
The Italian deputy prime minister, who had Richard Kire take the refugees back to his villa, lost, and an Italian court ruled that the refugee ship should be allowed to enter the port
The Italian deputy prime minister, who had Richard Kire take the refugees back to his villa, lost, and an Italian court ruled that the refugee ship should be allowed to enter the port

Hollywood star Richard Keele talks to refugees on open arms rescue ships. | Associated Press

Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Salvini recently "air-fought" with Hollywood star Richard Kiir on the issue of refugee rescue ships, and in the face of Kiel's sympathy for refugees, Salvini shouted " Please bring all refugees back to Hollywood in private jets and provide for them in the villa, we thank you very much!" ”

However, according to the latest news from Agence France-Presse, the Italian court rejected Salvini's decision to ban the ship from entering Italian waters on the 14th, and maintained the appeal of the Spanish "open arms" rescue ship. But Salvini has not conceded defeat on his anti-immigrant stance; at the same time, he is working to overthrow Italian Prime Minister Conte.

The Spanish rescue ship Open Arms, carrying 147 refugees, recently floated in the waters off the Italian island of Lampedusa after 10 days at sea. But under Italy's latest security law, any rescue vessel is not allowed to enter the port without authorization, or it will be seized and fined up to 1 million euros.

As a member of the Open Arms Foundation, Hollywood star Richard Kiir, who has starred in films such as "Pretty Lady in the Wind and Moon" and "The Story of hachiko the loyal dog", arrived in Sicily last week to visit refugees on board, and he said in a video that the new security law drafted by Salvini "demonized" immigrants, Mr. Salvini was comparable to US President Trump, and Kiir lamented that "a generation of politicians has focused on dividing the people." Spanish actor Antonio Banderas also spoke out for the rescue ship, saying the conditions on board were "horrible" and that refugees on board could get into a fight at any time.

On Saturday, Salvini, who was campaigning, responded to Kiel's criticism: "You can take all the refugees back to Hollywood in your private jet and feed them in the villa, and we will thank you very much!" In Salvini's eyes, Kiel was a hypocrite.

But now an Italian court has ruled that 147 refugees are allowed to disembark in Italy. "What a strange country," Salvini complained, "the Roman court wants to authorize foreign ships and foreign refugees to land in Italy." In response, Salvini immediately appealed against the court's ruling, saying that the act of "open arms" showed "the political purpose of bringing refugees into Italy".