
The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

author:Fun Big Horizon

1: Poisonous Cryptoptera

Cryptoptera dermatitis is a common skin disease in the middle of summer, and the high incidence is from June to September every year. Poisonous cryptoptera often inhabits moist grass, under rocky saprophylls, day and night, and likes to fly at high altitudes, has a strong phototropism, can secrete a strong acidic venom, and can have an inflammatory reaction after skin contact.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

[Harm] A small number of Cryptoptera are poisonous, but it does not "bite". The so-called Cryptoptera "poisonous" means that after their body fluids come into contact with human skin, dermatitis herpes will appear, and joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., but will not cause death. 【Post-bite countermeasures】Poisonous cryptopters often fly indoors when lured by lights in the hot weather, so it is necessary to close the screen doors and windows; do not beat and crush the insect body on the skin, and use mouth blowing to drive it away; poisonous cryptoptera will die immediately when it encounters wind oil. Once the skin is contaminated with cryptoptera's body fluids, it should be washed repeatedly with alkaline soapy water immediately, not with hot water.

【Measures to avoid biting】Avoid sitting and resting in the grass; spraying avoidant on exposed skin, pants legs, and cuffs can have a certain preventive effect. If you are bitten and find that your skin has a burn, you should go to the hospital in time.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

2: Spiders

【Hazard】 After being bitten by a spider, the middle of the wound rash causes necrosis, ulceration, black and purple, one or two centimeters of blisters, and more than ten centimeters of red spots around it, which can be judged to be bitten by a spider. Most of the time, the damage of poisonous spiders to the human body is mainly skin damage, which will only cause skin necrosis, leaving scars, and is not life-threatening. As long as anti-allergic drugs are injected, anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, debridement, you can heal naturally. However, there is also a 1% to 2% probability of death, which is called a systemic poisoning reaction. In addition to local necrotic ulcers, systemic toxic reactions can be accompanied by symptoms of high fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, and even shock.

[Post-bite countermeasures] Once bitten by a spider, the first 8 hours is a critical period, you can rinse with water or soapy water, because part of the venom is still in the epidermis, rinse with a lot of water, you can flush out the venom. If after 8 hours, there are no blisters, black skin and purple skin, indicating that the spider is not very toxic, and the wound can heal naturally. However, if within 8 hours, there is a phenomenon of skin ulceration and purple, then you must go to the hospital. If the wound is not treated in time, necrosis and ulceration are not treated in time, and serious ones may cause sepsis, which is life-threatening.

【Countermeasures to avoid bites】Spiders like to hide in clothes and pants that are dried indoors and outdoors. Before you get dressed, shake it vigorously so you don't get bitten. Spiders are unlikely to actively attack people, mainly passively defending themselves. So, as long as you avoid avoiding it, you can avoid being bitten.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

3: Wasp

Horse bees, scientific name "vespa", also known as "ant bees" or "wasps". The body is also toxic. It is a widely distributed, diverse, and fast-flying insect. Belonging to the wasp family of hymenoptera, the female bee has a powerful long stinging needle, and when it encounters attack or unfriendly interference, it will attack in groups, which can cause allergic reactions and toxic reactions, and in severe cases, can lead to death.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

【Hazard】 When the horse bee stings, it can expel venom for self-defense. The venom contains neurologic or hematological toxins that can cause death in humans and animals. Now in some green belts in the urban area, you can indeed see a lot of wasps nests, but in normal times, as long as you don't disturb the wasps, the wasps generally don't take the initiative to hurt people.

【Post-bite countermeasures】The wound will be red and swollen immediately after being stung by the horse wasp, at this time, alkaline water, such as soapy water, should be applied immediately to neutralize the acid and alkali, weaken the toxicity, and also play a role in pain relief. Poisonous needles are left on the sting, and if hidden deeper in the wound, do not press indiscriminately or bandage sweat-stained clothing.

