in the brother rankings. Zhang Zizhong's father, Zhang Shugui, donated an inspection in the 26th year of Guangxu and took up his post in Qingkou, Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province. In the thirty-first year of Guangxu, because of his fair law enforcement and loyalty to his duties, he was appointed by the Qingkou Inspectorate of Ganyu Zhi County, and later died of illness in office.

Since he was a child, Zhang Zizhong has been known in the township for being eager for justice and righteousness, and for fighting and holding unevenness.

Once, while he was in office with his father, he met a scoundrel who oppressed a good people. He rushed over and fought with the scoundrel, and finally beat the scoundrel's head to the point of bleeding, and had to confess his mistake and ask for forgiveness, and promised not to do evil again in the future. At this time, Zhang Zizhong was only 16 years old. When his father found out, he criticized him for being brave and fierce. He argued, "You can't just close your eyes for wrongdoing!" His father was afraid that something would happen to him at a young age, so he sent him back to Linqing.

Mo saw that Zhang Zizhong was young and young, but he was famous in the township.

Meihua Admiral Zhang Zizhong - a good man should be a soldier (1) A good man should be a soldier

There are difficulties in the township, as long as he knows, he will try his best to help, so there is a saying among the youth of Tang Garden: "If there is difficulty, find uncle five." ”

When the wheat was harvested, he went to his field and saw the children of the poor people picking up the ears of wheat that had fallen in the field, and he said, "How much can you pick up in a day like this?" He said and dragged the harvested wheat down from the wheat cart and threw it on the ground for them to "pick up."

When he was studying at the Linqing County Higher Primary School, he often helped his poor classmates with his own clothes and money sent from home. Every semester, his family gave him one or two thousand yuan, and often by the winter and summer vacations, he didn't even have the travel expenses to return to his hometown, and he had to pawn his clothes and bedding to get home.

In 1907, Zhang Zizhong, presided over by his mother, married Li Minhui, the daughter of Li Huanan, a member of the county consultative bureau. In 1910, his eldest son Lian Zhen was born, and Zhang Zizhong became the father. At this time, he graduated from the higher primary school and was admitted to the Tianjin Law and Politics School in 1911. The progressive ideas and atmosphere in the school had a great influence on him. For the first time, he came into contact with Sun Yat-sen's Theory of the Three People's Principles and the bourgeois program of "expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and equalizing land rights"; combined with the way of Confucius and Mencius that he had learned in the past, he had read such books as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Speaking of Tang Dynasty", and "The Complete Biography of Jingzhong and Yue Qiong", and the lofty righteousness and loyal behavior of Guan Yu, Yue Fei, and Qin Qiong, which he admired, had a tremendous impact on his life.

At this time, the Chinese democratic revolution entered the climax, the Wuchang Uprising was successful in October, and the storm of the Xinhai Revolution swept across the country. Zhang Zizhong also participated in the League at school and participated in some revolutionary activities. He felt that if he wanted to make a revolution to save the country, he should go to the army. He once said to his classmates: "The nation-state has reached this point today, and we are still guarding the desk and reading dead books, how can this save the country!" However, his mother was confined to the folk tradition of "good iron does not nail, good men should not be soldiers" and opposed him to become a soldier. His repeated requests were not granted by his mother.

At that time, there was a "Shandong Provincial Law and Politics College" in Jinan, and the principal, Ding Weifen, was one of the leaders of the Shandong Provincial League. In November 1911, Ding Weifen initiated the establishment of the Shandong Federation of All Walks of Life, uniting the progressive forces of various factions and forcing Shandong Governor Sun Baoqi to declare independence. For a time, a good situation of peaceful revolution appeared in Shandong. Zhang Zizhong then transferred from the Tianjin Law and Politics School to the Shandong Provincial Law and Politics College in order to plunge himself into the wave of the Shandong Revolution. However, the revolutionary situation in Shandong Province was short-lived, and soon Yuan Shikai stole the fruits of the revolution and wantonly hunted down the members of the League, xu Jingxin, one of the leaders of the Shandong Provincial League, was murdered by Yuan Shikai in Beijing, and Ding Weifen was forced to sneak back to his hometown in Rizhao to hide.

