
Liang Huasheng was the commander of the Tenth Army


  Liang Huasheng was born on November 13, 1903 in Lidaokeng Village, Yangzhu Township, Maoming County, Guangdong Province (now Surabaya Town, Gaozhou City). He died in Taiwan on March 2, 1999.

  The Battle of Cotton Lake made a military achievement

  In 1924, Liang Huasheng was admitted to the first phase of the Whampoa Military Academy and was incorporated into the third team of students, and Du Yuming and Guan Linzheng were connected to his bed. Liang Huasheng received a strict military education at the Whampoa Military Academy, laying the foundation for his future conquests.

  In November 1924, after graduating from the First Phase of Huangpu, Liang Huasheng was first appointed as a second lieutenant trainee and became a platoon leader. In 1925, he participated in the Crusade against Chen Jiongming, served as a lieutenant platoon leader in the second platoon of the Ninth Company of the Third Battalion of the First Regiment, and made a neutral contribution to the Battle of Cotton Lake. After the 50th anniversary of the Victory of Mianhu Lake, Liang Huasheng recalled in detail his participation in the Battle of Mianhu Lake. On March 13, 1925, the 1st Regiment was instructed to attack Cotton Lake, with the 1st Battalion as the vanguard, the 3rd Battalion as the right wing, and the 2nd Battalion as the reserve. The third battalion, with the Ninth Company as its vanguard, advanced forward. At about 10 o'clock, the enemy pounced on the Ninth Company. Company commander Yu Haibin ordered Liang Huasheng to lead the second platoon into the saddle of the hill in front and attack the enemy's waist. At about 12 o'clock, the company commander who personally led the second and third platoons to carry out the counterattack was unfortunately shot and died heroically. Liang Huasheng was devastated, vowed to avenge the company commander, and almost desperately wanted to rush to kill the enemy, all of which were blocked by Liu Chichen, who was attached to liang, and Liu said to Liang: "You have very little left in the platoon, what is the use of rushing forward?" "The enemy spiraled in a dense formation towards the beam platoon. Liang Huasheng ordered: do not shoot, prepare grenades. When the enemy arrived at the position and was twenty or thirty meters away from Liang Platoon, Liang gave an order to "drop bombs", and more than ten grenades were fired at the same time, and the sound was tremendous, and all the enemies who approached were annihilated. Soon, the battalion commander Wang Jun sent the probationary officer Xiao Zanyu (a student of the first term of Huangpu) to contact him and ordered Liang Pai to move closer to the battalion headquarters to avoid the enemy front. Liang Huasheng believed that the whole platoon of soldiers was only more than 10 people, and under the intensive fire supervision of the enemy, a slight movement, the whole platoon would be in danger of collapse, and may endanger the battalion and regimental headquarters, so please turn back to the battalion commander, willing to coexist and die with the position. Liang Huasheng and Xiao Zanyu immediately observed the enemy situation, and Xiao Zanyu was suddenly shot by the enemy and fell into the shelter pit, covered in blood. Liang Huasheng tore off Xiao's blouse, bandaged him, and sent a soldier, Li Debiao, to help Xiao Zanyu down the mountain and return to the camp headquarters.

  In the Battle of Cotton Lake, the First Regiment of Instruction was the most sacrificed by the Third Battalion, and the number of officers and men of the battalion was reduced from more than 380 to more than 110. Of the nine platoon commanders of the battalion, only Wu Bin (whampoa I student) and Liang Huasheng, who were injured, survived. He Yingqin,Corp. Commander He Yingqin often mentioned Liang Pai's bravery in battle, and Liang Pai's name was spread in the army for a while. Soon, Liang Huasheng was promoted to commander of the Ninth Company with his military merits.

  In the spring of 1926, Liang Huasheng was promoted to battalion commander. He followed the Northern Expedition of the Eastern Route Army and marched into Fujian and Zhejiang. From 1927 to 1930, he successively served as deputy commander of the First Regiment of the First Division, commander of the Second Regiment of the Twenty-second Division, and deputy brigade commander of the Second Brigade of the First Division. In October 1931, he was appointed brigade commander of the 247th Brigade of the 83rd Division.

