
He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

author:Qilu one point
He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>He once said "no" to the United States, but he was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China</h3>

<h3>Original: Moon on the West Building</h3>

<h3>True, the hero does not ask the source. His life was great because he was a fighter for "spirit and flesh" in the black and white world of the United States, and this person was a generation of boxing kings Muhammad Ali. He once said "no" to the United States, but was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China. </h3>

<h3>With a height of 1.91 meters and a weight of 95 kilograms, his physical condition is comparable to that of a boxer, and his punches are as far as 200 centimeters, which is unique. He barely protected himself, his steps were light, and his punches were swift. He said: "I flew like a butterfly, I sting like a bee. In his more than 20 years of boxing career, Ali has played a total of 61 matches and lost only 5. He dominated the heavyweight boxing scene of the 1960s and 1970s, defeating all the boxing masters of his contemporaries and becoming the first person in the history of boxing to win three world heavyweight titles, including the first and third 14 years apart. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>On January 17, 1942, Cassus. Marcellus. Clay was born in Louisville, Kentucky, which became Ali. At the age of 12, Little Clay began his boxing career of more than 20 years in order to defend himself. As was the case in other U.S. states at the time, apartheid was part of the lives of the Kentucky people. It's a place for residents of color to eat, and they're not allowed in restaurants designed for whites. Although many people marched to protest this, this was actually accepted by most people. </h3>

<h3>At the 1960 Olympics in Rome, the 18-year-old Black American boxer Muhammad Ali was like a speeding jaguar. He made it all the way through the barriers and finally achieved his wish - to win the gold medal in the Olympic 81 kg boxing competition. Young Ali could not suppress his excitement for a moment, and he kept stroking the gold medal hanging on his chest. For Ali, who came from a poor background, an Olympic gold medal may change his life. Unfortunately, it backfired. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>On the way back from Rome to Louisville, USA, a convoy of 25 cars was waiting for Ali at the airport — it seemed that an Olympic gold medal really meant glory, status</h3>...

<h3>At the celebration, the famous civil rights activist Malcolm X personally photographed Ali. The Malcolm x was assassinated at the age of 39, like Martin Luther King Jr. Ali changed his name to Muhammad Ali because he was influenced by Malcolm x and converted to Islam before changing his name. </h3>

<h3>On February 26, 1964, early the morning after defeating Lister to win his first world heavyweight champion, Clay, with the madness characteristic of the people of the 1960s, announced at a press conference: "I'm no longer called Carson. Marcellus. Clay, that's the slave's name. "Muhammad. Ali, a black Muslim, was born. "I don't have to be the person you want me to be!" At this moment, Ali defined his life ——— a traitor to mainstream American society. At this moment, Ali announced the beginning of his struggle, "I intend to travel the world and meet many of the world's great leaders. ”</h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>One night, Ali and his friends walked into a restaurant. At the entrance of the restaurant, there was a sign that read, "Blacks are not allowed." In the United States in the 1960s, similar signs abounded in public places in the United States. </h3>

<h3>Ali didn't bother to deal with these so-called "bans": I had Olympic gold medals, I won honors for the United States, and I deserved to be welcomed. Unexpectedly, Ali and his friend had just sat down when a white waitress came up and said dismissively, "We're not here to entertain you." So Ali took the gleaming gold medal from his neck and said politely, "Miss." I am Ali, the Olympic champion. ”</h3>

<h3>At this moment, the restaurant owner who was standing by and watching them suddenly cried out loudly: "I don't care who you are!" As I've said, we don't entertain niggers! Then a group of white hooligans shouted, "Oh, oh! Olympic nigger! ”</h3>

<h3>"Of all the things that happened after returning to Rome in the summer of 1960, the most memorable thing I remember was not the heroic welcome, or the celebration, the sheriff, the mayor, the governor, or the 10 Millionaires of Louisville, but a dark night—I stood at jefferson Bridge and threw the Olympic gold medal into the Ohio River." ”</h3>

<h3>At the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, during the intermission of the FINAL of the U.S. men's basketball team, Samaranch personally awarded Ali a special Rome Olympic gold medal, which made up for the gold medal that Ali threw into the sea that year, and at the same time was a high affirmation of Ali's sports career and deeds. </h3>

<h3>Back in 1964, the 22-year-old Ali defeated Sony Liston to become a new generation of heavyweight boxing champions, a boxing match that directly announced the entry of boxing into the Ali era. Ali then chose to go to Africa and was warmly welcomed by the local people. Due to the subsequent "objecting incident", until he was 29 years old, Ali returned and ushered in the bottleneck period of his boxing career. In 1971, Ali challenged boxer Fraser and was knocked out twice. In 1973, Ali again lost to Ken Norton by points. These two failures made Ali begin to doubt his boxing career. </h3>

