
The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan

【Text/Observer Network Li Huanyu】

On May 15, with The sentence of Hong Kong's first rioter to four years in prison, the rioters began to realize that their months-long so-called "protests" might be bankrupt. Some people have given birth to "fantastic ideas" and suggested that it may be possible to go to Taiwan to establish a "new Hong Kong", but the first thing that comes to them is a large basin of cold water from Taiwan netizens.

On May 18, a Hong Kong "yellow media" published an article entitled "BoldLy Imagine whether we can build a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan." The author first admits that the group he represents has fallen into a "dead knot": because on the one hand, the SAR government has stood firm; on the other hand, their violence in the streets, in parliament, and the so-called "help" from the international community may not have the "greatest imaginary" impact.

As for really pursuing "Hong Kong independence," the author is very realistic in saying that without military power, how can we pursue independence? Thus, the possibility of the so-called establishment of a "new Hong Kong" is much higher than that of "Hong Kong independence" ...

The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan

On May 15, Hong Kong's first rioter to admit riots was sentenced to 4 years in prison Image source: CCTV News

The burden of accepting this "new Hong Kong" falls on Taiwan's shoulders. The article carefully analyzes that the total land area of Hong Kong is now 1106 square kilometers, but the place that has really been developed is only about 300 square kilometers, so the place where Taiwan wants to make room for them is only 200-300 square kilometers, and they can go to the eastern part of Taiwan Island to "find land."

The author said that Tsai Ing-wen was able to win the election last year, which was promoted by the "resistance" of these Hong Kong people, so this is an important chip, coupled with the fact that Hong Kong has a lot of professional talents and young labor, which can help Taiwan "accelerate internationalization".

The various naïve ideas of the "Hong Kong independence" elements are also fully reflected in the article. The author asked rhetorically, will the mainland worry about the loss of so many talents or young labor? The reason is that mainland talents cannot replace Hong Kong talents in many professional fields, and the example given is that mainland doctors cannot replace Hong Kong doctors. The author also vainly said that the brain drain will accelerate the fall of Hong Kong and speed up the withdrawal of foreign capital, which will "be a big blow" to the mainland, and the mainland may "make concessions" in order to "retain talents."

The article's point of view is so absurd that even users of the comment section of the media's own website can't read it, angrily denouncing the author's naïveté:

The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan
The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan

Some netizens commented, "You want to go to Taiwan, are you welcome?" ”。 Some Hong Kong media have found that a well-known pro-green media that has been supporting the rioters in the "amendment storm" in Hong Kong directly used the title of "black devil" when reporting on a sexual assault case of a Hong Kong mob in Taiwan:

The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan

According to Hong Kong's "China News Agency", Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu has previously proposed a "Hong Kong Village" plan to attract immigrants, which has also been strongly opposed by Taiwanese netizens.

In fact, in the comment area of this article, many Taiwan netizens said that hong Kong rioters are not welcome to come over, and Taiwan is not a "garbage recycling plant":

The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan
The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan
The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan
The "Hong Kong Independence" Plot Failed, and the Radicals Fantasized About Building a "New Hong Kong" in Taiwan

As hong Kong media said, as the "storm over the amendment of the law" has become history, some people in Hong Kong should also wake up to the imagination of the Tsai Ing-wen authorities to "support Hong Kong".

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.