
Qian Yuncai became a vampire male doctor, handsome

Remember the "two thousand" her brother Qian Yuncai, who worshiped "Min Junge" and was almost obsessed with various celestial bodies? And just this year, hua crazy dragged the statusless little brother into a fatal temptation for his sisters and sisters - vampires! Ahn Jae-hyun is the absolute star this time - a vampire surgeon who fights alone to protect life and justice!

Ahn Jae Hyun Vampire Makeup

Well, this costume is indeed quite vampire, but it turns out that vampires are also divided into national factions. For example, the European and American system is a heavy taste, so it is a flaming big red lip... And the Japanese and Korean systems are small and clear, even vampires are also peachy small fresh, biting lip makeup god horse on the man is not contrary to the harmony at all, but also drunk!

"2 Days and 1 Night of the Star Family" program recording site

Xiaobian po This picture is to let everyone in the extremely natural conditions, compared with the same 27, 8 a certain Phil and Jae Hyun oppa skin conditions!! This white and clear feeling is completely the state of the girl 17 and 8... No wonder he recently became Clarisonic's first Ambassador for Asia.

Ahn Jae-hyun advertising campaign

Clarisonic is presented in the form of new print ads and video blockbusters. In two different love stories, Ahn Jae-hyun is charismatic and starring, with the image of an urban male god with flawless muscles, which makes the heroine envious.

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