
Beer into a healthy drink? Can slimming beauty anti-osteoporosis

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Beer into a healthy drink? Can slimming beauty anti-osteoporosis

Studies have found that beer is rich in vitamins and fiber, which helps to reduce weight loss and also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

People who like to drink should be happy because beer is classified as a low-sugar healthy drink. According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on the 7th, beer is rich in vitamins and fiber, which helps to reduce weight, beauty, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

According to reports, beer is rich in vitamins, rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other minerals needed for life, and also contains uncommon amino acids. Studies have found that drinking beer in moderation can prevent osteoporosis.

Beer has a much lower sugar content than Coca-Cola and orange juice, and 93% is water, so it can replenish the water in the body. Moderate drinking can prevent disease, and a 2010 U.S. survey showed that people who never drank alcohol had a 25 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes after four years if they drank 1 to 2 beer a day.

Beer into a healthy drink? Can slimming beauty anti-osteoporosis

Drinking beer increases bile secretion, and bile can help digest foods that are higher in fat. In addition, beer is rich in fiber, which helps drive away hunger. Therefore, drinking beer in moderation will not only not produce a "beer belly", but also reduce the small belly.

As we all know, red wine can antioxidant and delay aging, and beer can also enhance the vitality of the skin. The reason is that beer contains a cinnamic acid that protects the skin from damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

Beer has a certain effect on the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Aluminum is harmful to the brain, and beer contains a lot of silicon, which can precipitate aluminum in the human body, so it can prevent Alzheimer's disease. But experts caution that excessive alcohol consumption can cause memory damage.

Beer into a healthy drink? Can slimming beauty anti-osteoporosis

The downside of drinking

Disadvantage one: Drinking beer often is addictive

People who regularly drink beer are dependent on alcohol, so they drink alcohol, and ultimately endanger their own health!

Beer into a healthy drink? Can slimming beauty anti-osteoporosis

Disadvantage two: Alcoholism is easy to be bold, bold will be chaotic, chaotic sex may do some illegal and disorderly!

Xiaobian warm tips: although the beer is good, don't be greedy! ~

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