
Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao


As the name suggests, two people talking on horseback. In ancient times, wars were not all rushed to kill, and sometimes the two main generals in front of the battle could also have a conversation if they were old. The history books record the experience of Han Sui, the warlord of the Western Liang of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, who exchanged words twice, once with Fan Chou and once with Cao Cao.

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Han Sui vs Fan Chou</h1>

In the first year of Xingping (194), ma Teng, the general of Zhenxi in Tuncheng, was unable to answer Li Dai because of a private matter, so he led an attack. Emperor Xiandi of Han sent emissaries to persuade him, but without success, and then the Zhenxi general Han Sui (陳遂) who was stationed in Jincheng led troops from Jincheng to mediate the dispute, and as a result, he joined forces with Ma Teng. The counselors Zong Shao, Ma Yu of Shizhong, and Zuo Zhonglang plotted for Liu Fan to let Ma Teng attack Chang'an, and he himself responded internally to destroy Li Dai and others.

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

Soon, Ma Teng and Han Sui led an army into Changpingguan, and the plans of Zong Shao and others were leaked, and they fled from Chang'an to Huaili. Li Dai sent Fan Chou, Guo Feng, and his nephew Li Li to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui, and the two were defeated, killing and wounding more than 10,000 people. Han Sui and Ma Teng fled back to Liangzhou, and Fan Chou and others attacked Huaili and killed all of them.

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

When Fan Chou attacked Ma Teng and Han Sui, Li Li was ineffective in battle, and Fan Chou rebuked him: "People are going to cut off your uncle's head, and you dare to be so lax, can't I kill you?" When Ma Teng and Han Sui retreated to Liangzhou, Fan Chou led his army in pursuit. Han Sui sent someone to say to Fan Chou: "The things in the world are capricious and unpredictable, you and I are fellow countrymen, although there are some small frictions today, I am afraid that we will come together and want to talk to you." The two then drew their arms together and laughed for a long time.

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

After returning to his division, Li Li resented Fan Chou in his heart and reprimanded himself, telling Li Dai: "Fan Chou and Han Sui laughed and laughed, I don't know what to say, but I look at the relationship very close." Li Dai was also supported by his subordinates because of Fan Chou's bravery in battle, and he was suspicious of him. Shortly thereafter, Li Dai set up a banquet to invite Fan Chou to come to the meeting, at which Li Dai had his nephew Hu Feng stab Fan Chou to death.

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > Han Sui vs Cao Cao</h1>

In 211 AD, Cao Cao prepared a western expedition to pacify Liangzhou. Ma Chao, Han Sui and others united with the Kansai generals and raised 100,000 troops to force Tongguan. The army in Kansai was very good at war, and there were many people and horses, and Cao Cao asked Jia Xu, who suggested that Cao Cao should divide Ma Chao and Han Sui, and once the coalition army was suspicious, it would undoubtedly be defeated

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

At that time, Han Sui asked to meet with Cao Cao, and Cao Cao and Han Sui were originally old friends, so the two of them came to the front of the battle, the horse's head intersected, and they talked together for a long time, did not talk about the military, just talked about the past of Kyoto and old friends, clapped their hands and laughed when they were happy. At that time, ma chao and other Guanzhong people and Hu people in the army came to watch, overlapping and overlapping, and Cao Cao smiled and said to them, "Do you want to see Cao Cao?" I am also a person, I don't have four eyes and two mouths, but I just have more wisdom. ”

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

After the meeting, Ma Chao and the others asked Han Sui, "What did Cao Cao say?" Han Sui said, "I didn't say anything." Ma Chao waited for suspicion. Cao Cao also wrote a letter to Han Sui, in which the circle was changed in many places, as if it was changed by Han Sui, and Ma Chao and others were even more suspicious of Han Sui. Cao Cao then agreed with Ma Chao and others on a date and engaged in a battle. Cao Cao first sent lightly armored troops to challenge, and after fighting with Ma Chao and others for a long time, he sent elite cavalry to carry out a pinch attack, breaking Ma Chao and so on, and killing Cheng Yi, Li Kan, and so on. Han Sui and Ma Chao fled to Liangzhou.

Han Sui exchanged words twice, once killing Fan Chou and once killing himself Han Sui vs Fan Chou Han Sui vs Cao Cao

Han Sui has been traversing Liangzhou for nearly thirty years and has been an important separatist force in Liangzhou. At that time, he and Fan Chou exchanged words, which caused Li Dai to be jealous of Fan Chou, which eventually led to Fan Chou's killing; Cao Cao's western expedition also separated Ma Chao and Han Sui by handing over horses and tampering with letters, resulting in a major defeat and dying a few years later, which is really a very interesting past.

References: Notes on Pei Song in romance of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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