
The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

author:2I7 fitness nest

Every time when popularizing some weight loss knowledge, someone will say "xxx eat two bowls of rice, a meal of braised meat, and I don't see fat, I eat lightly every day, as long as I don't exercise, I get fat". Indeed, because of individual differences, it is true that there are some people who eat and are not fat, do you envy such people? In fact, there is no need to envy at all, except for some individual cases, those who do not look fat, in fact, the body's visceral fat will also exceed the standard.

Therefore, people who think that they are born with good conditions (how to eat are not fat), in fact, after many years, there is a high probability that they will gain weight because of the reduction of metabolism. Just like the following two goddesses "Pan Huiru" & "Zhang Jiahui", since their debut, they have always been the image of "thin", but as they grow older, they have begun to grow fat, and how to eat less, how to exercise can not continue to lose weight. Then I found a nutritionist and a fitness instructor to start the "Goddess Reengineering Program" together, and finally the slimming was successful.

The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

Before implementing the plan, it should be noted that the body fat data of the two people at the beginning, Zhang Jiahui was lower than Pan Huiru. This just shows that everyone's physical condition is different, before changing, you must have this cognition, not to do the same exercise and the same diet, there will be exactly the same results.

The implementation plan is to make some changes, change some living habits, eating habits, exercise habits, etc. Because the situation of the two people is different, so their plans are also different, such as Pan Huiru's diet eats too little, less oil and less salt, less soup, and Zhang Jiahui eats normally, but the starch demand is larger. So the exercise plans and diets of both people are different. Moreover, because of the different exercise content and intensity, the diet content will also be different.

The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

Eat the right food at the right time: Can you really lose weight by eating so much?

For three months, 44-year-old Pan Huiru and Zhang Jiahui wanted to prove that even in the case of irreversible (basal metabolism decline), they could still achieve the "goddess reconstruction" plan through exercise and diet adjustment, and achieve "goddess reconstruction". Although the process is hard, but seeing that the body fat rate has dropped to 18%, exposing the Kawako abs, I feel that everything is worth it.

For three months, the two goddesses had fully carried out their own plans. For example, in order to match the fat loss period, the menu of the second and third months of the "Muscle Gain/Body Shaping" period is different. This is what I have always said, the right time, to eat the right food, especially before and after exercise, eating right, can help the body effectively burn fat, repair muscle, rather than blindly eat less, zero flavoring, no starch or fasting.

The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

We generally divide food into six categories, mainly: protein, vegetables, fruits, staple foods (starch, carbohydrates), milk, fats, and with a sports menu, there are daily dietary guidelines, and the two also learned the knowledge of correct diet. Taking protein as an example, it can be divided into high fat, medium fat, low fat and very low fat, in the plan, it is recommended to eat medium, low, very low fat these three types of food, with the dietitian's instructions to adjust, Pan Huiru and Zhang Jiahui also gradually internalized into their own eating habits.

The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

If you've never had an exercise habit, or if you've been running for two days on a whim, doing a few squats with online instruction, and then forgotten behind, the first thing to do is to recommend establishing a habit of "regular exercise/training".

Whether it is home training or outdoor activities, you can not join the gym, the duration can also be slowly progressed from a short twenty minutes, half an hour to an hour or even more, step by step to feel the changes in the body and the sense of achievement brought about by exercise, there will be the motivation to continue to challenge their own body.

The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

Of course, if you're determined to join the gym at the beginning and don't know what to do, it's really recommended to find a coach to discuss the goals of training with you and make a plan, so that a clear direction can establish a strong motivation. In addition, it is also possible to cultivate correct body control during training, avoid bad movement habits and increase the risk of injury, and make continuous improvement of the body in a safe condition, which is the most ideal result.

⚡️ Gain weight after exercise, lose more and more weight?

This question is something that many people care about, and is often even used as one of the reasons for "am I not suitable for sports?" After the exercise, the situation of weight not decreasing but increasing can be solved in two stages.

The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

(1) Just after exercise and two to three days later

After training/exercise, the body and muscles will be damaged due to the destruction of cells (you can imagine skin abrasions that can be seen with the naked eye), and cause a slight inflammatory reaction, causing water to remain in the body, so it is normal to have weight gain after exercising!

(2) After exercising for a while, the weight still rises

After training/exercising for a while, it should normally cause a decrease in overall body weight due to a decrease in body fat. However, the muscle mass will also increase due to the stimulation brought by the training process, the same volume of muscle will be heavier than fat, plus the speed of muscle growth in the early stage of training is faster than the rate of body fat decline, so although the overall weight is rising, but in the internal composition, it may already be a big difference!