  Blood Battle Gubeikou

  After the "128 Incident" in 1932, the Japanese army invaded and occupied the three eastern provinces. In January 1933, the Japanese army occupied Shanhaiguan and attacked Rehe and Chahar. On March 4, it captured Chengde, the capital of Rehe Province. Subsequently, a large-scale attack was made at the main passes of the Great Wall, and pingjin was forced. Liang Huasheng was ordered to lead the 247th Brigade, responsible for guarding the Gubei North Pass, with less than 5,000 people, to resist the two divisions of the Japanese army. In 1946, the book "Secret Stories of Political and Maritime Figures" published by the Jianguo Publishing House recorded that the Japanese army attacked the Liang Brigade with its aircraft cannons, and Liang Huasheng led his troops to "fight hard for more than a month, and all the casualties were exhausted, and the enemy could not cross the Gubeikou in the end, until the death battle of Liang Huasheng's brigade, and Fu Zuoyi's indomitable indomitable, together with the fame."

  The Great Wall Resistance Was a major turning point for Liang Huasheng's promotion, and then Qingyun went straight up. In August 1933, he was promoted to commander of the Ninety-second Division. In April 1935, he was awarded major general. In January 1936, he was awarded the Baoding Medal of the Fourth Class. In November, Liang Huasheng was elected as a staff officer of lieutenant generals (Chiang Kai-shek), chairman of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government. From the "Tianzi protégé" of the Huangpu clan to the attendant staff officer of the "Chairman Chiang Kai-shek", Liang Huasheng was deeply trusted by Chiang Kai-shek. In December 1936, Liang Huasheng was enrolled in the third special class of the Army University. The status of the Army University in the Kuomintang army is second only to that of Huangpu, and there is a saying of "yellow coats and green (land) hats", that is, military talents with two academic qualifications, Whampoa and Lu University, can be reused.

  The "Loyal And Courageous Division" that the Japanese Army fears the most

  After the outbreak of the All-Out War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in 1937, the Kuomintang High Command ordered the establishment of 10 reserve divisions. Liang Huasheng, who had just graduated from the Army University, was ordered to be the commander of the Preparatory Fourth Division. After the division was completed, it was transferred to Hengshan Mountain in southern Hunan for reorganization. After three months of rigorous training, in January 1938, it was ordered to be changed to the 190th Division, and Liang was still the commander of the division, under the jurisdiction of the 1109th Regiment (Regiment Commander Zhu Yue), the 1110th Regiment (Regiment Commander He Gongqi), and the 1111th Regiment (Regiment Commander Chen Shizhang). Because in 1935 Chiang Kai-shek wrote the words "Zhongyong" to Liang Huasheng, the officers and men of the 190th Division under the command of Liang Huasheng were embroidered with the word "Zhongyong" on their sleeves, known as "Zhongyong Division". Soon, Liang Huasheng was ordered to participate in the Battle of Nanxun. In his later years, he wrote "My Experience in the War of Resistance", which details his leading of the 190th Division to participate in the Battle of Nanxun:

  In May and June 1938, the Japanese army captured Anqing, Madang, and Hukou, and Jiujiang was in a hurry. Liang Huasheng was ordered to lead the 190th Division to the Haihui Temple in Lushan, Jiangxi Province, and after a little tidying up, he went north along the De (An) Xing (Zi) Highway and arrived at Gaolong Chen Village to deploy, and Liang Huasheng personally went to the front line to inspect the defenses. On July 25, the Botian detachment of the Japanese army landed from Poyang Lake on the front of the first battalion of the Liang Division Zhu Regiment guarding Gutang, and the first battalion detonated a mine, which caused the Japanese to overturn the boat, and some of the landing Japanese troops also touched the mines, and the blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the casualties were on the pillow. At noon, the Japanese made the second landing, and the first battalion relied on the river defense position to calmly respond to the battle, and the enemy was forced to flee by speedboat. On the 26th, under the cover of aircraft and artillery, the Japanese army used a large number of speedboats to land on the beach again, and under the crossfire net of the first battalion of the Zhu Regiment, the Japanese army was suppressed in the beachhead position and could not advance a step. In the afternoon, the Japanese army then transferred troops from Xingzi down the south of Poyang Lake and pounced on the position of the third company on the left wing of the first battalion, and the position was lost. Commander Zhu ordered the third battalion to attack, and after a bloody battle, regained the lost ground. On the 27th, a large number of Japanese warships appeared on Poyang Lake for a short time, and they rushed to the beachhead on the right flank of the Liang Division; while on the left flank, the enemy horses gathered and frantically attacked the third battalion. The two wings of the Liang Division attacked at the same time, fighting with the enemy's white blade, "the sound of killing was everywhere, and the ground shook the mountain." The fierce battle reached the twilight, and the position of the third battalion was finally lost. The goal of blocking the enemy had been achieved, and Liang Huasheng ordered the Zhu regiment to retreat. The Chen regiment, who was responsible for guarding the pass, stubbornly held its position, and the battle was very fierce, but the officers and men held the position, and the Japanese army was forced to draw a large army and surround it on all sides, and Chen Tuan was transferred to the Chen Village Division headquarters to make up for it. In the battles of Gutang and Pass, zhu and Chen tuan suffered more than half of the casualties. Liang Shi Nai was ordered to take over the defense of the friendly army, and the whole division drove to Tianjia Town to replenish.

  In August, Liang Huasheng was ordered to lead the 190th Division to deploy the East And West Ridges to block the southern attack of the Japanese 101st Division. Liang Huasheng ordered Chen Tuan to defend the West Ridge and Zhu Tuan to defend the East Ridge. According to the topography of the East and West Ridges, Liang Huasheng and his subordinates developed a set of tactics of "movement warfare in position warfare": digging heavy shelter positions at more than 100 meters behind the mountain ridge line, and the trenches and pits were based on the principle of solid and vast, which could cover the main forces from being destroyed by Japanese artillery fire. The main defensive front is still set high above the prism. When the Japanese army bombarded regularly during the day, the flags of the scattered soldiers at all levels in front of the position were still flying in place, and the soldiers were ordered to arrange the rain on the scattered line for the "trick soldiers", leaving only observers and signal soldiers on the position, reporting the enemy situation at any time. On August 12, the Japanese army took turns to shell the Dongmu Ridge, and then sent troops to pounce on the Position of the Zhu Regiment, and the Japanese army thought that the Zhu Regiment had long been dead under the shelling. The officers and men of the Zhu Regiment suddenly rolled out from behind the ridge, occupied the main position, and quickly woven a crossfire network to counterattack, and the Japanese army was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. The next day, the Japanese army continued to shell the Dongmu Ridge, casting mustard gas, and the mountains were covered with poisonous smoke, and Commander Zhu immediately ordered the officers and men to drink urine containing Amonia each to alleviate the phenomenon of poisoning. After the poisonous gas dissipated, the enemy began to attack fiercely, and the second battalion of the Zhu Regiment quickly rushed out of the cover position, and after several hand-to-hand combat charges, stabilized the position. During the fierce battle, a group of Japanese troops broke through the east and west ridge highway lines and went straight to the headquarters of the Liang Division, and Liang Huasheng commanded the He regiment to face the blow, capturing more than 90 military horses and capturing 15 enemy soldiers. On the 14th, the Japanese reinforcements from Xingzi and threw poison gas bombs. The Zhu regiment was circling with the Japanese army, and the second and third battalions suffered heavy casualties and had to withdraw to the line of the highest peak; according to the first battalion of the main position on the right wing of the East Ridge, it was attacked on all sides, and the officers and men fought fiercely with the Japanese army. The enemy was killed and wounded everywhere, and the yellow grass and boulders were red." The enemy was unable to attack for a long time and was forced to retreat.