Zhang Zizhong wanted to throw in the pen, but his mother objected. Zhang Zizhong reasoned with his mother while inviting his fifth uncle to come out and lobby his mother. Through many efforts, Mrs. Feng saw that her son was determined to join the army, but she could not stop it, so she had to agree. This ordered Zhang Zizhong to be overjoyed, so he invited six Linqing compatriots to join the army. But which army would it be better to join? As a result of their inquiry, they decided to defect to the twentieth town (division) of the Beiyang Army stationed in Fengtian. Because the Twentieth Town is a contingent with revolutionary traditions, many of its officers have anti-Qing revolutionary ideas. After the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, the 20th town, under the leadership of the commander (division commander) Zhang Shaozeng, held a military consultation in Luanzhou, asking the Qing government to convene a parliament and draft a constitution. In January 1912, Shi Congyun, Wang Jinbiao, Zhang Jiangong, three pipe belt (battalion commanders) of the 70th Standard (Regiment) of the 40th Association (Brigade) of the 20th Town were instructed by the League to launch the Luanzhou Uprising, declare the independence of Luanzhou, and establish the "Northern Revolutionary Military Government". Feng Yuxiang, who was then the pipe belt of the 80th Third Battalion of the 80th Biao of the 20th Town, also indirectly participated in the Luanzhou Uprising and was promoted by the rebel army to be the chief of staff; Shang Zhen (who later became a general of the Jin Army) also participated in the preparations for the Luanzhou Uprising as an aide. There are quite a few Shandong officers and soldiers in the twenty towns.

Zhang Zizhong and the others discussed that they were going to defect to Che Zhen, the commander of the 80th Regiment of the 29th Association of the 20th Town of Linqing. Che Zhen was an old Qualified Beiyang soldier, and his regiment was stationed in Xinmintun in Xinmin County, Fengtian Province.

Because of the hot weather, several people walked sweating profusely, unbuttoned their shirts, and walked with their chests open.

"Will the commander of the car take us in?" Dropped at the end of a small young man asked.

"As long as we are sincere and resolute in our will to join the army, I think there should be no problem." Zhang Zizhong spoke confidently.

Meihua Admiral Zhang Zizhong - a good man should be a soldier (1) A good man should be a soldier

"How many times have you asked along the way!?" What are you worried about, Uncle Five still carries the recommendation letter from Uncle Three to Mr. Liu in his arms. The third uncle and Mr. Liu are good friends, and Mr. Liu is a red man in front of the head of the car. Another youth said.

It turned out that Zhang Zizhong was afraid that Che Zhen would refuse to take them in, and when he learned that the third brother Zhang Ziqing and Che Zhen's family master Liu Guanqian knew each other, he asked the third brother to write a letter to Liu Guanqian and ask Liu To introduce him.

The new Mintun has finally arrived. They asked where Che Zhen lived, and went straight to it.

The commander of the che lived in a small courtyard surrounded by a wall, guarded by two soldiers with guns at the door.

Zhang Zizhong walked over to the guards, held his fist and asked, "May I ask the two brothers, is this the residence of the commander of the Che Regiment?" ”

The guard looked up and down at the group, nodded and replied, "Yes, this is the car mansion." Who are you? Ask the commander of the car what to do? ”

Zhang Zizhong said, "We have come to meet Mr. Liu Guanqian." We are Mr. Liu's fellow countrymen and have his letters with us. ”

"You wait, I'll inform you."

Liu Guanqian had to report that there were several people in his hometown in Shandong who wanted to see him, so he invited Zhang Zizhong and others in. Liu Guanqian met them in his room. When the two sides met, Liu Guanqian hugged his fist and asked, "I heard that your brothers are from Linqing, and I don't know what to do if you want to see them?" ”

Zhang Zizhong hugged his fist and said, "In the next Zhang Zizhong, zhang Ziqing, the acting brother, greeted Mr. Liu." ”

Liu Guanqian said, "Oh! The elder brother is the younger brother of Zhang Brother. This is not an outsider, please sit, please sit. ”

Liu Guanqian invited everyone to sit down and let the guards bring tea. Zhang Zizhong took out the letter from the third brother Ziqing from his side and handed it over with both hands: "This is the letter from the brother to Mr. Liu." A few of us wanted to join the army, and I asked mr. Li to say a few nice words in front of the commander of the car regiment. ”

After reading the letter, Liu Guanqian said: "The old brother of The Self-Qing Dynasty is my good friend, the old brother of the Self-Loyalty is his brother, and several of you are all Fellows of Linqing and elder of the Chetuan." This help naturally has to help. You guys have worked hard all the way, so rest and rest. After a while I went to see the head of the car and talked to him. ”

After Liu Guanqian asked about the situation of several people, he arranged for everyone to take a break, and then went to find Che Zhen.

