
A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience

author:Cover News

Cover news trainee reporter Zhong Yuheng

From daliangshan in the west in the 1920s to West Virginia on the other side of the Pacific in the 1960s, from the Yi people in China to the native peoples of the United States, seemingly unrelated time and space and characters have been cleverly integrated into the same stage.

A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience
A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience

On the evening of August 31, the Sino-US artistic innovation works, the Sichuan Province 2018 Literary and Art Boutique Creation Production Planning Project, and the Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love/Flood in the Valley" were premiered at the Chengdu Sands Theatre. This is a groundbreaking international collaboration of the new era between Chinese and American artists, providing new artistic experiences and appreciations while also sharing the precious cultural heritage of ethnic minority areas in China and the United States.

A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience

Both languages depict similar fates

The cover news reporter saw at the scene that different nationalities, skin colors, different languages, different era backgrounds and national traditions, the two stories were staggered on the stage, seemingly incompatible, but in fact, they were integrated. The protagonists of both stories are eager for love and affection, and choose between responsibility and freedom. With the deepening of the plot, the audience follows the actor's emotions ups and downs, feeling the contradictions and struggles in the characters' hearts, wandering and persevering. The director cleverly integrates the actors of the two countries into each other's stories, and interprets them in a very freehand way.

Speaking of the source of creation, Li Ting, artistic director of the play and vice chairman of the Sichuan Dramatists Association, introduced that the customs and customs of Daliangshan and Appalachia have many qualities that are enough to evoke resonance, "In 2016, we communicated with a group of young Yi actors in Liangshan, who talked about their desire to inherit the traditional essence of the Yi culture and the family in the spiritual field, but at the same time, they were also confused and confused because they were hindered by the traditional barriers. Later, we found that many different races in the United States have a similar fate to that of the Yi. In fact, in such a culturally and racially diverse country as the United States, many young people still face conflicts and confusions between personal desires and future expectations. ”

A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience

It is understood that during the rehearsal, although the artists of the two countries have language barriers, the expression of music and body has reached a common dramatic presentation, "We use the rehearsal ground as a laboratory, trying to construct an unprecedented mode of expression in the emotions of different languages, different colors and different races." We even require actors to have the ability to chant and do talk and learn to sing to cross the East and the West. Our Chinese actors are Han and Yi, and American actors are white, black, and indigenous. In the rehearsal hall, language is not a barrier," Li Ting said.

A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience

Two cultures compose musical symbols across races

In addition to the cleverly conceived plot, another major feature of the play is the soundtrack. The Yi characteristic instrumental music and american rhythm and blues, gospel, and rock are interleaved, allowing people to quickly switch shots with the music.

According to music director Liu Dangqing, Yi music is characterized by rich instrumental music, both large and small tones, unique language pronunciation syllables, high recognition, rich rhythm, and strong melody and vocal sense. In addition to using the melody of national characteristics as the narrative tune and aria creation, the character singing voice design in the play also uses the Yi mouth strings, vertical flutes, biting flutes and original ecological singing as the background and accompaniment music of the plot, and the original ecological folk songs of the Yi people crying and marrying songs and the American black spiritual songs alternately appear, harmonious and symbiotic, seamless.

A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience
A stage triggers emotional resonance between the two countries The innovative Sino-US bilingual musical "When Love" refreshes the chengdu audience experience

It is worth mentioning that in order to portray the uniqueness of the role, the American actors learned to perform the meat gongs and drums in the Elements of Sichuan Opera on the spot to accompany the singing, plus the traditional Chinese Allegro and double drum rap, humorous and funny, full of personality.

It is reported that the play will also be performed in Beijing on the evening of September 4 and 5.

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