  The Japanese army knew that the eastern ridge was difficult to overcome, so it changed its tactics. That night, they pretended to attack the front of Ximuling, but the main force detoured to the southern foot of Lushan Mountain, advanced into the flank of Ximuling, and besieged it by division of troops. The enemy took advantage of the commanding terrain (the West Ridge was 300 meters higher than the East Ridge) to shoot at the main peak of the East Ridge, and from poyang Lake, countless speedboats came to seize the beach on the east side of the East Ridge, and the East Ridge was attacked on all sides, and the Zhu Tuan was forced to retreat. After the Zhu regiment and the Chen regiment met the division headquarters at The Haihui Temple, they counted the casualties, and in addition to the reserve regiment (He Tuan), the Liang division had lost 67%of the ten. However, the successful use of Liang Huasheng's tactics caused heavy casualties to the Japanese army and achieved the purpose of blocking the enemy.

  During the war, Tokyo Radio's famous heart war broadcaster "Tokyo Rose" broadcast that the Japanese army encountered resistance from two of the most tenacious troops in China, which made the Japanese army most afraid, one was Song Zheyuan's big knife team, followed by the 190th Division. Liang Huasheng also mentioned in his memories in his later years that among the many troops he led during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the one that made him most "suspenseful and proud" was the 190th Division.

  Liang Huasheng was promoted to commander of the Tenth Army in July 1939 for his meritorious service in defending Jiangxi. In the winter of 1940, he became the director of the Political Department of the Fourth Theater.

  Received the U.S. Government Medal

  In the spring of 1943, Liang Huasheng was ordered to be transferred from the director of the Political Department of the Fourth Theater to the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eleventh Group Army, stationed in western Yunnan, assisting commander-in-chief Song Xilian in a very short period of time to command a large army to cross the Nu River and launch a fierce attack on the Japanese troops stationed in Longling, Mangshi, Chafang, and Qicheng, and successively retake these towns, open up international routes, and strengthen the resistance of the war. This war is related to the international anti-fascist war, so Liang Huasheng and others have a certain prestige in the world.

  In 1943, the United States decided to equip the Kuomintang army and set up training institutions in Kunming and other places to train Kuomintang officers and soldiers in large numbers so that they could correctly use American weapons. In the spring of that year, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the establishment of the Central Military Commission Cadre Training Corps in Yunnan (later renamed the Southwest Cadre Training Regiment of the Central Military Commission, referred to as the Southwest Cadre Training Regiment). The Southwest Cadre Training Corps is a Sino-US cooperative military comprehensive training organization, and the general responsible person of the US Military Training Corps in the Southwest is Brigadier General Miduton, and the instructors are all Americans. In the spring of 1944, Liang Huasheng was appointed as the chief of education of the Southwest Cadre Training Regiment (the head of the regiment was concurrently held by Chiang Kai-shek, and the actual person in charge was the chief of education). The "Who's Who of Contemporary China" published by the World Cultural Service after the war recorded that the Southwest Cadre Training Corps presided over by Liang Huasheng "trained the expeditionary force and the army headquarters under the jurisdiction of all aspects of the army, cadres at all levels, set up general classes, combat classes, automobile fighting vehicle training classes, and communication infantry artillery and military doctor brigades, the squad of no less than 30 units, the government hired American instructors, the use of the latest teaching materials, with new equipment, successively graduated officers and men, a total of 50,000 people, the Burma division, the opening of the international route, and the success of the Xianggui counter-offensive, the training of the generals, with power". The Southwest Cadre Training Corps played an important role in the joint resistance of China and the United States against fascism. After the war, Liang Huasheng was awarded a silver leaf medal by the US government, accompanied by a letter of commendation. On April 26, 1947, a ceremony was held at the Jilin Provincial Government Guest House, and the American representative in Jilin presented Liang Huasheng with the medal and a letter of commendation.

  In the winter of 1944, Liang Huasheng was transferred to the deputy commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army (Commander-in-Chief Du Yuming), stationed in Kunming, Yunnan. In May 1945, the fifth army was abolished and changed to the Kunming Defensive Command, with Du Yuming as commander and Liang Huasheng as deputy commander.

