
League of Challengers 2: Pro reality tv has finally found the right way to open

author:Zhejiang Satellite TV
League of Challengers 2: Pro reality tv has finally found the right way to open
League of Challengers 2: Pro reality tv has finally found the right way to open
League of Challengers 2: Pro reality tv has finally found the right way to open
League of Challengers 2: Pro reality tv has finally found the right way to open
League of Challengers 2: Pro reality tv has finally found the right way to open

On the evening of Saturday, June 4, the "Challenger League 2" that was promoted to the summer returned with a newly upgraded guest lineup and program form, and the debut was won by the city network and the national network double ratings champion, and the second phase of the city network market viewership share occupied the first place, as if it had advanced from last year's dark horse to a recognized strength warrior.

Go to Blueberry Video to see the full video of the latest full episode of The Challenger League Season 2>>

Behind the eye-catching data is the rare courage of the "Challenger League" team to innovate itself. Looking at the variety show reality show market, it is most common to follow the trend of speculation and eventually end up fleeting, and the satellite TV ace that concentrates all the advantages and resources is often "debut is the peak", and as long as the inheritance is done in the future, the brand value can be continued. Capable of iterating on the initiative to strive for excellence in the second season and strive for self-breakthrough, "Challenger League" currently seems to be unique.

n <b>Metamorphosis</b><b>:</b> <b>From</b> <b>street</b> <b>documentaries to virtual situations</b>

The so-called "self-innovation", the most intuitive embodiment is the change in the form of the program. Also based on the "professional experience" unswervingly, "Challenger League 2" changed the first season of the "street documentary" style shooting, and began to design and create a drama space on its own. The first issue presents the twists and turns of vvip hotel owner Zhang Hanyu to ask the picky alliance family for help in order to cope with tricky guests from all over the world, and the rescue process is just flat and the hotel's precious jewelry is stolen. As the plot progresses, the provocative family needs to complete the tense and brain-burning tasks of getting the foreign guests who don't understand the language barrier, providing time-limited room service to prevent fan wars, and cracking the mystery of the real murderer.

The pressure of the challenges and the elaborately designed interlocking levels can often inspire the moments when the celebrities can't help but be amused - Fan Bingbing uses the crab step of liberating nature to entertain foreign guests to order food; Xue Zhiqian accidentally slides the twenty rolls of toilet paper in his arms like a kitten's yarn ball rolling in all directions, leaving him in the same place; Li Chen accidentally enters the female guest's room for the mission and provokes Bingbing to jump in anger...

The situation setting enhances the dramatic conflict of the show, speeds up the overall rhythm, and attracts the stars to play more in the strange tasks, and naturally makes the audience more "enjoyable". Casually search for "Challenger League 2" on the Internet, full of "laughter points are all online", "nervous to stop"...

It can be said that "Challenger League 1" uses the investment and persistence of the professional experience to record the most touching moments of one professional after another, and finds the core of the value that they want to express. "Challenger League 2" has updated the presentation of the program with a pioneering spirit, and wrapped the value core with the most perfect sugar coating. It can not only let the audience taste the sweetness of lightness and joy at once, but also ensure that the positive energy contained in it is unconsciously straight to the heart.

n <b>Sublimation</b><b>: from "halfway apprentice" to "universal master"</b>

For the creators, the deeper driving force is the change in the role positioning of the star MCs - from the original "explorer" to the "savior" - they are no longer simply following the teacher Tofu to learn like a "half-way apprentice", but a "universal master" who resolves a career crisis in minutes.

Behind this subtle adjustment of perspective is the upgrading of the values of the entire program towards "professionals" from all walks of life. The first season allows the stars to learn and imitate, and their eyes are more or less compassionate or curious. This is the only way for the "challengers", choreographers and star guests as laymen, to present the daily life of professionals in unfamiliar fields, you need to slowly approach them. As a pioneer in pioneering the professional experience genre of reality tv, Challenger League 1 is still a little single in the presentation of the staff - practitioners in each industry are focused on portraying one aspect, which is either fresh and interesting, or hard and difficult. After a year of exploration and reflection, "Challenger League 2" allows stars to face the test of a major crisis from the beginning without a guide, forcing them to enter the role in the shortest possible time and take on the responsibility of being the master to cope with many tests.

Although the task is heavier, the atmosphere is relaxed. The director group, who have already grasped the essence of professional experience, began to plan the program in the second season to appear to be at ease. Whether it is the hotel case in the first episode or the logistics warehouse chase in the second episode, it is a way to present the daily life of the practitioners in a ridiculous and entertaining way. If the professional experience of the first season also comes with some laymen's cautious scrutiny of insiders, the second season is to completely open up and use the subjective perspective of the protagonist to take the audience to the place where I work.

This shift has led to a multiplicity of values that the show can contain – no matter what profession, it is no longer a single image, and the stars incarnate themselves as their day, experiencing tension, boredom, fun and sense of accomplishment. This is how we feel about our work in real life.

n <b>Persistence</b><b>: From</b> <b>tide maker to</b> <b>watchman</b><b></b>

Looking back at the metamorphosis and sublimation of the two seasons of "Challenger League", the basis for all this is the opposite word - perseverance.

I still remember that last year, "career" once became the first hot word of the season reality show, and every family loved to implant professional experience elements in the link, regardless of the intention and form of the program. The reason is that the variety market pattern of taking the relaxed and funny route has been stabilized, and there is little room for breakthrough. Everyone wants to dig deeper on the basis of joy. And careers happen to be a rich mine that can meet the deep demands of television programs. In the eyes of tv people, there are only two kinds of three hundred and sixty lines:

A kind of seemingly ordinary, but each has a hard side that the layman can't see. Taxi drivers, security guards, and tour guides in the first season fall into this category. The other kind of nature carries a mysterious aura, which ordinary people do not have the opportunity to see in their daily lives. Magicians, athletes, and animal doctors fall into this category.

Either way, when put on TV, it is an excellent subject with both humanistic care and drama.

In the face of this rich mine, everyone rushed to the top, some people took advantage of the momentum to rub the heat, some people played tickets to test the water, only the "Challenger League" chose to work in this field, and the reverence for all walks of life was consistent from beginning to end. A year has passed, the opponents or transformation or disappeared, on the contrary, the "Challenger League", focusing on the dividends of the double harvest of ratings and word of mouth, this is the so-called watch tide retreat, only to see who is prepared.

The second season is currently airing two episodes, one focusing on hotel services and the other revealing the logistics brother. Each issue makes the audience laugh and blossom, increase knowledge, and move the truth, which is the right way to open a professional experience reality show.

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