Several people waited for the old half a day, and fang saw Liu Guanqian return. Liu Guanqian told Zhang Zizhong: "I have already told the commander of the che regiment that he promised to meet you early tomorrow morning. Take a break today. ”

After breakfast the next day, Liu Guanqian took Zhang Zizhong and seven other people to see the commander of the car.

Che Zhen had already listened to Liu Guanqian's briefing on their situation, and when he saw them coming, he politely invited them to sit down. He carefully looked at each of them before he said, "I have already listened to Mr. Liu's situation and intentions. You are all Linqing people, all of your compatriots, come to me, I am very happy. As a young man, he should devote himself to the pen and serve the country, and his ambition is commendable. I should support you and accept you. But I still advise you not to come to the army. ”

"Why?" The seven of them couldn't help but ask in unison.

Che Zhen smiled and said, "Being a soldier is very hard, and it is not something that ordinary people can eat." I heard Mr. Liu talk about your situation, you are all from rich families, like Zhang Zizhong's brother's family, the richest man in Tang Garden, and several others are said to be not bad. At home, there is no shortage of food and clothing, and there is no shortage of money to spend, and now they are all in school and study, and after graduation in the future, there is no way out and no good future. Why join the army and become a soldier? Being a soldier is a chore, and fighting is life-threatening. Most of the people who joined the army were people from poor families, had difficulties in life, and had no way out. You are from a rich family, where can you afford to suffer this hardship, so I advise you to stop this idea and go home to study well, so as not to suffer these unnecessary sufferings, and the future prospects are much greater than that of joining the army and becoming a soldier. I say this for your own good. Think about it. ”

Che Zhen's words were very sincere, and Zhang Zizhong and others could fully understand it, but these seven young people, with a passion for their own blood, came to work, where could they retreat for such a remark.

Zhang Zizhong said, "We know that the words of the commander of the che regiment are also for our own good, and I am afraid that we will not be able to bear this suffering." However, our hearts to join the army and become soldiers are very resolute. We are not afraid of suffering, and we can eat any suffering. The ancients said, 'If you eat bitterly, you will be a superior person.' Our determination to be soldiers has been determined, and nothing can change. So the head of the car for his kindness, we thank you. But we still beg you to take us in and fulfill the wishes and sincerity of several of us in serving the country. ”

Meihua Admiral Zhang Zizhong - a good man should be a soldier (1) A good man should be a soldier

The rest of the people also asked to stay, expressing their determination not to be afraid of hardship. Under such a resolute request, Che Zhen's dissuasion was ineffective, and he had to agree to include them.

Although Che Zhen promised to take them in, he did not add them to the official roster of the army for the time being, let alone lower them to the company, but still let them live in the regimental headquarters. Since they had not yet been officially added to the roster, they were not given uniforms. When they asked why they had not yet been issued military uniforms, the people who were asked had to smile and replied: They have already reported it, and they will send it when it is approved.

Che Zhen has seen a lot, these boys, let them suffer a little, you don't beat him, he will leave by himself.

It was June, and in the northeast, it was wheat harvest season. Che Zhen's army was stationed here, and a large part of the supply depended on the grain harvested by the army's reclamation. So they planted large areas of wheat. At this time, the wheat in the field of military reclamation is also the time of ripe harvest. All the soldiers of the regiment went down to the fields to grab the harvest.

Zhang Zizhong and seven others naturally had to go down to the fields with the soldiers of the regimental headquarters to participate in the wheat harvest work.

When they got the notice from the adjutant, several people were very happy and excited, saying that this was the first level after enlistment, and they must show it well to the commander of the car regiment, they were not afraid of hardship. But this time, Zhang Zizhong did not speak much.