  The first Whampoa to become the chairman of the provincial government

  After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945, Chiang Kai-shek transported a large number of troops to the northeast. In October, the Northeast Security Commander's Department was established and Du Yuming was appointed as the commander-in-chief. On December 11, Liang Huasheng was appointed deputy commander-in-chief. At the end of May 1946, the Nationalist government appointed Liang Huasheng, deputy commander of the Northeast Security Department, as acting chairman of the Jilin Provincial Government, and on October 2, Liang Huasheng was appointed Chairman of the Jilin Provincial Government.

  After taking charge of Jilin Province, Liang Huasheng was satisfied, and among the more than 100,000 Huangpu students at that time, he was the first to become a member of the Feudal Governor, so he called himself "the first person to chairman huangpu". Later, Huang Pusheng served as chairman of the Kuomintang provincial government, including Fan Hanjie (chairman of the Rehe provincial government in February 1948), Zheng Dongguo (chairman of the Jilin provincial government in March 1948), Dong Zhao (chairman of the Shaanxi provincial government in July 1948), Li Liangrong (chairman of the Fujian provincial government in September 1948), Chen Mingren (chairman of the Hunan provincial government in 5 April 1949), Huang Jie (chairman of the Hunan provincial government in August 1949), Wang Zhiqi (chairman of the Gansu provincial government in December 1949), etc. But they all served later than Liang Huasheng.

  Liang Huasheng, who was born in the military, attached importance to cultural undertakings after taking charge of Jilin Province. He founded Jilin Daily in Jilin City and Zhongzheng Daily in Changchun City. Jilin Daily was founded on July 7, 1946 by Wang Houxiang (Huangpu IV, then chief of staff of the Jilin Provincial Security Command). Changchun Zhongzheng Daily was founded on January 1, 1947. Liang Huasheng served as the chairman and Wang Houxiang served as the president. Liang Huasheng allocated 3 jeeps to the newspaper for reporters to use for reporters. The newspaper provided three meals a day, and had a military telephone that could be received from the headquarters in the front of the garrison. During the siege of Jilin by the People's Liberation Army in October 1947, Changchun's Zhongzheng Daily often had extremely accurate exclusive news publications. Most of these news were told by Liang Huasheng to Zhang Zhiting, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, in a long-distance phone call. Therefore, the more fierce the war, the better the sales channel of Changchun's "Zhongzheng Daily" will be.

  Liang Huasheng likes to create drama. He wrote and directed the five-act play "Songhua Riverside". When it is officially staged, many journalists are invited to watch it. The play is interspersed with some Shanghai pop songs and anti-war songs, and he also sang loudly on the stage, and led the audience to applaud and applaud.

  Liang Huasheng attaches great importance to education. He decided that the provincial government would allocate funds to print textbooks and give them to all primary and secondary school students in the province free of charge, with the words "Liang Huasheng, chairman of the Jilin Provincial Government, giving gifts" on the cover. Liang Huasheng founded the Jilin Provincial Zhongzheng Sports College, served as the chairman and president of the school, and personally determined the school's enrollment methods, selection and repair of school buildings. The school enrolls three classes of specialist and teacher training, with a total of 112 students. Zhongzheng Sports College was the most superior school in Jilin at that time, and students' food, clothing and housing were all supplied by the school.

  In March 1948, Jilin City was liberated, and Liang Huasheng was dismissed as chairman of the Jilin Provincial Government. Subsequently, Liang Huasheng concurrently served as the commander-in-chief of the Shenyang City Defense as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast "Suppression General". In February 1949, Liang Huasheng became the deputy director of the Guangzhou Appeasement Office. In October, I went to Taiwan. After going to Taiwan, he was not reused, and only held some idle positions.

  Whampoa complex

  Liang Huasheng graduated from Whampoa Phase I, and his experience of studying in Whampoa had a great impact on his life, so he always had a special affection for Whampoa Military Academy.