<h3>Just when Ali was confused, Forman appeared in the American heavyweight boxing world. Foreman knocked out Fraser, then Ken Norton, and the next opponent was Ali. In 1974, Ali ushered in a battle with Foreman, and many people in Kinshasa respected Ali as a god, although Ali's strength was far inferior to Foreman's. During the match, boxing fans shouted: "Ali, kill him!" In the end, Ali knocked Foreman down in the eighth round, regaining the gold belt that had been lost for 7 years. </h3>

<h3>Since then, Ali has won the title of Boxer for 10 consecutive times, including revenge defeat of Fraser and victory over Spinks. In 1978, at the age of 36, Ali retired. </h3>

<h3>In the mid-1960s, with the outbreak of the Vietnam War. As the war escalated, Ali also faced the problem of military service. His anti-war manifesto in the media shocked the nation. The 2003 Hollywood-produced movie "Ali the King of Fighters" faithfully reproduced this scene. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>Ali said: "I will never run thousands of miles away to murder the poor people there, if I want to die, I will die here, let's fight you to the death!" If I want to die, you are my enemy, and have nothing to do with Chinese, the Vietnamese, or the Japanese. I want freedom, you don't give; I want justice, you don't give; I want equality, and you don't give. But you're asking me to fight for you elsewhere!" In the United States, none of you have stepped forward to protect my rights and beliefs, and you cannot do this in your own country! ”</h3>

<h3>On April 28, 1967, Ali refused to enlist in the army and asked to classify himself as conscientious-objector. He was immediately stripped of the title of champion by boxing committees across the country. A few months later, Ali was convicted of evading military service, for which he appealed. It wasn't until he was almost 29 years old that he was able to return to the field, wasting three and a half years of his golden athletic career. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>Boxer Ali paid $5,000 and was released on bail, but was stripped of his boxing license. After a long period of 4 years, the lawyer sought by the broker tried to file a complaint for refusing to serve without guilt, but unfortunately, all of them lost. Finally, Alishan ran out of water, because Ali had to pay lawyer fees and bail fees non-stop, and this money was accumulated and Ali, who was no longer able to play boxing, continued to bear. </h3>

<h3>Ali, Ali's agent finally lowered his head high, no longer appealed on the defense of refusing to serve innocently, but instead filed a complaint with the court on the basis that Ali was a standard law-abiding American citizen, had a good tax record, and complied with the laws of the United States Military Service, and Ali was not convicted of refusing to serve. </h3>

<h3>In the face of a large amount of factual evidence, the US federal court made a judgment, holding that the documents provided by the US Department of Justice to the US Military Service were deceptive and not enough to prove Ali's refusal to serve, so Ali's refusal to serve was not established and he was released in court. </h3>

<h3>Ali: Dignity is more important than Olympic gold medals</h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>This is a very classic photo. In 1979, Ali visited China and was received by Deng Xiaoping. Since then, Ali has a lot of ties with China, he even opened many boxing schools in China, and many Chinese fell in love with boxing more or less under the influence of Ali and worshipped him as an idol. Ali was warmly welcomed when he visited China in 1979. </h3>

<h3>Fight. peace. The war against Vietnam led to jail time </h3>

<h3>The incident returned to October 21, 1967, when thousands of demonstrators from all over the United States flocked to Washington, D.C., to assemble in front of the Lincoln Monument. They held aloft placards such as "Withdraw the army immediately," "Abolish the conscription system," and "We will not go to Vietnam (to fight)." In the afternoon, a rally attended by more than 100,000 demonstrators was held to strongly condemn the war of aggression against Vietnam carried out by the Johnson administration and to condemn the conscription system. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>Ali was one of those youths who openly rejected the U.S. government's call to fight in the Vietnam War: "Why did they ask me to put on my uniform and run 10,000 miles from home to drop bombs and bullets at the brown-skinned people of Vietnam, while the so-called blacks were treated like dogs in Louisville?" I want freedom, you don't give; I want justice, you don't give; I want equality, and you don't give. But you're asking me to fight for you elsewhere!" In the United States, none of you have stood up to protect my rights and beliefs, and you cannot do this in your own country! In the end, the U.S. government sentenced Ali to 5 years in prison and imposed a hefty fine for refusing to perform military service. Later, although he walked out of prison, he was stripped of his boxing license and stripped of the title of WBA heavyweight boxer. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>In 1991, during the Gulf War, he persuaded Saddam Hussein to release 15 Americans; in 2002, he visited Afghanistan, which had just experienced war, to discuss with the president of the then Transitional Government how to help Afghanistan win more attention and humanitarian assistance from the international community; and he insisted on holding matches in Kinshasa, Manila and Phnom Penh, demonstrating his contempt for the monopoly of the superpower. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>The boxing king Ali played a "fake fist" and pretended to be knocked down to attract applause</h3>