The next day, after breakfast, Zhang Zizhong and seven other people, each of whom also received a sickle, led by the adjutant, went to the military reclamation field outside Tun. This wheat field is so big, at a glance, I can only see a lot of golden wheat waves, and I can't see the edge.

The adjutant said, "This wheat field is under the responsibility of our regimental headquarters, so let's cut it with our hands." At the sound of the order, everyone went down to the field and cut it up. The soldiers each cut four ridges. The adjutant said to Zhang Zizhong and seven others: "You have not done this kind of work in the past, so cut two ridges." ”

At first, they barely managed to keep up with the progress and could keep pace with the other soldiers. However, after a while, except for Zhang Zizhong, the other six people were far behind. Later, Zhang Zizhong was also pulled down, and the six people fell farther. At the end of the day, the soldiers, the four ridges of wheat were cut to the head; Zhang Zizhong and them each had two ridges, Zhang Zizhong cut in half, and the six men cut less than a quarter at most.

The sun is setting and it's time to finish. Seven of them, their backs ached, their legs seemed to be filled with lead, and they couldn't drag them. The excitement of the six people when they first started work had long since dissipated, and they had all turned into bitter melon faces. Everyone's hands were covered with blisters, and several openings were pulled, some were cut by scythes, and some were cut by wheat grass. The face is also flowered like a begging person on the street.

Back at the residence, one by one, like a scattered rack, the face did not want to wipe, so he fell on the bed, humming in his mouth: "Ouch! Oh my god! It hurt me to death. "I don't want to move anymore. Only Zhang Zizhong was an exception, although he also looked very embarrassed, but he did not lie on the bed, let alone hum and moan. In fact, Zhang Zizhong, like them, had never done such work in the past and suffered such hardships. At the end of the day, my hands were also blistering, my waist was sore and my legs were sore, and I was tired. Like everyone else, he wanted to hum, but he gritted his teeth and held back. He did not lie down on the bed, but stood in the room and said to the six partners: "Everyone grit your teeth, stand up, just stay through these few days, everything is difficult at the beginning." Didn't we pat ourselves on the chest in front of the commander of the car and say that we are not afraid of suffering? If at the end of the day, we can't stand up, and the commander of the car will drive us away again. That's faceless wow. ”

These six people thought that Zhang Zizhong's words were also right, if they shouted like this, wouldn't it be too humiliating and faceless? They gritted their teeth, got out of bed, went to take a shower, and ate. After the late roll call disbanded, without waiting for the lights to blow out, the six people went to bed.

The next day, several people gritted their teeth and held on hard, and everyone's hands were covered with blood bubbles, but they finally survived. At night, except for Zhang Zizhong, these six people all lay on the bed and cried.

On the third day, these six people almost did not want to get up from the bed, or at the urging of Zhang Zizhong, they forced themselves out of bed. The circles of the six people's eyes were all red, obviously the result of crying last night.

After breakfast, they dragged their aching bodies into the wheat field and cut them again with the soldiers.

These seven people, except for Zhang Zizhong, the "sharp qi" on the first day had long disappeared, so within a few minutes, they had been left far behind. Originally, Zhang Zizhong could have cut a little faster, but he saw that his partners were so tired, and he also knew that everyone was spoiled at home and had never suffered from this pain, so he could not only take care of himself, but encourage everyone more. In order to let everyone keep up with himself, Zhang Zizhong helped these six people cut some. In this way, although these six people could keep up with his progress, they were left far behind by the soldiers.

After cutting in the field for less than an hour, the six men threw away their scythes and sat down on the ground without cutting.

Zhang Zizhong was cutting and cutting, why was there no movement next to him? He looked up and saw that all six of them were sitting there motionless.

He straightened up, took a breath, and said, "Why did you stop?" ”

The little man covered his face with his hands and cried, "I can't stand it, I don't want to do it!" ”

Zhang Zizhong panicked and hurriedly walked up: "Lian Wang, don't cry, don't cry, let people see it, will laugh, a big man, still crying nose!" How embarrassing. ”

This little man is also Zhang Zizhong's cousin, named Zhang Lianwang. Zhang Lianwang gritted his teeth, wiped a handful of tears, and said to Zhang Zizhong: "Fifth uncle, I can't eat this work." I don't want to do it, and I don't want to be a soldier anymore. I want to go home. ”

Zhang Zizhong looked at the other five frustrated partners, and these five people also said in unison: "We don't want to do it anymore, we don't want to be any officers." ”

Zhang Zizhong was silent for a while, then nodded, "Well, this matter will be discussed later in the evening after we finish work." But today everyone has to grit their teeth and persevere. Let's take a break and let's do it again, it doesn't matter if it's slower, let's cut as much as we want. The adjutant said, as long as we do our best. ”

On this day, these six people rubbed their hands under the encouragement of Zhang Zizhong.