  On June 16, 1947, the 23rd anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy. "Jilin Daily" published a special commemorative issue, and Liang Huasheng personally wrote the title of the special issue and wrote the inscription "Carry forward the Huangpu Spirit." He also published an article in the special issue entitled "Commemorating the Alma Mater in the Flames.", recalling the scene of entering the first issue of Huangpu, saying: "When recalling the time when I was enrolled in school and studying, I did not hesitate to painstakingly study the various trainings in spiritual ideology, physique, and scholarship." On the same day, Liang Huasheng attended a rally of the Central Military Academy in Kyrgyzstan to elaborate on the history of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy. He said: "23 years ago today, the military academy was founded in Huangpu at the mouth of the Pearl River, and the prime minister personally presided over the ceremony on that day. The prime minister and his wife, the principal and foreign guests on the podium were very solemn, and the situation was now in front of them. On the same day, Guangzhou's "Zhongzheng Daily" (which was also founded by Liang Huasheng and is also the chairman of the board) published a "special issue commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the Central Military Academy", and Liang Huasheng published an article "From Huangpu to Northeast China" in the special issue. On June 16, 1948, Liang Huasheng published "Three Stages and Three Missions - Dedication to the Twenty-fourth Anniversary of the Founding of the Huangpu Alma Mater" in the "Special Issue of the 24th Anniversary of the Founding of the Central Military Academy" in the "Zhongzheng Daily" in Guangzhou.

  In the autumn of 1948, after Liang Huasheng returned to Guangdong from the northeast and south, he actively contacted Huangpu students. On January 27, 1949, Liang Huasheng, Xiao Zanyu, Gan Lichu, Li Tiehan, Wang Houxiang, and more than 100 graduates of the Liusui Huangpu Military Academy, decided to hold a Spring Festival meeting of the central military academies at the Cathay Restaurant in Guangzhou on February 27, and presumed that Liang Huasheng, Zhang Yanyuan, Xie Zhennan, and others would be responsible for the preparatory work. On February 24, Liang Huasheng presided over the preparatory meeting for the Spring Festival Greetings Conference of the Central Military Academies in Guangzhou. On the same day, led by Liang Huasheng, nearly 60 Huangpu students, including Gan Lichu, Xie Zhennan, Huang Jingzhi, Gan Qingchi, Wu Bin, He Chongxiao, Rong Youluo, Zheng Jiemin, Liang Hanmin, and Wang Houxiang, published in Guangzhou's "Zhongzheng Daily" the "Notice of the Preparatory Meeting for the Central Military Academies' Sincere Relatives Conference in Guangdong." Through the preparations of Liang Huasheng and others, on the 27th, the central military academies held a meeting of earnest relatives at the Guotai restaurant of Guangdong students, and more than 2,000 people, including Zhang Fakui, commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang Army, Yu Hanmou, director of the Guangzhou Appeasement Office, and Xue Yue, chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Government, attended the meeting.

  Through the active preparations of Liang Huasheng and others, in mid-May 1949, Guangzhou's "Zhongzheng Daily" published the "Notice of the Joint Inaugural Meeting of the Guangdong Branch of the Guangdong Branch of the Central Military School Alumni Association," saying that "the Association has been instructed to prepare for the guangdong branch and the national defense department of the Central Military School Alumni Association, and is hereby scheduled to jointly hold the inaugural meeting at 9:00 a.m. on the twenty-second day of this month (Sunday) in the auditorium of the Guangzhou Appeasement Office." On the 22nd, the Guangdong Branch of the Central Military School Alumni Association and the National Defense Department jointly held an inaugural meeting in the auditorium of the Guangzhou Appeasement Office. He Yingqin, Yan Xishan, Bai Chongxi, Wu Tiecheng, Gu Zhutong, Yu Hanmou, Ou Zhen, Huang Jie, etc. and more than a thousand students attended the meeting. Liang Huasheng presided over the meeting and delivered a speech at the meeting. The meeting elected 5 people, including Zheng Jiemin, as members of the National Defense Section Committee, and Liang Huasheng and 11 others as members of the Guangdong Branch Committee.

  After Liang Huasheng went to Taiwan, he never forgot Whampoa's alma mater. In the 1990s, he returned to the Mainland to visit Whampoa alumni. In 1996, the inscription "Records of Generals of the Whampoa Military Academy" compiled for Mr. Chen Yuhuan read: "Carry forward the Whampoa Spirit, Revitalize China, and Promote the Reunification of the Motherland."