
Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

author:Today's Women's Newspaper

The 12th National Congress of Chinese Women's Hunan Delegation Special Report #Towel Festival Heart Heart Xiangyin #

Text: Today's Women's Daily/ Fengwang reporter Zhou Chunzi Courtesy photo: Interviewee

Entrepreneurship changes lives, innovation achieves dreams. Standing in the new era, many women have thrown themselves into the wave of entrepreneurship and innovation, and have found opportunities for life to shine and their dreams come true. Like men, they are also the creators of social material wealth and spiritual wealth, as well as the sharers and sharers of the dividends of reform and opening up. Among the Hunan deputies to the 12th National Congress of Chinese Women, there are also many outstanding representatives of entrepreneurship and innovation. While realizing their ideals in life, they do not forget the people when they get rich and do their best to help the needy.

Representative Zhang Siling, Chairman of Yongzhou Jiangyong County Characteristic Agricultural and Sideline Product Development Co., Ltd

"It is an honor to be the representative of the 12th National Congress of Chinese Women, and I feel a great responsibility." On October 21, when the reporter contacted Zhang Siling, she was actively preparing for the conference.

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Zhang Siling (right) visited poor farmers

Talking about the changes in Chinese women since the Eleventh National Congress, Zhang Siling feels most deeply that women have more happiness and sense of gain in life, education, income and other aspects through self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement.

In 1996, 32-year-old Zhang Siling took the initiative to lay off her job, contracted a restaurant, and absorbed more than a dozen laid-off sisters to start a business together.

Due to her superb cooking skills, daring to develop new dishes, coupled with a focus on service and constantly innovating management models, Zhang Siling's restaurant soon "caught fire". Many farmers pick up agricultural products to sell to restaurants, and Zhang Siling, who is soft-hearted, always over-buys. Those unused agricultural products were finally pickled by Zhang Siling into jar dishes.

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Zhang Siling (left) discusses with taro farmers during the taro harvest season about a plan to improve quality and increase production in the coming year

Due to the good taste of jar dishes, Zhang Siling established Jiangyong Special Agricultural and Sideline Product Development Co., Ltd. in 2016. At present, the company has an annual output of 20,000 tons of characteristic agricultural and sideline products, food deep processing production capacity of 15,000 tons, becoming a leading enterprise in Hunan Province' agricultural industrialization at the municipal level.

Jiangyong County is a poor county, and Zhang Siling has established a model of "company + base + farmer" to alleviate poverty. Tang Guowang, a poor household in Xiaopu Township, Jiangyong County, originally worked in Guangdong, but did not earn money, and wanted to plant fragrant ginger after returning to his hometown, but he had no money to buy seeds. After understanding the situation, Zhang Siling not only advanced 20,000 yuan for Tang Guowang, and gave him technical guidance, but also purchased the ginger he grew. At the same time, Zhang Siling arranged Tang Guowang's wife to work in her company. Tang Guowang's family lifted themselves out of poverty.

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Zhang Siling (left) shares the joy of harvesting with ginger farmers during the season of harvesting fragrant ginger

At present, Zhang Siling has helped more than 2,830 people from 730 poor households to build a file and set up a card, and signed contracts for the purchase and sale of agricultural products with more than 1,000 farmers.

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard
Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Liu Jing is the representative of Hunan Yuelu Mountain Construction Group

"In entrepreneurship, women's refined thinking is more advantageous than men's." On October 23, Liu Jing, general manager of Hunan Yuelu Mountain Construction Group, told today's women's daily /Fengwang reporter that the 34-year-old took the enterprise as her home since she was a child, and during her studies, she came to her mother Wu Jianping's company for internship, often observing the company's large and small meetings, "The establishment of the company, the upgrading of the company, the merger of the group company, I have personally participated."

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Liu Jing

In 2008, Liu Jing graduated from the Law School of Hunan Normal University with a master's degree, joined Hunan Yuelu Mountain Construction Group, and began to engage in project contract relationship management. Solid professional foundation, women's meticulous and appropriate, Liu Jing's concept makes up for the company's shortcomings. At present, the company has become one of the top 100 private enterprises in Hunan Province, and has won the honorary title of national -- "contract-abiding and trustworthy" unit, with an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan.

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Liu Jing (fifth from left) led the Yuelu Mountain Construction Group to donate desks and chairs to the school in Zhonghe Town, Liuyang City

At the same time, Liu Jing and the company actively returned to the society, and donated a total of more than 10 million yuan in recent years in donations to education, poverty alleviation, flood relief, cultural education and other activities.

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Liu Jing (back row, second from left) sponsors poor school children

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Liu Jing comforted the widowed and the elderly

Talking about the changes in women's entrepreneurship and employment in the past five years, Liu Jing said that women's entrepreneurship has become a normalized phenomenon, and the activity of women's entrepreneurship is higher than before, the industry coverage is wider, and the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship is getting higher and higher. In Liu Jing's view, these are inseparable from the support and encouragement of women's federation organizations for women's entrepreneurship, "The women's federation's typical publicity report on entrepreneurship has brought positive energy to female entrepreneurs." Now, more and more people are willing to join platforms such as the Association of Women Entrepreneurs, because they have a strong sense of gain here, and they can also integrate resources and increase entrepreneurial activity."

As a young entrepreneurial female representative, participating in the China Women's Congress for the first time, Liu Jing admitted that there is a certain pressure. At present, she is most concerned about how to further optimize the female entrepreneurial environment and policy support and other issues, "compared with men, female entrepreneurs should take more into account the family and children, the pressure will be greater, and I hope that public opinion will give more guidance, encouragement and support for women's entrepreneurship."

Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard
Female MASTER of Law joined Hunan Yi Construction Group as the general manager, and donated tens of millions of yuan in 10 years to self-esteem and self-improvement, so that women sisters can live beautifully and optimize the environment, so that women sisters can work hard

Editor: Kinoro