After dinner, the seven of them stayed in the house to discuss the future of staying.

"Uncle Five, I really can't eat it, I'm not doing it, I'm going home." Zhang Lianwang opened his mouth first.

The other five also said, "So are we." We intend to go to the regimental commander tomorrow to say goodbye. ”

"Uncle Five, what about you?" Are you going with us? Zhang Lianwang asked.

Zhang Zizhong looked at everyone's tanned and haggard faces and a pair of hands covered with blood bubbles these days, and sighed: "Okay, you all go." However, I will not go with you, I will stay. ”

"Then why? Do you still have to suffer this? Zhang Lianwang said.

Zhang Zizhong said, "I should have decided on this soldier, and nothing bitterness can stop me." Let's go, go back and study well, and in the future, we can contribute to the country from other aspects. ”

Meihua Admiral Zhang Zizhong - a good man should be a soldier (1) A good man should be a soldier

The six partners who came with Zhang Zizhong really couldn't stand it. They did not wait for the car to "shake" them, and they all came to ask the commander of the car regiment for a leave of absence, saying that they had something to go back to Linqing.

Che Zhen was so old that he didn't know the plans in the hearts of these six people, nor did he break them, not only did he grant permission, but he also sent each of them a way home, and told them that if something happened at home, they could delay at home for as long as they wanted. If you are willing to go back and continue to study, it is also possible. This is actually a point where they don't have to go back to the troops anymore.

Che Zhen said, "You are all my fellow countrymen, and at noon I will entertain you for a light meal. ”

"Why didn't you see Zhang Zizhong and them come to ask for leave?" Che Zhen asked the adjutant.

"Zhang Zizhong went with the soldiers to cut the wheat in the morning." The adjutant reported.

"Is there anything wrong with his family?"

"I didn't hear him say that." The adjutant answered honestly.

"All right. You go to the field and call him back and have dinner with a few of them at my place at noon. Tomorrow let him go and deliver a few of them. Che Zhen ordered the adjutant.

"Yes!" The adjutant answered.

At lunchtime, the head of the car asked Zhang Zizhong: "Several of them have something at home to take a leave of absence to go home." Is there anything wrong with your family? ”

"It's okay at home." Zhang Zizhong replied.

"You don't take time off?"

"I don't take time off." Zhang Zizhong answered very crisply.

"Well, tomorrow you don't have to cut the wheat, go and send them." You all came together, and if you send them, you can send them for me. We're all fellow countrymen. The head of the car said.

"Yes." Zhang Zizhong responded.

The six men were gone. Zhang Zizhong returned alone after sending them away.

Che Zhen originally thought that Zhang Zizhong would return to Shandong with them, but when he heard that Zhang Zizhong had returned alone, he took the scythe and was going to cut wheat, so he asked the guards to call Zhang Zizhong.

Zhang Zizhong came and saluted Che Zhen: "Report to the regimental commander, call Zhang Zizhonglai, I don't know what instructions?" ”

Che Zhen pointed to the chair and said, "You sit down first, I want to talk to you." ”

After Zhang Zizhong sat down, Che Zhen said, "The six of them are gone?" ”


"Do you know that your six partners will not come back to their hometown on leave this time?"

Zhang Zizhong said, "I know. ”

"Why are they taking time off?"

"Because they couldn't bear this suffering, they had to leave and stop doing it."

"Why don't you go with them?" Che Zhen asked.