<h3>In 1985, the world-famous boxing champion Ali visited China for the second time, and the itinerary arranged "to visit the Shanghai Sports Academy and exchange skills with boxing enthusiasts". This was a rare opportunity, and the Shanghai Sports Committee arranged for Zhang Lide and five other national boxing champions from the 1950s to have a friendly confrontation with Ali. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>Although the physical strength of the flower armor has long been inferior to that of the prime years, Zhang Lide's boxing skills, which have been trained for many years, show no signs of regression, and the two sides control the strength and communicate with light fists. Prior to this, Zhang Lide had carefully studied and analyzed Ali's style habits and technical characteristics, and formulated special tactics. Ali is also very serious, constantly moving his feet and calmly coping. </h3>

<h3>Zhang Lide was originally a counter-frame player, and later changed to a positive frame for teaching, during the "fierce fight", Zhang Lide seized the opportunity and hit Ali's jaw with a beautiful straight left punch. At the moment of being hit, Ali's movements paused slightly, and suddenly, Ali pretended to be knocked down and fell down like a mountain. </h3>

<h3>There were exclamations all around, only Zhang Lide knew in his heart that he hit the other party with a light punch, ali was simulating the actual combat situation, affirming Zhang Lide's beautiful attack in the form of "fake fall", and gave him the honor. Ali is respected not only because he is a great boxer, but also a gentleman with grace. </h3>

<h3>Born in the hometown of martial arts, Tsumon, he was gifted as a teenager</h3>

<h3>Zhang Lide was born in Tianjin in 1925. When he was a teenager, Zhang Lide was lively and active, and at first his parents thought it was just the nature of children, but soon discovered Zhang Lide's outstanding sports talent. At that time, Zhang Lide liked various sports and was good at football, basketball, fencing and other sports. </h3>

<h3>Despite his versatility, Zhang Lide's favorite of all sports is boxing, and he finally chose to formally learn boxing when he was a teenager. </h3>

<h3>Talent coupled with the efforts of the day after tomorrow, in just a few years, Zhang Lide has repeatedly won victories in boxing competitions in the surrounding areas of Beijing and Tianjin, and has become a recognized master in the boxing ring. </h3>

<h3>But Zhang Lide is full of regrets, he has always played in the northern region, and has never played with the boxing masters in the south. After all, it was a war-torn era, and it was destined to hinder the footsteps of a genius. </h3>

<h3>The First World War became famous, and the "King of the Northern Fist" resounded throughout the north and south of the river</h3>

<h3>What really made Zhang Lide famous was in 1953. The first National National Sports Conference was held in Tianjin, and 28-year-old Zhang Lide represented North China. This was the first nationwide boxing match since the founding of the People's Republic of China, bringing together masters from all over the country. The competition was extremely fierce, and after several promotions, Zhang Lide finally encountered his strongest opponent before climbing to the top in the final - the famous "Southern Boxing King" Zhou Shibin. </h3>

<h3>Zhou Shibin was the strongest boxer in China at that time, not only facing foreign players many times, but also defeating the famous White Russian boxer Balikov in the 1946 Boxing Tournament held in 1946 and winning the title of Boxing King. Regardless of popularity or fame, Zhou Shibin was much higher than Zhang Lide at that time. </h3>

<h3>But what was surprising was that in the final, Zhang Lide finally won with points, becoming the first person to defeat Zhou Shibin. Zhang Lide became famous in one battle, and since then he has had the title of "King of northern fists". Next, Zhang Lide won the championship in the national boxing competition for three consecutive times, and won the entire boxing world with his strength. </h3>

<h3>The golden year is not timely, looking forward to the revival of boxing</h3>

<h3>At its peak, Zhang Lide's future was originally unlimited, but the surrounding environment suddenly changed. Since the boxing sport after the founding of the People's Republic of China has just started, the experience of running the competition is relatively lacking, and one athlete has suffered casualties in the competition. The confrontation project that was prone to injury was never promoted, and the boxing project that had just developed came to a halt, and Zhang Lide was forced to end his playing career. </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h4>Group photo of chinese boxing champions of all levels in 1957, zhang Lide is zhang Lide on the fifth from the left</h4>