‧Reduces fat production

Emphasize the importance of exercise diet, mainly because exercise has a strong impact on the body's function, so it is necessary to get repair and supplementation from diet.

In terms of blood flow, in the state of no exercise, the daily blood flow per minute is about 5 to 6 liters, but if you exercise hard for 1 minute, the blood distribution flow can be as high as 28 liters, a difference of 5 to 6 times!

When exercising, you will feel that the muscles become thicker, that is because the blood flows to the muscles, begin to congestion, to cope with the challenges of exercise; soon after the end of the exercise, the blood also flows more to the muscles, so that food avoids accumulating into fat.

‧Adequate and warm moisture replenishment

In addition, exercise also produces a renewal of the body's protein. People who exercise regularly are more interested in protein intake than those who do not exercise. Exercise will also have an impact on immune function, if you exercise for a long time, there is no carbohydrate supplementation before and during exercise, the body's immunity will easily decline.

The 44-year-old goddess practiced 18% body fat + Sichuan character muscle, and the 14-day fitness diet method was greatly disclosed ⚡️ about exercise ⚡️ about diet last

When exercising, the body temperature will rise, sweating will cause water loss, if the water is not enough, the body's tolerance will be reduced, early feel fatigue, which is the impact of exercise on body function.

Drink plenty of water when exercising, but how do you drink it? The "temperature" of water is an important factor. When exercising, it is recommended to drink cold water, if you can not get used to it at first, at least drink it gradually, such as waiting 5 to 10 seconds in the mouth before swallowing, at this time the water temperature has been heat exchanged in the mouth and the temperature rise is not so fast.

The body's brain has a mechanism of operation, do not want the body to overheat, because too hot, is the warning signal, began to affect the body's activity, in the past there have been experiments to confirm that in the exercise, drinking 4 degrees of water, will be more relaxed than drinking 37 degrees of water Exercise process, and the exercise ability is longer.

According to the study, test a group of endurance players, the exercise process is divided into four groups: no drinking water, drinking pure water, drinking low-sodium sports drinks and standard sports drinks, first 2 hours after the end of the intensity cycling and then testing the leg muscle strength Results found that there are athletes who drink standard sodium-containing sports drinks, the degree of decline in muscle strength is the least, drinking pure water is similar to drinking low-sodium sports drinks, and the players who do not drink water are the most down. Not only do you replenish water during exercise, but the amount of sodium can also affect the body's functioning.

Exercise will have different effects on body function, when the body function changes, in addition to drinking water, the diet before and after exercise is more important. After facing the changes brought about by exercise, the body needs to be repaired, relieved and restored by diet.

⚡️ Themed exercise planning, two weeks to develop exercise habits"

(1) Upper body training: horizontal action series, vertical action series

(2) Lower body training: bilateral simultaneous action series, unilateral multi-angle series  

(3) Core muscle group: flexion and extension action training muscle strength series, rotation action control muscle strength series  

(4) Cardiopulmonary aerobic and muscle group training: a systemic intermittent and jumping challenge series

⚡️ Eat out guide + self-catering recipes + pre- and post-exercise diet

The choice strategy of various types of external food, grasp the different intake of nutrients in three meals, and the diet during the weight loss period is not monotonous at all.  

Examples of out-of-body eating  

Breakfast - one rice ball / one box of fruit / unsweetened soy milk (450ml)  

Lunch - Marinated chicken thigh bento (peeled, half eaten rice) / lettuce salad in a box  

Dinner - Chicken thighs, chicken breasts, dried tofu, bird eggs, green vegetables 2 kinds  

Home cookbook recipes  

Breakfast - yogurt/berries oatmeal protein drink

Lunch - Nutty chicken breast / beef egg fried mushroom rice

Dinner - Fresh vegetable stewed chicken thighs / oysters with colorful vegetables and Espresso noodles

Exercise Diet Reminder:

(1) "Do not eat a lot of vegetables" before exercise, mainly starch (carb foods).  

(2) After exercise, you must eat and supplement protein, but you must eat it within "half an hour".  

Believe in your own ability, these sweat and soreness, will not betray you!

‧Eat the right food, exercise autonomously and regularly, and your spirit will get better and your state will get better.

‧After the fitness exercise, the body will be tired, and at the same time there is a sense of achievement of breakthrough.

There is nothing that cannot be done, but whether you have worked hard for it.

‧Time is the same as the career line, there will still be a squeeze.

‧Can you really lose weight by eating so much? Eat the right food at the right time.

‧Eat enough to stop gaining weight.