Zhang Zizhong said: "Because I didn't want to do it." ”

Che Zhen said, "Brother Zizhong, being a soldier is really very hard, this harvest of wheat is nothing, and it will be even more bitter than this in the future." I urge you to go back to Shandong and read your book. In the future, you can also serve the country, and you don't have to be a soldier. You better go. ”

Zhang Zizhong said: "I will not go. I'm just going to be a soldier. The fact that they can't eat this suffering doesn't mean that I can't eat it, and I'm not afraid of suffering. ”

Che Zhen said, "You put your hand out." ”

Zhang Zizhong held out those big hands. Che Zhen pointed to the pair of hands that were covered with blood bubbles, "You see how many blood bubbles you have on your hands." You've never done this kind of work, and there will be more heavy and hard work in the future, and the training will be harder. Why do you have to hold on? ”

Zhang Zizhong said: "Commander, I Zhang Zizhong want to be a soldier is iron hearted, don't say that there are so many bubbles on my hands." I will never leave the army no matter what. You can't drive me away. ”

Che Zhen stared at Zhang Zizhong for a long time, and Fang nodded, "Since that's the case, then fine." He summoned the adjutant and said to him, "You take Zhang Zizhong to the quartermaster office to get a set of military uniforms, and make up a guard for him." ”

So Zhang Zizhong officially became a soldier.

Zhang Zizhong made up for the lack of guards and went down to the shed (class).

Zhang Zizhong put on his military uniform and came to the shed, where he was welcomed by all the brothers in the shed. Everyone introduced themselves to each other. Wang Xiting, the shed chief, is also a fellow villager in Shandong. Among the brothers in the same shed, there are also Luo Guangtai and Li Youqi, who are also fellow villagers in Shandong.

"Didn't you come with seven people, and what about the six?" Luo Guangtai asked.

Zhang Zizhong said, "They have an affair at home, and the trustee brought a letter." They asked the regimental commander for leave and went back to Shandong. ”

"I heard you're still a reader, didn't you?" Li Youqi asked.

"Before coming to join the army, I was at the Shandong Law and Politics College in Jinan. I've been reading books for a few years. ”

"Well," said Wang Siting, the shed chief, "most of the brothers in our shed are old men who have not gone to school and cannot read a single character, but your brother is a talent in our shed." In the future, the brothers will have to write a family letter or something, and Old Brother Zhang will have to help the brothers with this. ”

Zhang Zizhong replied: "That's no problem, the eldest brothers want to write a family letter, a note or something, please do as you tell, the brother must be on call, and you will respond to your needs." ”

Zhang Zizhong's boldness was liked by the brothers in the whole shed. When everyone saw each other, they naturally got along very well.

The wheat harvest was over, and Zhang Zizhong withstood the first test.

Life in the barracks was indeed very hard, and in addition to training, there were all kinds of heavy physical labor, such as digging trenches, building roads, carrying rice, carrying coal, and so on. For Zhang Zizhong, who had never done any rough work in the past, it was naturally difficult to adapt at first, his hands were blistered, and his shoulders were worn out. However, the brothers in the same shed also took great care of him, knowing that he had not done these things in the past, and sometimes let him do less, do some lighter work, it was too tired, so he let him rest for a day, the chief asked, and on the pretext that Zhang Zizhong had written a letter on their behalf. No matter how bitter Zhang Zizhong was, he gritted his teeth and insisted, never calling out a bitter cry. This spirit of his also made the brothers in the same tent admire.

Months passed. Winter came, the climate outside Guanwai was colder, the field training and labor were more arduous, trenches were dug on the frozen soil, a white mark was dropped by a pickaxe, and the handles were shaken and painful.

Che Zhen persuaded Zhang Zizhong several times to go home to study and find another way out. Zhang Zizhong still gritted his teeth and insisted. He said to Che Zhen: "The regiment commander is assured, I can persevere." How can it be a great instrument without suffering? Che Zhen was also touched by the young man's tenacity.