<h3>Despite his frustration, Zhang Lide, who has been teaching at the Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, did not give up boxing, and during the time when the school canceled the boxing major, Zhang Lide took students who like boxing to practice privately and held competitions at his own expense, expecting boxing to resume again after the rules were perfected. </h3>

<h3>During his visit to China, he met the "godfather" of Chinese boxing</h3>

<h3>The visit of "Boxing King" Ali to China has played an important role in the development of boxing in China. </h3>

<h3>The discussion and meeting with Ali became Zhang Lide's eternal memory. Later, Zhang Lide recalled: "Being able to play with Ali this time was the most beautiful enjoyment of my life, so that I could appreciate his skills and gain a sense of spiritual beauty." I couldn't calm my heart for a long time after the game. Ali used the fake fall to the ground to affirm the good timing of my punch, which reflected his friendship with the Chinese people and was the most selfless support and encouragement for China's boxing cause. Although our contact time is short, his friendship with Chinese people and his support for the cause of Boxing in China are something we will never forget. ”</h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h4>Zhou Shibin (left), Ali and Zhang Lide (right) take a group photo</h4>

<h3>In March 1986, the National Sports Commission decided to officially resume amateur boxing and include boxing in the official competition of the Seventh Games. In the following days, Zhang Lide trained a large number of outstanding talents for China's boxing circles, and Pan Feng, National Boxing Wang Shouxin, and Wang Guojun were his proud protégés. </h3>

<h3>In 2007, Mr. Zhang Lide collected his lifelong study of the book "Inner Strength and Boxing", and mentioned this matter in the afterword, and the words were full of respect, memories, love for boxing and sustenance for future generations. It is also under such sustenance that the boxing podium of the Olympic Games no longer lacks the figure of Chinese. </h3>

<h3>Another love affair between Ali and Chinese was to accept Chinese boxing champion Xiong Chaozhong as an apprentice in 2012, and he became Ali's only Chinese apprentice, although Ali could no longer teach him how to fight boxing, but this showed Ali's attitude to promote boxing. Today's Xiong Chaozhong can be said to be very long-faced to Ali, and he recently beat Thailand's Panya Pradasri at the age of 35. </h3>

<h3>In 1996, Ali lit the flame of the Atlanta Olympics with trembling hands, and the picture brought many people to tears. Never before has an athlete been so beloved. In 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush awarded Ali the Presidential Medal of Freedom. (The U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom was first created in 1945 by President Truman in recognition of civilians who made outstanding contributions to World War II.) In 1963, President Kennedy reintroduced the awards campaign, which was modified to award civilians who had made outstanding contributions in peacetime. )</h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h3>In the United States, there is only 1 Parkinson's syndrome patient out of 1 million people, and Ali was unfortunately "selected". There is no evidence to determine whether Ali's illness was related to the 29,000 brain impacts he experienced in boxing, but it has always been felt that Ali's illness was related to the stress and suffering he experienced as a young man. </h3>

<h3>Speaking of the king of boxing, many people will think of the king of boxing Ali will also think of the king of boxing Tyson, their status in the boxing industry really no one can shake, although they live in different eras, but the boxing feast they brought to everyone is worth remembering, the butterfly step of the boxing king Ali and the clever dodging let the world marvel, the boxing king Ali won respect for black people, it is no exaggeration to say that the boxing king Ali accelerated the overthrow of racial discrimination, once Ali in order to protest racial discrimination, threw his gold medal into the sea, Boxer Ali once gave a public speech to protest military service, protesting for who to kill those innocent poor people? The first boxer in the history of Ali to win the title of heavyweight boxer three times, the Olympic Committee awarded one of the 25 "Greatest Athletes of the 20th Century". </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h4>On June 4, 2016, Ali died at the local hospital in Phoenix at the age of 74. On June 10, 2016, the traditional Muslim funeral of boxing king Ali was held in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, for two days to bid farewell to the beloved boxing legend and civil rights hero. (Friends and family members such as Will Smith, who played Ali in the movie "Ali", and Tyson, a former world heavyweight boxer, came to the funeral.) )</h4>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

<h4>(This article is from the Internet).</h4>

<h3>In the United States under white rule, poor people, a generation of boxing king Ali is a real boxer + civil rights fighter, is an insurmountable legend! </h3>

He once said "no" to the United States, and was accidentally "knocked down" during his visit to China.

The content of this article is published by the author of One Point and does not represent the position of Qilu One Point.

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