
"Our Festival, Dragon Boat Festival" Fun Dragon Boat Festival, Cultural Inheritance and Joy

author:Zheng Can

Every year on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, in order to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, on this day people will race dragon boats, eat rice dumplings, hang mugwort and so on.

In order to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers and carry forward patriotic feelings. On June 9th, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Huancheng Village and the social workers of Yidu Ziwei jointly carried out cultural activities with the theme of "Fun Dragon Boat Festival, Cultural Inheritance and Joy" at the Huancheng Village Rural Bookstore. The villagers are enthusiastic and active in participating in the activities.

The event began with staff telling about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and local customs. Then the group began to wrap the rice dumplings, and the villagers who could not wrap the rice dumplings were actively taught to them by hand and other villagers. Before long, every villager had "fruitful fruits" in his hands.

Subsequently, the knowledge of party history and the Dragon Boat Festival was also carried out, and a small gift was given to the villagers who answered correctly, and the villagers were very active. This year marks the centenary of the founding of the party, and some of the villagers sing red songs, some dance, and some say three and a half sentences... One after another expressed their blessings to the party.

Zhao Zongying, a villager in the second group, expressed his gratitude to Huancheng Village for carrying out this rice dumpling activity, which not only learned about the cultural charm of traditional festivals, but also brought the villagers closer to each other and enriched the villagers' amateur life.

"Our Festival, Dragon Boat Festival" Fun Dragon Boat Festival, Cultural Inheritance and Joy
"Our Festival, Dragon Boat Festival" Fun Dragon Boat Festival, Cultural Inheritance and Joy

Volunteers prepare dumpling materials

"Our Festival, Dragon Boat Festival" Fun Dragon Boat Festival, Cultural Inheritance and Joy

Villagers display the fruits of their labor

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