In the winter of that year, Zhang Zizhong wrote a letter to his seventh brother Zhang Ziming, which was also the first letter he had written to his family since he had left home for several months and joined the army. The letter tells of a difficult military career in the army for several months:

“...... After several months from Jinan to Xinmintun, all the situations in the army have been tasted. The six people who came with them, because they could not bear the hardships, had all returned to their hometowns, but the brother alone worked hard. When the brother came to the beginning of the new year, Che Gong advised the brother to go home several times to study, and how could the children of Liang Liang suffer this hardship, reluctantly for a while, and never persevered to the end, so it was better to go early for good. It was extremely cold outside the plug, and on this harsh winter, every day I exercised, and the skin of my hands and feet was frozen. After returning to the camp, you must first stand outdoors, and you must slow down to enter the room, otherwise the cold and heat will be excited, the bone joints will melt, and the fingers, ears, and nose will fall off. In addition to the exercises, carrying rice and carrying charcoal, digging trenches and piling up soil, working all day, and having little rest time. For this reason, the shoulders are swollen and the skin is cracked, the muscles and bones are sore, and the suffering is really unspeakable. When the brother is heavy, the shoulder and arm are swollen and ulcerated, can not carry, the same shed friendly, work on behalf of the brother, with the brother to write a letter for him. Everything in the family please ask my brother to do the work, and please tell my mother, after my achievements, then go home to see you, and wish my mother a golden body... ”

A year has passed, Zhang Zizhong has gone through arduous tempering, and finally survived and become a qualified soldier, and now he is not afraid of any kind of suffering.

In early 1915, Che Zhen was promoted to brigade commander of the Thirty-ninth Brigade. In the autumn of the same year, the brigade was ordered to move from Xinmin County to Suiyuan Pingdiquan (绥遠, formerly a province, later merged into Inner Mongolia, and Pingdiquan is now part of Shanxi).

From 1915 to 1916, in the land of China, it was still a turbulent era. At the end of December 1915, Yuan Shikai was restored as emperor. Cai Yi and others telegraphed the independence of Yunnan and organized a national army to fight against Yuan Shikai. The provinces, especially the southern provinces, rose up in response.

In early 1916, Zhang Zizhong's Second Division was ordered by Yuan Shikai to go south to aid Xiang and suppress the defending army. Zhang Zizhong was only a soldier, and he could only listen to the orders of the above, and he had no right to question the merits or wrongs, nor could he ask questions.

After entering Hunan, the 39th Brigade was stationed in Changsha and the 40th Brigade was stationed in Yuezhou. In this way, Che Zhen, who was a brigade commander, also became a tool for Yuan Shikai to suppress the revolution.

At that time, the Hunan general Tang Qianming was a close confidant of Yuan Shikai. After the Thirty-ninth Brigade entered Xiang, Tang Qianming, in order to win over Che Zhen, expanded the brigade into the First Division of Hunan, and Promoted Che Zhen to be the commander of the division and the commander of the town of (Sha) Yue (Prefecture). Zhang Zizhong was also promoted to staff officer of the division headquarters by Che Zhen.

At that time, the headquarters of the Hunan First Division was located in Changsha. Zhang Zizhong was transferred to the staff of the division headquarters, and naturally lived in Changsha.

These days, not only Changsha, but also the whole of Hunan, is like a pot of boiled porridge, messy. Rumors sprang up, and wherever you go, you can hear rumors of one kind or another. It is said that Cai Yi has led a large army from Yunnan to pass through Sichuan and enter Shaanxi, and directly attack Beijing, and along the way get responses from all over the country. All the southern provinces sent telegrams denouncing Yuan Shikai as emperor. Sun Yat-sen wanted to launch a third revolution in Guangdong and organize an army to carry out the Northern Expedition. Huang Xing was in Nanjing, and Chen Yingshi was also organizing a campaign against Yuan Jun in Shanghai. Xiong Kewu and Yang Cangbai were in Chongqing to beg Yuan, and Xiong Kewu was appointed commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Protectorate Army. The representatives of the forty-eight counties of Hunan declared the independence of Hunan in Jing County, and Gongtui Chengqian became the commander-in-chief of the Hunan Protectorate Army, and swore an oath to court Yuan. Zhao Hengti was appointed commander of the First Division of the Hunan Protectorate Army, and led his troops to attack Changsha, claiming to capture Tang Qianming first, and then to please Yuan Shikai...

Zhang Zizhong was a member of the League, and from the heart, he naturally supported Sun Yat-sen and opposed Yuan Shikai, so he also hoped that Yuan Shikai would fail. Hearing these rumors, he was both excited and worried. He was excited that Yuan Shikai's rebellion against the revolution and the restoration of the imperial system were unpopular after all, so now the whole country was denouncing and opposing it. What he was worried about was that the unit to which he belonged now had become the target of everyone's attention and was bound to be attacked by the Defending Army, first of all, the National Protectorate Army in Hunan, and its success or failure was unpredictable. This had a great impact on his future of joining the army and serving the country.

