
"Civil Architecture Category" Chongqing University and other "Old Eight Schools", ranking of difficulty in examination and research

author:Chongqing Wenden Examination And Research Institute

When it comes to the "old eight schools" of architecture, students who have studied architecture know that they are the 8 universities with the best foundation in civil engineering disciplines. It was also the first school to open a school related to the construction profession. The eight universities are: Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Southeast University, Tianjin University, Chongqing University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, and South China University of Technology.

Their architectural examination and research belongs to the first echelon, and the difficulty can be directly seen from the ranking, which is simply that the more difficulties in the school, the greater the difficulty of the examination.

"Civil Architecture Category" Chongqing University and other "Old Eight Schools", ranking of difficulty in examination and research

The strength of the old eight schools

Tongji University Difficulty ★★★★★

Tongji University was forced to close the Qingdao Special Higher School after the outbreak of World War I, and some of the school's teachers and 43 students transferred to the Tongji Medical Engineering School opened by the Germans in Shanghai. In 1914, the school added a civil engineering department to the engineering department for 30 civil science students transferred to the school, known as the beginning of the Tongji civil engineering department. The strongest in Tongji are bridges, tunnels and civil engineering. Bridges and tunnels are China's unyielding boss, and the strength of civil engineering, no one in China except Tsinghua can surpass.

Tongji University is very difficult to study and research, and it is also a school that many gods yearn for, and the architecture of Tongji University has also been at the forefront of the industry. From the characteristics of the examination, the initial examination is generally designed for 3 hours of quick questions, and its topics are flexible, requiring strong spatial design ability and rapid expression ability. The most important thing is not to be partial to the subject, there can be no obvious shortcomings, because there are often a high total score, but the situation of a single subject hanging, in general, the English requirements are relatively high, and each subject must have better results.

Tsinghua University Difficulty ★★★★★

Founded in 1926, civil engineering is one of the earliest established engineering departments of Tsinghua University, and has a good reputation in China, with 27 academicians and 12 national engineering survey and design masters working here. The Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University was founded in 1946 by the famous architect Professor Liang Sicheng. For nearly 60 years, celebrities have emerged. Zhixue has always been known for its rigor, attaching importance to theory, and students' basic skills are solid. Coupled with its unique geographical advantages, international exchanges are frequent, and for those who study architecture, communication is much more important than what is heard in class and read in books.

Tsinghua University's examination and research has always been the existence of the mythical level of the examination and research circle, look at the number of enrollments every year, so the difficulty of applying for the examination is very large, and it is necessary to have a strong comprehensive strength.

Southeast University Difficulty ★★★★ ☆

The birthplace of modern Chinese architecture! The Department of Civil Engineering of Southeast University was founded in 1923, and the teachers at that time included Mao Yisheng, Liu Futai, Liu Dunzhen and others. In 1922, Liu Dunzhen, Together with Liu Shiying and others, founded the first architect firm in Shanghai Chinese: "Huahai Architects". In 1923, he and Liu Shiying and others founded the Department of Architecture of Suzhou Industrial College. In 1924, Southeast University was separated to form Hohai University of Technology, which was merged back in 1927. The department of architecture was previously the strongest at Chuo University, followed by Tsinghua University. When the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University was formed, many teachers graduated from the Central University. However, many of the teachers in the Department of Architecture of Central University have graduated from Tsinghua School. The Department of Architecture of Central University and Nanjing University was reorganized in 1952 to become the Department of Architecture of Nanjing Institute of Technology, which is now Southeast University.

In recent years, the preliminary examination questions of Southeast University have both depth and breadth, and the examination of the quick question class is generally composed of 3 sub-questions, and the direction of each question is different, which requires a large number of design ability and literacy accumulation, and at the same time has sufficient knowledge penetration of interdisciplinary disciplines.

Tianjin University Difficulty ★★★★ ☆

Formerly known as Beiyang University, when Beiyang University reopened in 1903, it was divided into three disciplines: law, civil engineering, and mining and metallurgy. From the rigorous school spirit, the younger generation of talents continues. Zhou Kai, chief planner of Beijing Olympic venues, Li Xinggang, chief architect of the "Bird's Nest" Chinese side, Zhao Xiaojun, chief architect of the "Water Cube", Han Qinghua, chief designer of Laoshan Bicycle Hall, and Xu Jianyun, general manager of Beijing Urban Construction Group, the main olympic venue urban construction party, are all graduates of Tianjin University. In addition, many of the designers of well-known real estate companies in China are alumni of Tianjin University. All of this is enough to illustrate its strength.

Tianjin University's quick questions also have their own unique style, and there are also many imitation colleges. Generally speaking, white paper and black painting and axis side performance are required, so that the candidate's spatial design ability is more demanding, on the contrary, those fancy performance processes are simple, in fact, this is also a major trend of the quick exam, that is, the grasp of the program design is more and more important. Of course, it can also be prepared from the technical direction, but the difficulty is also very large.

Chongqing University Difficulty ★★★★

Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering, once had a glorious history, was once the only architectural college of the Ministry of Education, later renamed Chongqing Jianzhu University, and now merged into Chongqing University.

Chongqing University has always been a very cost-effective architecture research institution. Its comprehensive ranking and industry recognition have always been very good, and the school is also a comprehensive 985 and 211 institution.

The quick question exam attaches great importance to the expression of the plan and the norm, rigor and grasp of the details, so it has always attracted many candidates who yearn for the "old eight schools" to apply, and the difficulty of the exam is still much easier than that of the "old four schools".

Harbin Institute of Technology Difficulty ★★★★

Harbin Institute of Architecture and Engineering is a branch out of Harbin Institute of Technology, in 1920 HIT Department of Civil Engineering, opened China's earliest industrial and civil architecture major, later changed to Harbin Jianzhu University, and now back to Harbin Institute of Technology.

"HIT" as a veteran comprehensive strength of the school, architecture has always had its own characteristics, but because of the remote geographical location, so the popularity of the application has not been very large, mainly based on northern candidates, but in recent years HIT Shenzhen has built well, plus Shenzhen's superior geographical location still attracts many candidates to apply, if you are interested in students, you can go to know more.

Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Difficulty ★★★★

The predecessor is the current Metallurgical Architecture College. In 1985, the Department of Civil Engineering of Beiyang University, the 21st year of Qing Guangxu, was merged with the Department of Civil Engineering of Qingdao Institute of Technology in 1952, and the school was initially named Xi'an College of Architecture and Engineering.

As an architecture-based college, although it is not a 985 or 211 college, it is based on strong architectural heritage and architectural strength, including a large number of architectural tutors who can't do it. The number of enrollment in the school each year is about 120 to 130 people, and the number of applicants is also large, if you really want to enter the old eight schools for further study, Xijian is also a good choice.

South China University of Technology Difficulty ★★★★

Originally called South China Institute of Technology, in the wave of upgrading, it was promoted to a university, thanks to the return of a group of young and talented architects from foreign countries, frequent foreign exchanges, and repeated awards in foreign Chinese design and research institutes. In the history of modern Chinese architecture, many master-level figures are the leaders of "South China".

As a member of the "Old Eight Schools", "Huagong" also has strong architectural strength and heritage, because it is located in Guangzhou, it has also attracted a large number of examinations, and its quick exam has its own unique Lingnan style, but also pays attention to the design and thinking of small-scale buildings.

It comes from Chongqing Wenden Education Public Account