【Avoid bite countermeasures】 If you encounter a wasp, do not panic, it is best to protect the exposed skin, and then run away or lie down in the opposite direction, do not try to fight back, otherwise it will only lead to more attacks.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

4: Caterpillar There are 28 species of pine caterpillars in China, but the serious harm is Masson pine caterpillar, oil pine caterpillar, red pine caterpillar, Yunnan pine caterpillar, larch caterpillar. Pine caterpillars are widely distributed in China, from Heilongjiang in the north to Hainan Island in the south, from Tibet and Xinjiang in the west, and to the coast and Zhoushan and Taiwan in the east. The annual occurrence area is more than 1.3 million hectares, the highest year was more than 3 million hectares, and the loss of forest growth is about 3 million cubic meters.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

[Harm to people] The toxicity is not large, and there is only a short period of pain after being stabbed, and there is not much impact. However, if the eye is injured by a caterpillar and is not removed in time, it may cause inflammation in the eye, which in turn will lead to blindness, and if it is serious, the eyeball should be removed.

【Post-bite countermeasures】After being stabbed, first bounce the worm body away so as not to continue to contact the skin, then use transparent tape to paste on the skin that has been touched, then remove it, glue out the small thorns that pierce the skin, and finally rinse the wound with soapy water (alkaline) to neutralize the toxicity. If the wound is still red and swollen, you can apply some ointments such as "dermatitis flat". If the area of the stab wound is relatively large, it is necessary to go to the hospital for professional treatment. In case the insect falls on the eye, do not panic, you should immediately take out the insect, rinse the eyes with water, and then go to the hospital to remove the residual poisonous hair, according to the doctor's instructions, use anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic eye drops, 1 to 2 weeks after the cure.

【Measures to avoid biting】When going to the shade or in the wild under the tree, wear a wide-brimmed straw hat, wear long-sleeved clothes and pants, and try not to stay under the tree with caterpillars. If there are caterpillars on the body, do not beat randomly, do not pinch with your hands, you should take a branch to pick it open, or gently shake it off; if there are sticky poisonous hairs on the skin, you can use medical tape or transparent tape to glue the poisonous hairs. Do not scratch or touch, otherwise it will become more and more serious, and the rash will appear on the body that is extremely itchy, and it will spread rapidly, and the rash will form blisters in severe cases.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!

5) Ticks

Hazards] In the early stages of the disease, patients present with malaise, fatigue, headache (hang neurology), children have low-grade fever or intermittent fever; further development can cause neurological damage, leading to meningitis (hanging brain surgery, infectious disease), cranial neuritis, spinal radiculopathy, and encephalopathy; and advanced persistent damage extends from months to years, including chronic arthritis with joint swelling, articular effusion and pain, subacute encephalopathy, chronic fatigue, lymphocytoma, and chronic atrophic acrodermatitis. Although ticks are small, they can spread the pathogenic microorganisms carried in the body to humans through bites, causing people to suffer from dozens of viral, bacterial and protozoal diseases such as Lyme disease, anonymitis, and hemorrhagic fever. In the vast territory of our country, there are ticks infested

【Post-bite countermeasures】 If you are bitten by a tick, do not panic, do not pull hard, because forcibly pulling out ticks, but will be stung more and more tightly. Alcohol, kerosene, and turpentine can be applied to the head of the tick, or mosquito coils can be lit next to the tick to "anesthetize" the tick and let it loose on its own; or a liquid paraffin or glycerin thick coating the tick head to make it suffocate and loosen its mouth. If a large area of erythema or papules appears on the skin after 3 to 32 days of tick bites or exposure to the affected area, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time and take corresponding diagnostic and therapeutic measures. 【Measures to avoid bites】 People engaged in field labor and outings must pay attention to personal protection, can wear tight, light-colored, smooth long-sleeved clothes and pants, wear long stockings and boots, wear protective hats, spray mosquito repellent on exposed parts, and try to avoid sitting and lying in the wild for a long time. In addition, when contacting stray dogs and stray cats, pay attention to prevent tick bites that are parasitic on cats and dogs.

The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!
The hot summer is coming, so take a look at the few little bugs you have to stay away from!