He did not approve of Che Zhen's old military duty of obedience, lack of political foresight, and attachment to Tang Qianming. But he was humble and light,unable to sway Che Zhen to change his stance and change his course.

What exactly to do? He couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

In the whole of Hunan, the people's hearts are unstable and the military's hearts are unstable. The people's hearts and minds have completely turned to the Defending Army; the military's heart generally exudes a war-weary mood and is unwilling to fight with the National Protectorate.

In 1916, the rumors became a reality, and the First Division of the Hunan Protectorate Army, under the command of division commander Zhao Hengti, launched a large-scale attack on Changsha. I don't know whether there are spies in the city or there are internal lines of the defending army in the army, in short, Zhao Hengti's First Division easily attacked Changsha City. There was chaos in the city.

Yuan Shikai's confidant Tang Qianming was rewarded and fled in a hurry disguised.

The Hunan First Division led by Che Zhen was already distraught, had no intention of fighting, and had no support for the lone army, so it collapsed without much resistance. The Hunan First Division was originally a well-trained army, but because it participated in an unjust war, it was actually vulnerable and the whole army was destroyed. Che Zhen saw that the general trend had gone and was irretrievable, so he had to follow in Tang Qianming's footsteps and flee Changsha alone. The defeat of this battle made him discouraged, so he returned to Linqing, and from then on, he was disarmed and returned to the field, no longer thinking of leading the army.

Moreover, Zhang Zizhong was in the midst of the rebellion and had to escape from the division headquarters. In a hurry, he escaped from Changsha, only to find that his sac was empty and penniless. He couldn't do anything about it, so he had to follow the flow of fleeing people and go north. But after all, from Hunan to Shandong, thousands of miles, so how can you return to your hometown? At this time, his mood was not sad that his surrender had ended so dismally, but he was worried about how to return to his hometown.

He came all the way, walked for a few days, because he did not have money with him, he had to take off his clothes for a little food, and now he only had a shirt and a pair of trousers left on his body, and he would be naked when he took it off. His stomach was grumbling, he hadn't eaten since last night, no wonder he was grumbling with hunger. But this is close to the boundary of Hubei, and it is still very far away from Shandong.

He was frowning and thinking of a way out when he overheard someone behind him shouting, "Hey! In front of you is the old brother of Xingchen? ”

He stopped and looked back, and saw three people hurrying behind him. At first glance, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, but it turned out that these three people were his compatriots, and Wang Xiting, Luo Guangtai, and Li Youqi, who were in the same shed after he joined the army.

When the four of them met, it was a mixture of sorrow and joy.

It turned out that Wang, Luo, and Li were also unwilling to fight for Yuan Shikai's lives, and as soon as Zhao Hengti attacked Changsha, they dropped their guns and ran away.

Wang Xiting said, "It's okay, it's okay, a few of our fellow villagers have met again." Along the way, the three of us were still nagging you, saying that you didn't know if you had run out of the division headquarters. It's great to see you're okay. The four of us could go all the way back to Shandong. ”

Zhang Zizhong smiled bitterly: "Brother, I escaped, but I fled too hurriedly, and after running out of Changsha, I found that I didn't have a penny with me." Two days ago, I took off my coat and changed my stomach for food. Now that's all that's left. I haven't eaten a thing until last night. ”

Wang Siting said, "Oh! That's okay. All three of us have a little money on us, save a little, and I think the four of us can still go back to our hometown in Shandong. Brother Xingchen didn't eat, and we also bought dry food around us, so we found a cool place to rest and go after eating. ”

For Zhang Zizhong, this was tantamount to the heavenly descent of Ganlin, which really made him overjoyed, and he even claimed to be thankful.

Luo Guangtai said, "Don't thank you, we are all fellow villagers, and when we go out, we should help each other." ”

Zhang Zizhong traveled with Wang, Luo, and Li, and with the support of the three brothers, he finally returned to his hometown in Linqing safely.

The first surrender ended inconclusively, like a nightmare. But Zhang Zizhong was not willing to fail, he was still ambitious, determined to join the army again, to break out of his military career.

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